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International #1282
Who is this faggot? This Argentinian guy keeps posting pictures of him
Sverigetråden - söndagsupplagan
>tfw no colombian big ass
Shahar edition
What the fuck is that shit? Explain now euros
This 24 year old in a wheel chair just became the youngest member of Congress in America...
What do you think about Russia and Russians?
Opinions about the Finnish Minister of the Interior? She collects retro games and her favorite is A Link to the Past
France must pay reparations for its colonial past
This is new tram stop in Prague which will be installed in 600 trams stops
/fr/ le fil ensoleillé de France
I hate our culture, I hate our ugly ass language, I hate our crab mentality...
Only Germans will ever truly understand this feeling
I suffer in India
How was food in your school cafeteria? It was pretty meh
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2374
What now fellow thirdies, are you jealous?
Post your three favorite countries other than your own
What's your country's equivalent to the Bermuda Triangle?
While Norway & Sweden are full of Trannies
Japanese culture
Why do they larp as europeans? They look like their neighbors
Faped to amateur russian video on pornhub
Are they med or nord?
/dixie/ — The SOVTH & FRIENDS
Lebanese volunteers helping clean up the rubble in Beirut
Euros BTFO
Women suffer in our society
Why does everyone pretend to care about the Israel - Palestine conflict but nobody cares about the Moroccan occupation...
Your country
1.your cunt
White horses are for skc
Greatest country on Earth. The only democracy in the Middle East. Have never lost a war
/ita/ - il filo
Greece will buy 24 new F35 bombers
Sverigetråden - Alkisupplagan
Be american
France and Germany are the two most populous countries in Europe
32 C
/cum/ - Canada, USA and Mexico
/brit/ slags edish
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Why do Finnish mothers hate their kids?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Reasons why French is a superior language to German
This is what Zig Forums should be about
Why does American media do this?
/fr/ - Le francofil™
I suffer in Italy
Is Hungary eastern or central europe?
“No human being can go through that.”
/lang/ - Language Learning General
Countries that are impossible to hate
What language are you learning?
Why is everyone on this board so tight-assed? Only time when people let loose is when they erp...
/deutsch/ - Mannsweibedition
Sverigetråden - Spelarkärnaupplagan
Today was 12 years ago when Putin the fascist leader invaded and killed Georgians
I suffer i-
Both of these men are arab
Nooooooo these are my rocks not yours!!!
What are normies like in your country?
/lat/ hilo latino
/brit/ - British Culture General
How often do you eat rice?
*becomes wealthier than almost every neighbour*
American wants to immigrate to Russia
Hilo /esp/añol
I suffer in northern shitaly, where should I move to not suffer?
I have a very hard challenge for you Zig Forums friends
Occupied by gulfies
Why do euros want to move to America? it sucks here, our healthcare system sucks...
Australians should be paying us reparations for the children that they left behind
Is this true?
American education
How long is your shlong?
/desi/-/ देसी/-/دیسی/
Kurva anyátok
Do Zig Forumscels really?
/v4/ + friends
You and your countrymen do carry an R1 haplotype right, user?
My disability payment for autism is only $900 once every two weeks. That's well below minimum wage...
Why do they hate Americans sooooooo much
Credit cards
There are """""""people""""""" who have this stomach browsing Zig Forums right now
/ita/ - Il Filo
When will Maharlika (Phillipines) return to it's pre-colonial glory?
What are the people in this country like?
Are women trustworthy in your country?
Gypsy AMA
Ho chi minh city feels more french city than actual paris
So ..... you guys
Your cunt
Have you had girls bully you that like you?
Do you love México?
I've never kissed a girl, and you?
/cum/ + /aus/
/fr/ -
/lat/ hilo latino lat hilo el hilo lat latino /lat/
Why is Canadia trying to provoke a crazed, unpredictable animal?
What does your cunt call these?
What's this country culture?
This is the reddit /r/sydney meetup
Did you accept jesus in your heart already?
1. your cunt
How do we fix the French language so that written form corresponds to spoken form?
