>japanese culture
Japanese culture
and it's f*cking beautiful
do they really?
Chinchin matsuri?
notice how penis is pink and therefore belongs to white person
>new world culture
>russian culture
Reproduction is vital for species. Westerners think sex is perverted stuff. That is degenerate.
y'what? i thought you fags take some pride in quebec
>bro let's carry 1000kg woden penis through the city
>great idea
To be fair, the festival is a modern invention and a great part of why they do it is based on the shock value even for the Japanese (which brought in tourists and funds for the city which organises it).
>phallus worship
I think of India first but now I know japan also is ok with this stuff,
Are japanese strict on gender roles like India? or oppressive towards women?
are you really japanese?
You could even add it's an American penis, considering the lack of foreskin.
The South Koreans have an entire village full of penis statues.
They also have a shit museum.
>Literally herding them towards the west.
>tfw no cocksucking japanese gf
why live
>Are japanese strict on gender roles like India
>or oppressive towards women?
>he doesn't worship dicks in his cuntry
not gonna make it
Why are Westoids so afraid of phallics?
it's kinda gay to worship a dick
>small dick nations worship dicks
makes sense
How do you get sex in Japan?
Holidays a festivals help us mark time and take a breather from the monotony of our day to day lives.
Are there any holidays Zig Forums does not like, and if so, what is the reason?
Wasn't this a thing in ancient europe as well?
The giant dick statue is modern but fertility festivals have existed in Japan since ancient times. There are toned-down modern festivals based on ritual orgies dedicated to the creation god izanagi who promised to create 1500 people every day
we have that too, in Caldas das Rainhas this type of bakery and craftwork is a local stamp