the battle of quatre-bras edition
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just been to sunday service
smashed my knee on my mechanical keyboard rip
How old is everyone here?
Azula lads
Feel like everyone I’ve met IRL who is ironically racist, or libertarian is usually the most awkward, insecure cunt in the room
haven't stepped inside a church since my baptism
Assassins Creed > Elder Scrolls > Fallout > Witcher > Dark Souls > Sekiro > Bloodborne > Final Fantasy
so what museum was it lad
>usually the most awkward, insecure cunt in the room
kek this is me
i like that they use a real drummer when performing live
All video gaymes yes
ironically i was never baptised
>video games
Ok literal child
Stop it
sort it out
lot of varied expressions going on here
im not awkward
For me its refreshing this thread until I find a reason to live
*does a quadruple front flip into the thread*
the bird left huge skidders in her knickers again. rancid slattern need to bin her.
I used to go to Easter Service with my primary school and we’d get Creme Eggs at the end. Was nice.
simmer down literal heathen
My dad got baptised at 20 something
only played TES and fallout on this list me
well yeah
been awake a while but only just got up now. nice cup of tea and some grapes to start the day
state of you
also in terms of price and quality of life staying in America to achieve that lifestyle is the better option.
>i have never disputed a disadvantage i just think you overstate it
yeah you did you started going on about how that wasnt the case and then started trying to talk about visiting rights. don't think your deflections fool me diegs
shall we crack out the books on immigration rules and see all the different labour market tests european countries require before handing out visas?
Not being edgy but literally haven't owned a tv in 4 years and don't miss it.
I do occasionally watch sports and the odd series on my laptop but can't fathom sitting down and watching TV with adverts etc
crop out the one that best suits your mood rn
*scampers into the thread on all fours*
Look at the guy in the front smiling away. Madman
thats very cringe
is he born-again?
what about people who are unironically racist
never been inside a church at all
mumberg and dadstein both cut ties with most of their family for various legitimate reasons before I was born so I haven’t even gone for a marriage or funeral
sick of politics interfering upon my god given right to nonce a child without the child's consent
why didn't bojo just arrange britain into an infrantry square formation to fight off covid and brexit
alri gordon
Only boomers watch TV.
*pats you on the head*
wash your hair mate
>god given
pretty sure noncery is not endorsed by the 'ble
tell me how. can't afford therapy, and when people look at me they can just tell i'm insecure and self-hating, so it's self-propagating
No he goes to church twice a year
Mum goes every week
>dude just get a job lmao!!
>no scroll bar
all priests are deranged sex pest nonces
count yourself lucky if you haven't been touched by one
miss him lads x
I used to go to the Church During Christman eve for free snacks and I wasn't even a Christian.
Own a TV just to play games on it and occasionally watch movies with my laptop hooked up
Can count on one hand the number of times I've watched actual telly on it since I bought it years ago
hello poo niggers
no i always said that free movement is ending and that would be a disadvantage to somsone from the uk wanting to work there. what i have disputed with you is whether there will be new favourable (but not as favourable as before) terms for uk and eu work and as i have said a million times the proof will be in the pudding.
i live there
old Chinese proverb say
>Paranoia equals ultimate awareness
dont ever bother watching this shitty gif. i wasted 15 minutes on it before. nothing happens.
*storms into thread muttering something about 'the jews' to myself and walking around in a circle babbling and gesticulating wildly before leading my way back out the same entrance*
getting nonced is part of the experience
If it’s anymore than just “fuck Asians are annoying ” or “black people smell” it’s usually pretty pathetic lol
an apple a day keeps the doctor away
simple as
fucking face nappys
the virgins are talking about politricks again
Love England in the summer lads
Truly a sceptred isle
how can you in a battle
>a .gif with no video controls
shan't waste my time watching this without knowing when the fuck it's going to end
this is shit
a handful of berries each day is a healthier and arguably tastier option.