Azerbaijanis, Turks and Georgians friends are welcomed.
georgian and armenian women sexsexsex
sheni tatruli dedis muteli sheveci
Henlo just curious what did you do to armenians
ohhhhhhh dont ask.......
serbians would understand best what I did to armens.
Why do you hate Armenians?
Our goal is the complete elimination of armenians. You, nazis, already eliminated the jews in the 1930s and 1940s, right? You should be able to understand us.
-Hajibala Abutalibov based mayor of Baku to German delegation.
I'm friends with Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia.
Here's a picture from the port in Azerbaijan.
Yeah absolutely I posted the picture...
me too
Because Islamic goatfuckers in the cucasians get btfo of Christians, Armenians are just the latest peoples and they have to rely on Turks and Iranians to make themselves feel better
Baku at night.
nice. when did you visit baku?
>Our goal is the complete elimination of armenians
Holy fucking based
I went to Azerbaijan in June 2018. Such a great country. Would go again but since after that I've been to Armenia as well I don't think it's gonna happen. When I landed to Azerbaijan it was the first question they asked and they're quite strict about it. I had nothing to hide back then.
Also same with Armenia, they asked if I've been to Azerbaijan. I said "yes" and they were just asking why and wanted to know all the possible reasons, but it's actually just Azerbaijan who is taking it more seriously than vice versa.
saaame, my dad always had patients from georgia and they brought very nice wine
Batumi, Georgia
You can still enter Azerbaijan if you have been in armenia but you can't enter Azerbaijan if you have been in Karabakh. If you have been in pic related area you can't enter Azerbaijan.
Yeah I know, but I still think they take it quite seriously in Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan hates Armenia much more than the opposite way. There's just too much bad blood between these two.
Sad, but who the fuck am I to tell.
They will strictly ask some questions about it because armenianian terrorist bombed baku metro once. They are checking if you are armenian diaspora or not.
about armenian terror:
Does anything ever happen in the area around Voskepar ?
Because Western countries advise against all travel in that area but I drove through that whole border zone last year and despite many Armenian soldiers the only thing that happened was that Google maps poo'd its pants because it couldn't handle directions in the area given de facto/de jure borderlines.
How is it possible for Azerbaijan to be so much bigger, wealthier and stronger than Armenia and yet keep getting humiliated by Armenians in military conflicts?
armenians chimp out and fire to our border sometimes so we have to retaliate. if you are in the area when armens decided to chimp you will be in great danger.
Oh well didn't know about this.
A cute dog from Azerbaijan.
Azerbaijan don't want war. armenians are blod thirsty creatures. They hate turkic people because of armenian genocide. We don't want to lose any solider so we don't attack.