Hindi Post-rock
This is /gangusithan/ aka /gangia/ aka /bharat/
Damn, Modiji looking good these days.
Good song user
It's /AkhandBharat/, gangia only covers UP/Bihar/Nepal.
Fourth for for Brahmin superiority!
My future haryanvi waifu. Look at this qtiiie.
Belongs to me
A wild Indian user appears
No? By that logic India only covers Pakistan
Fast forward 5 years, indian user aka Gay Haryanvi, is desperate to show his fellow codecoolie coworkers that he's a virile, straight man, despite being a closeted, gay guy, so he decides to order a bride straight from the farming fields of Haryana. He snagged himself a rare Haryanvi female; she was ugly, like most Haryanvis, but he didn't care because he wouldn't be able to get it up for a good looking girl either way, as he was batting for the other side.
Fast forward another miserable 5 years, and Gay Haryanvi's fetid wife is pregnant. He rejoices, and thinks about how his son will become the Kabaddi Champion of Little Haryana in his ghettoized, American shithole, full of fellow gay Haryanvi codecoolie men. However, when his wife does finally poo out a little farmer Haryanvi, he quickly scans the baby's carcass for its gender. What he sees next horrifies him... A VAGINA!!!!! A HOLE WHERE A GLORIOUS PENIS SHOULD BE!!! THIS IS AGAINST THE HARYANVI WAY! HARYANVIS ONLY WANT SONS!!! He cocks his leg back, picks the baby girl up with 1 arm, releases the girl, and kicks her as hard as a he can back into his unsightly wife's unpleasing, gaped vagina.
Haryanvis are gay.
She looks north eastern like bengali
Lots of neoteny
So you prefer Akhand Bharat too? Gotcha.
he's larping right? no way this can true
You aren't haryanvi. She's mine.
Funny how he disappeared right after this post. Got BTFO'd so hard
The correct name for /AkhandBharat/ would be /AkhandBharat/ or /Sag/ not /desi/
Yeah, hahaha, that's why I reposted it here so he'll see it if he checks this new /desi/ thread
>You aren't haryanvi
Haryana has all types of phenotypes, but i like neotenous ones more.
You are being fooled. Your sons will be jawlet incels
Who told you that? All girls in subcontinent are mine.
desi is a Sanskrit word meaning (of) country, in this context subcontinent. It doesn't mean one single region and isn't as soulless as sag.
It's not like i'll ever get one. All women here have chiseled jaws (T_T)
Wtf is this cup trying to tell me!?
Special friend
Don't drink it
To ally with Khasjeet against Ind*ans
Was this guy your waiter?
What? Kek. Classic India.
What's the Indian equivalent of a katana?
Asshole. What did you just call me? I'm khas nepali. We are different from dhotis.
Pic related is what my mum used to beat me as a kid
>Classic India.
what! How dare you are? you pajeet, poopjeet thats a Khas Aryan Nepali & has nothing to do with Black India you Dhoti!
Where'd his thorns go? Yes. Would you like to drink it instead, I don't feel like linking frandahip with KHAS ARYANS as a NEO DRAVIDIAN.