1. cunt

1. cunt
2. whats your poison this Sunday?

I've already had 2 glasses of scotch whiskey and I'm all warm inside.

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I had koler and my leftover pidser for breakfast today

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Nothing, I got fucked up Friday night and want to give myself a break

I've sworn myself into the US armed forces and if I drink I'll get dishonorably discharged

Isnt it haram?

my next work day is on wednesday, so i'm going to the store for 4 franziskaner beers to feel happy today and drunk-message girls on tinder

pic related

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the hell is this
some kind of special tasting liquor?

holy based, i love this beer, was drinking about 6 - 8 of those a day, and now no one imports them. im jelly you got those


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>drinking about 6 - 8 of those a day
did you turn into the fat belly monk on the logo?

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nothing, I only drink on some very special occasions and when I am by myself. Not much is happening this sunday

Today is not booze day for me, but I think I'll have cider tomorrow, it's very refreshing

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straight? damn


I left Islam but legally I can never leave

Usually drink 2-3 cans of beer but yesterday I made a break, as well as today

I don't really drink beer myself because they're way expensive here so I just drink liquor

everything is expensive as fuck here too
that's why I buy smuggled goods
because FUCK paying taxes to these mountain kikes

don't feel like drinking today

are you serious?

yes, why the ridicule?

so you post with a norwegian flag and dont know what akevitt is? thats like saying you never seen snow, dont know how to ski or has never eaten kjøttkake.

being mad about things outside of my control, hating that people dont talk to me even though i ghost them, and living in denial that i won't just deteriorate once my parents die (cause im a suicidal neet who doesn't even know his own city)

ive only ever drunk beer and vodka ya ponce
never tried any of this norwegian shit
plus i dont know how to ski, snowboard is superior
and kjoettkake is gross

projecting much, mr normie?

down here our smuggled items are usually indonesian

never had cider before, might try and find some later
down here we have 2 famous brands, Somersby and Apple Fox

usually smuggled from Lithuania or Germany or Denmark
get a crate of 24 beer cans for half price of beer in stores
vodka also half or even cheaper

a sixpack of beer is like 200nok max, is that too much for you? seriously how poor do you have to be to bother with smuggling beer?
its basicly vodka with spice and herbs. its a thing in norway, sweden, denmark and northern germany. some types go well with our traditional salty and fat food, others are good by themselfs. can best be described as a really mild whisky with no smoke flavour.

24 cans = 800 kr
meanwhile I buy them for 350
1 litre of vodka cost me 150-200
why would I not do that?
I am not the one smuggling, that's other's job

annd thanks for the explanation

>this Sunday?
I drink every day.

high on life :)
and kofe