Post your town city flag
Is DC, and the area around it a good place to live?
Why do the slanted roasties seethe at Caucasian women, especially at white girls?
Are gamers oppressed in your country? how popular is the whole gaming subculture?
What caused Japan to become so accepting of coomers?
Sverigetråden - Gulskitupplagan
Hilo /lat/ino
Ugh I suffer so much in america I wish I could just move to canada or finland fuck this shitho-
Will China solve the Asian masculinity crisis?
Your sister on the left. Feelings white men of int?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
How do you see your countrie in 2050?
Have you ever benefited from white privilege?
Got bullied for using wired headphones, does this happen in your country?
Daily reminder that the average spaniard/portuguese person would be assumed to a mexican in the U.S
How do we salvage catholics? Lobotomies?
What would a gypsy nation be like?
Why do white women seethe so much at the mere mention of an asian qt?
Wake up
Confession booth
Which would you rather live in?
/lat/ hilo latANO
Japan apologized and compensated fully
Your country
Post nose
How cheap are houses here in the urban areas? I am thinking of buying a lot of property...
How common are tattoos in your country?
Is it normal for the kinds of porn you jack off to become more depraved over time? Where does it end?
This is what happens when the bl*nde nord "man" meets the black haired Mediterranean Male
/dixie/ - Southern US + friends
"welcome to america user..."
What did carthaginian people look like?
There are cute american boys browsing this board right now >_<
No one except Sweden, Estonia and Denmark likes us );
Americans will defend this
/deutsch/ Freitagnacht
Is it true you suffer in England?
/lat/ hilo latino
Germans were the most war mongering nation in Europ-
ITT: your favourite soyjak
Why do most incels tend to be right wingers?
Why are Mexicans like this?
Why have u not taken the brazil pill yet???
Why are Swedish people so full of themselves? They act like the most entitled people on Earth...
Blacks in sports
Why are Norwegian women so beautiful?
Daily reminder
/fr/ - Le fil froncé
Broooo flavorless chunks of flesh that you need to douse in seasoning to even enjoy that can poison you if you don’t...
Just saw a short fat indian guy holding hands with a cute blonde today
What do spanish speaking American countries think about Portugal?
Sverigetråden - Rismjölkupplagan
Literally what happens in Malta like what do people even do here
I like my women like I like my milk: white
/ita/ - il filo
Moving to Kenya lads
Country sheet thread
/nachtschicht/ früder oder später wieder /deutsch/
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/lat/ hilo latino
/brit/ scottish freak edition
He wants an italian gf
Born 4/10 black male
The ruthless streets of Switzerland... You never know if you'll live to see another day
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
Sorry wh*Teboi, you can't sit with us
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
When you are pissed against someone
Your country
/ita/ il filo
You have 10 seconds to act as Canadian as possible
Are you stronger or weaker than your best friend?
Do you think you could handle a brit slag?
Racism in europe
How can I get a Norwegian boyfriend?
Which German city should you live in Zig Forums?
Do you have friends that speak different languages?
Countries everyone hates but you like
Does your country treat these two guys differently and pretend it's because of "body language", "personality"...
I suffer in AFRIKA
Uhhh, based Separatists?
Britain is poorer than Mississippi
/fr/ - le francofil
What's your favourite manga?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
White people
I don't get it
Greek bros this time merkel will not help you guys out
Sverigetråden - Anns upplaga
Is there an equivalent to slags in your country?
Who the fuck are you people?
1. ur cunt
Sverigetråden - Diabetesupplagan
Guess the country thread
"bro, we gotta let these poverty-stricken ussr victims in, they're our fellow finnic brothers!"
Foreigners cannot name any other cities than Tokyo and Kyoto
How to fix Europe with touching the Borders
Why are Poland and Russia the oddballs of the Slavic world...
This is what they took from vs
Post you real country
I love Finland
/ita/ - il filo
ITT tell us your height and weight and sexual orientation
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Ahh Arabia
/zungenspaltung/ - erotische ausgabe - /deutsch/
Is there a more iconic duo than this?
How does Croatian language sound to you?
