
racists in /brit/? it's more likely than you think edition

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190 sucks dogs off for quavers

pretty much

Politics at a youth age is full of people naturally interested in it, in the same way as I am in football for example.

I realised I didn't really have that natural interest in politics compared to some (maybe because I'm not a virgin) but whilst I have read a large amount of classical literature, fetishising politics to the extent people do isn't really productive.

They need to realise classical literature analysis comes nowhere near life experience.


Going on vacation in 2 weeks. Haven't worked full-time since April but have somehow never needed a vacation more.

vile beast

going poo

I only had a job once for a few days and after the second I came home and cried. Dont understand how normals do it. I think it has to break a part of you at a fundamental level.

Having positively LEWD fantasies about the toilfu lads

let us know how it goes, big poo fan me

i hope you're not going abroad.

honestly think whilst we know so little about COVID that international travel for people should be banned unless it's of importance.

So to return to family members, governmental business or a large amount of money is dependent on the travel

but whatever

if deano and stacey want to go ibiza for their insta, who am I to say no?

you just get used to it over time

/brit/ gets knocked down!
But /brit/ gets up again!
Janny's never gonna keep us down!

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I had a job for just over two months then quit. Just the fact you have to wake up 5 days a week to spend most of your day there just made me want to shoot myself. I had to quit to get my freedom back

Women complain about fuckboys as though a man is a fuckboy to every woman. What they don't seem to understand, is that when a man comes across a borderline woman the only thing he might even consider is a fuck. These women literally turn men into fuckboys.

Don't know why millennials and zoomers are made fun of for being broke. Our current president was still being bailed out by his father until he was 53.

had a threesome once
shan't be doing that again in a hurry

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Thread theme: youtube.com/watch?v=O7TklQTeuSE

FFM I hope

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does she wear tights

like toilfus who wear tights me

>I have read a large amount of classical literature,

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Who is this

any lads wanna chat about shit on WhatsApp



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No just going north for a week of fishing. Although I'd only be a half hour south of Canada.

The fire rises.

you lads want play-by-play commentary on the poo or should I keep it to myself

would rather suck a jobby

Hmm indeed
*walks away*
*starts running*

My job isn't even that bad desu. I get paid a decent amount, I can work from home and they're generally pretty relaxed with me so I can get away with doing barely any work. But I still miss being able to sleep for 12 hours a day.

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need a gf from a family who has 2 garage doors