
cBabies edition

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>also made a new
well lads, it looks like im going to be missing for 3 days. Its been fun but i miss bid you all farewell

Your inability to read English doesn't concern me brainlet

so what does concern you?


Never happened to me

Alri arma lad?
I only ever play solo tbqh, never got into a clique. I've done a few open lobbies before and some big platoon online missions. People took that too seriously though, they were shouting at people and so on. Not into that tbqh, not for an open lobby anyway.
Wonder if they'll make a new one any time soon. Engine could do with an update as could graphics. Otherwise it's probably one of the best games ever made.

So you're saying you are flooding lad?

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Thought it was funny

(it wasn't)

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Why would you think this would be funny

>A women becomes a mother when she finds out she is a pregnant, a man becomes a father when he sees his kid for the first time

you cant make this up

nonce alarm blowing a fuse

what can't you make up?

lets say you go on a date with someone on tinder
you meet up with her and shes catfished you and shes just a head (but a very pretty head)
what do

No idea but it has started off the giggles

Sounds sexist

Also someone wasnt happy with the service

Lads I need some banter validation
One of my friends dyed her hair black and has glasses. So i said you really are an Eye-talian (in reference to how some old people pronounce it for some reason) because your eyes don't fucking work
I got 1 laugh but everybody else was somewhat subdued. Personally I think it's in the top 10 calls I've made in my life

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Biology aside I reckon a head gf would be pretty good. You can just carry her around and sometimes pat her


What concerns me is the changing standards of the western man and the decline of masculinity being replaced by glorifying femininity. I'm concerned that one day I'd have to go on hormones and the modern man is just a jusk of the former self in order to succeed socially in society. This keeps me up at night

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that is the most shite joke

ask her if she wants a straw when we order drinks

how long is it until the melting pot boils over? riots in the middle east, riots in eastern europe, semi riots in america, riots in northern ireland the whole planet is shagged

william marshall >>> Richard "the poofta" the Lionheart

arson is almost always self inflicted and done out of desperation. nothing to see there

So what is fun solo because to be honest trying to fit in and coordinate with tryhard randoms doesn't sound fun? Can I download custom missions or something?

Yeah that's concerned literally everyone at every stage of history. Focus on shit that matters like economic policy

absolute doggenstein of a joke, surprised it even got one laugh

we're coming off of several major world wars, none of that shit means anything...yet

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tempted to get tinder gold just because i want to see the people that have liked me


Ahaha mad you are

patiently waiting for courseberg's workbook delivery

But I am in charge of my own personality and how I interact with others. Why would I worry about politics? I'm neither a virgin nor do I have any say in the matter

don't get giddy now, there won't be much to look at

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i know but out of the 99+ that have done it it'd be nice to see

the gf

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just sneezed lads

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My name is Bob Fudge. I was born in Texas.

learn to have restraint lad
youre overdoing the joke

fuck off back there

haha alri fudgey boy

cbeebies but it's cheadle

Nothing's happening in northern ireland. Yeah some police get attacked every week by young people who cant handle their drink but the country is mostly dormant every day apart from thursday when the masses stampede upon the dole offices



No it isn't. Chuckled thinking about it right now infact

My name is Nigel Cornwobble and I live with my mum in Cheedlebum

if being gay is not a choice then abortion shouldn't be either

welcome Nige

Might give opium a try at some point in my life.

my dad is called nigel and my mum calls him niggy lol

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yeah hypothetical drugs and that

it's actually extremely satisfying if you do it correctly with a group of friends you enjoy being around. don't do it by yourself

In the future youll be able to get it from a vending machine hopefully

Why did you Brits name your public tv and radio network after Huge Afroamerican Dick?

because fuck you thats why

People who get no views on tiktok tormenting their pets for no good reason | Compilation | #FUNNY

Epic :^D



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