How this pic related makes you feel???
My grandfather fought in the Malaysian-Indonesian Conflict. Fuck Indonesia. God bless Malaysia
/lat/ hilo latino
1. Your state
Yes, I will move to Miami
I can't name any French city other than Paris
Always thought it weird that he was called Confucius
What do we make of this?
Tell me about Bergen, Norge
I can’t take French speaking person seriously
Arabs on this board are based. How do i become Arab
/fr/ - le francofil
What is the hardest romance language?
What do you think about this map?
What's your favourite manga?
/flag/ - /extraflags/
Why wont white/european women not allow me to impregnate them with my indian superior aryan penile?
Girl bought AppleMac and it didnt work out
Sverigetråden - Fredagsupplagan
Indian Muslims are lower caste converts
Objectively speaking, memes aside, is there a country more cucked than the USA?
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
England, the fatherland of Atheism. They hated Christianity so much, but look at them now... a wasteland...
Be in america
/ita/ il filo
Kurva anyátok
Is this true? do magyars really do this?
Why does this exist
Say goodbye to Tajikistan. Collect your rare Tajik flags while they still exist
Why do they pronounce V like its an F?
Based Xi blowing up giant Buddhist statues
Imagine being Finnish and not being able to pronounce your own country's name or ethnicity
You can only post ITT if your native language has a word close or similar to a French word
Post your love/hate maps
Do you love Novgorod Republic?
Inshallah my brothers
Just talk to girls, bro
/fr/ - le francofil
I suffer in France
Im not sure why whitecels make fun of indians. it is far more common for indians have this to pseudo-negro physique...
WTF! Is this true?
Is this an Offensive flag in Asia
A question to native english speakers
Make your ideal International gf
Why exactly is it controversial to say Black Lives Matter?
How are you holding up?
Hindus destroyed a mosque to build this temple to surpass the Taj Mahal...
Is your country relevant
Racists and war criminals
/ita/ - il filo
ITT: ugly flags
Does this happen in your country?
Asian bois mmmmm
Don't enjoy video games anymore
since its summer my friends keep asking me to come swim with them
Do you love Thailand?
International opinion on colonial powers?
"Nordics are the genetically fittest human race"
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2373.3
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
How do we unlock their potential?
Why are they always so delusional about their importance in the world?
33° Celsius
Space exploration thread
What exactly went wrong?
Name 4 danish cities
Do you want to live in this world?
Nation that killed millions now claims to be the most progressive and tolerant in Europe
European team A plays European team B
Why is Central Asia so based
Why do poles not use cyrillic script? i;m not here to insist that cyrrilic is better choice, in fact, it's opposite...
Would you date a girl who is in her 30s?
Austria is a balkan country
Stop drinking energy drinks
It's that time of year again
Why do so many mexicans larp as white nationalists despite looking very indo?
Be Europe
These are Spanish soldiers, say something nice to them
Sverigetråden - Porrupplagan
/fr/ - le francofil
In America
The land of freedom
How do you cope with not having a latina gf?
1. Your cunt
Do you wish you were Croat?
How often do you exercise?
Do Russian girls really...?
/lang/ - Language Learning General
If Denmark gets cocky
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
ITT: post a song you like from a foreign country
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Why are Euro boys so cute?
Hey, my country, this image has become a symbol of appearance discrimination at some point in time...
Do women in your cunt?
Can non-STEM degree holders get decent job in your country
I will go to the hairdresser today
Is there a future for asian men in the west?
Vormals /deutsch/, jetzt /gaskrank&animekriminell/
What's your favorite Chinese city? Mine is Vancouver
/mena/ + /neet/
You can only post in this thread if Jews have destroyed your country
French guy vs Croat guy in street battle
French "people" will now unironically need permission from their government to jack off
/balt/nyan kiss /ausnz/nyan
The first nuclear test in which humans were used as test subjects
/med/ - olive oil general
/ישר/ - /እስራ/ - /isr/ - /ཨི་སི་ར/ + חברים
Do i look like I have Turkic ancestry bros
/lat/ hilo latino
I suffer in France
Whats the deal with those guys? Why do they seethe so much when they see a Greek flag? Whenever I talk to a Moor...
My dad was talking about how these guys were terrorists today...
Is sinophobia socially acceptable in your cunt?
Russia in the EU??
Finland and Russia
My dad just told me that i look like a faggot
How can the white girls compete with asian girls?
Hilo /esp/anyol
How are Chinese people perceived in your country? I am not talking about the Chinese government (CCP)...
I'm sorry, NZbros :(
Thoughts on the philippines?
Kurva anyátok
An Englishman recently gave me a tip: "An apple a day keeps the doctor away". Well I tried it...
/ita/ - il filo
Why are black people so friendly to Asian foods?
How much money shall you inherit from your parents?
/desi/-/ देसी/-/دیسی/
Why don't White people wear a mask??
This is my beard 1 week without shaving
Are they Christians? If so, why did they kill millions of children in gas chambers for no reason...
Aren't Europeans supposed to be nice people?
How is this called in your country?
India has never been a dictatorship. How did they manage to stay so democratic and stable?
Why is Zig Forums so anti-hapa?
Your country
How would you describe your country's history?
Do foreign countries really not have family crests?
1. Your country
Today is the anniversary of the bombing of hiroshima and nagasaki during WW2
I suffer in Ukraine
Are we the bad guys?
/cum/ - Canada US Mexico
Why are Americans so promiscuous? I thought America was founded by puritans
Post your country at it's greatest extent
I will convert to Judaism, but a homestead in the West Bank, and marry a Jewish grill and have 12 Jewish sons with her...
Do you think the UN Security Council members should be changed or not?
The first person on Mars will be a black woman
/fr/ - le francofil
I'm a MtF transsexual. I wear lolita dresses and neko thigh highs, sometimes a hat to go with it when the sun is bright...
1. Your country
Americans who live here
It's finally banned in america
How's real estate in your country
Daily reminder that this is now the largest minority in the United States
How do you call people fag in your language?
American ILLEGALS stay out
Why aren’t you in asia right now?
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Did you know Abigail has a new tradwife show that has coomers going wild?
Germany was most powerful, most prosperous, and most relevant while under this man
/lat/ hilo latino
Still banned from Zig Forums so what are we playing tonight Zig Forums lads
What went right?
In the past few days there's been a massive amount of google searches in America for things like "what is Beirut"...
/deutsch/ - /deutsch/e Flagge
Which states and provinces of North America have you been to? Show me
Ur cunt
Why are Mexicans coming here all of a sudden?
"Looks are not ev-"
You’re required to move to America
I don't get it
Post the favorite picture you ever saved
JVPVN..... home
Thirdworlders can't suffer prove me wrong
How would you redesign your nation's flag?
We left
Would American blacks be happier in Mexico than the United States?
Sacrifices his life for the good of his country
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2373
In which country does stuff like this happen the most
I fucking hate Argentina so goddamn much
Average wage in this shithole is 3k usd a year
What happens in this country?
Sverigetråden - Trygga upplagan
I can't beat her bros
Rooms from the world
These 2 countries could have been super rich now (especially Argentina) and Brazil could have been a super power...
”Hey Brazil.... you got a little something on your...”
The EU has been under a lot of strain in recent times, but I just want to repeat that no one will be leaving...
They can't be trusted
Sex bussy
I feel like theres only a few germans posters (outside of /deutsch/) beside the gay bavarian and me...
Will Donald Trump receive a second term?
/polska/ ehrmals /deutsch/
Moving Abroad
Why love EU, why dosn't EU accept that we're a bit different but still very pro-EU?
/dixie/ - Southern US + friends
/lat/ - hilo latANO
Would having a latina gf make you happy?
Difference between Russia and most of the other world
/brit/ janny appreciation edish
1. cunt
Why the fuck is rap music so popular in Germany, France and Italy...
/ita/ - il filo
/fr/ - Le francofil™
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
44000 lebanese sign petition to rejoin France
I a very hungry
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine