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International #1284
This is the face of an american hero
Are women in leadership roles in you country?
Kurva anyátok
ITT: Your country's based retards
Please come to Germany!
two world wars fought to avoid pic related's domination of Europe
Looks like US sanctions mean shit now
/fr/ - le francofil
My Volkswagen burns 1 quart of oil every 1000 miles. Why did you do this to me Germs?
/mena/ Middle East & North Africa General
Frens thread
Thank you meximutts for this fabolous game
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Russia by 2030:
Did you find your house in Flight Simulator?
/ita/ il filo
One of the richest nations not just in europe but in the world in general
Are all left wingers pussies? Is your CUNT left wing or right wing?
British sub human thieves, give back What's ours
The US lost Vietnam
Sverigetråden - Häst mot folkgrupp
Why yes I am an incel how did you know?
Most the sevent pic in your folder
Do women pretend to be attracted to "personality" in your country or are they honest about what they want...
/lat/ hilo latino
/Schlesien/ ehemals /deutsch/
/flag/ + /extraflags/
How does Zig Forums feel about the death penalty?
/fr/ francofil
Why aren't you learning Chinese?
What is the most forgettable state/province/whatever of your country?
What is rural towns like in your country?
I unironically look like this guy
Dutch... the language of the gods
How is Mexican food? I don't mean dumb Tex Mex but authentic shit. It seems cool
Low corruption
Do poortuguese niggas worship Ronaldo?
Why does America fear China so much...
Is it true that Indians who marry outside of their caste get ostracized by their families?
Do you have a gf Zig Forums?
/esp/ - Hilo español
At least you aren't speaking German
How to get a Finnish boyfriend?
/fr/ le ptit fil français
What happens here?
Why are Turks so autisticly nationalistic?
even Austria took a piece
/lang/ - Language Learning General
Anne Frank was reborn as a fat ass Armenian thot
In Mexico we use corn tortillas as a "side dish" to eat almost any food
Does this happens in your country?
Any americans who loves Sweden here?
He doesn't have lake or river in a walking distance
There are posters here right now who have never had sex
/ita/ il filo
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
Can a Swede confirm if this is true? This sounds way too retarded to be real
What's your least favorite ethnic group?
Is your hair straight, wavy, or curly? Mine's curly
Lives in a first world country
Is it common to live with your parents past 30 yo in your country?
Is there any country more based than Finland?
Why do people laugh at italy for losing to the Ethiopians?
Lets post and compare our monthly finances
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
When can they join the EU?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Tfw no ukrainian gf
Why can't we get along?
/fr/ le francofil
What can you tell me about Buenos Aires?
Brownentinian min wage is 16750 brown pesos a month
Why did Americans vote for a reality show star
Sverigetråden - För Svenskar Samt Brödrafolk
Would you avenge him?
Why is Pakistan allowed to be an Islamic Republic but India isn't allowed to be a Hindu Republic?
Do people fight the power in your country?
Do people like indie in your country?
My life goal is unironically is to move out of Thailand and go live in some European country
Crime, Cocaine and Coom
Really makes you think
Day 7 of nofap, cold showers, intense daily exercise and meditation
Kurva anyátok
/desi/-/ देसी/-/دیسی/
There are posters here right now who have never seen the ocean
What is the "modern white culture"?
*hits pipe*
Have you ever been mistaken for a foreigner in your country?
Tell me about your ancestors
How do people see HK in your country
She cant name 2 canadian prodicst
/ita/ il filo
Born too late to have balkan sex slaves
Why wouldn't Iberians standardize their languages already?
This is Jessica Watkins, NASA has chosen her to be the first person on Mars! Say something nice about her
They are happier than most of Europeans
Russia has registered the first coronavirus vaccine today. Will you be vaccinated?
Sverigetråden - Politikdamparupplagan
Sverigetråden - Zeldaupplagan
Netflix's "Mars"
How common is this body type among Northern European men?
48% of second generation Somalis in Denmark are NEETs
On which country would drop the Tsar Bomba if you had one in stock?
Things are looking dire in the US
日本語スレッド / Japanese Thread
Why is /intpol/ so envious of the Mulatto bvll ?
I feel bad for europe
Whats wrong with finns? Why are they like this?
Your country
I was about to laugh at this story and ridicule Americans
In Spain everyone expects you to be extroverted and funny and be able to talk all the time about bullshit like sports...
Who are the worse tourists: Germans or British people?
What's happening in Belaruse?
1. Ur cunt
Honest opinions on middle eastern?
Why couldn't Spain retake Portugal?
Are indian girls really like this
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
My Celtic brothers! We mus unite against the Gemanics and the Latins!
Mass-housing solutions for the lower class (commieblocks) are designed and meticulously engineered to crush the human...
/esp/ - España
Racist people don't understand statistics are not science
Sverigetråden - Episka upplagan
Nordic architecture
I am an arab-american in japan, pic related is me. Japanese people think I'm European/White
/ita/ il filo
An American told me this was communism, is it true?
Jokes from your country
Americans fear and get confused by this
TOKYO VS SEOUL VS TAIPEI - who would win?
Tfw Basque
Who will you support in upcoming WWIII?
/fr/ - le francofil
Yeah I'm thinking based
Landscape Thread
/ישר/ - /อิสร/ - /isr/ - /ઈઝરા/ + חברים
This is the future of the European Union and no amount of seething in impotent rage will change that
Oh nononono
I'm tired of all those cutesy Asian girls who pretend to be dumb
Me? I'm a citizen of la Grande Nation
Why do people make fun of Turks for not being turkic when even central asian turkics are only 40-50% turkic
/cum/ - canada us mexico
Why do they think they are on par with Greece and Italy?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Why are British """men""" like this
Euro boys 16-25
So what are they? Are they Turko-Iranians?
France has lost its soul
In light of recent events
/v4/ + friends
Why is the finnish people so strange everything that is posted by them is weird and they mostly seem insane
Kurva anyátok
Greeks sleep on beds
Sooooo hot!!!!!!!
Where do politicians gather to politic in your country?
What do you like to do before you go to sleep, Zig Forums?
Translation work fo free
American Valentine Cards
Why are americans so obsessed with military veterans? Nobody gives a shit about them here
/cum/ - canada us mexico
I like Mexico, but I cannot forgive it for producing that one tripfag that posts in all caps
How come England isn’t considered a Nordic country?
Say hello to the moderation?
The future of wh*Te subhumans once we mestizos outnumber them in america
America Is A Fucked Up Place
Fuck you Zig Forums
You wake up in Suomi
Do you love Germany? Do you wish to live in Germany? Do you want to find love in Germany?
Please accept my humblest apologies
How do you sleep?
Can Americans volunteer for the Israeli military/police?
The bri'ish gf
Why has their country become a shithole?
How do you force yourself to eat these disgusting things in your country?
/cum/ - canada us mexico
Medbros, we got too cocky
How did the Taliban manage to defeat the most powerful nation in human history?
George Floyd's body lies a-mouldering in the grave
Lebanon is now a failed state. Their entire government has resigned and fled the country
What is your honest opinion on the Jews ?
You must have an IQ higher than 100 to get pass this filter
Post your ideal gf
Zig Forumsernational boys
Why are Americans so racist?
Who is your country's most infamous serial killer?
What's your country's coolest-looking battle?
The great debate
What languages do you speak fluently?
You will NEVER live in alaska
Why is North America so PROGRESSIVE on marijuana?
How do you deal with living in a red country?
Could my hair pass as a local in your country?
Are all angless women the same, regardless of country?
/ind/ - India General
Red countries, I love you
How does this make any sense?
Brazilians think they invented the aeroplane
Post your town city flag
/fr/ le fil aux Français
Are you in favour of a unified China?
/cum/ - canada us mexico
Rita Ora has come under fire after a fan called attention to her white parentage...
Do people like metal in ur cunt
Hilo /lat/ino
Urban chads edition
American cities are ugl-
Outside of Italy, who makes the best pizza in the world?
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
My future wife lives here. Where does your?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
日本語スレッド / Japanese Thread
Would you wear a Kilt?
ITT: post a pic of your street
Immortality is bad imagine seeing everyone you know dying through
Belarussian girls
ITT: We only speak in our second language
/cum/ - canada us mexico
/ita/ - il filo
Why do they want to rape kids so badly?
Sverigetråden - Städade Upplagan
/pacific/ - California, Cascadia, Hawaii and Alaska
No history other than being owned by Spain (lol) and creating one of the worst countries in the world (Indonesia)
Hilo /lat/ino
Allow niggers to run a city
American flag
Why do euros hate trees?
I speak English but i'm not from the Anglosphere!
Do you love the balkans?
Your country
/fr/ francophile
I hate my wife
/nachtschicht/ morgen wieder /deutsch/
/choco/ - Chocolate international women appreciation general #2
/cum/ - canada us mexico
Damn, turns out I’m only 29.9% based
/ita/ - il filo
Bundeswehr(German Forces) G36 successor needs to be a non ITAR weapon
Do Arabs really think this looks nice?
Fuck iit
DJT is the best Japanese language learning hololive shitposting thread on Zig Forums for むっつりスケベ共 that...
You know who doesn't get enough hatred?
Serious question. Why is Europe so fucking gay? Especially Scandis?
Sverigetråden - Gasa blattar och bögar
ITT: Zig Forums in 1860
I miss communism
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
My university is Tokyo university. what's your university?
While you are quietly shitposting in your room, this is what is happening in Europe, Belarus:
Is this true in your country, well it is true on the world scale
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Faces of Zig Forums
The moment you know
Thanks, but I'll just stick to weed
What does your surname mean?
Americans have to pay taxes to their government even if they live in another country
Your country
Eye thread
/fr/ l'francofil une fois
Explain this to me
Why is math so fucking hard, bros? All the high paying stem jobs require you to do advanced Mathematics like Trig
/ita/ - il filo
Kurva anyátok
This is actual street art in Stockholm
Hilo /lat/ino
American world hegemony lasted less than a century
I cannot handle western girls anymore
Sverigetråden - Bondeupplagan
Say something nice about Turkey
Why are mutt nations so happier?
What the FUCK is wrong with Americans?
If Jomons were so great, where are they now?
Imagine Evro-Asian world
Went working, my coworkers are french and two germans
/ישר/ - /እስራ/ - /isr/ - /ཨི་སི་ར/ + חברים
Art thread
British “Engineering”
Makes foreign governments resign after a single remark
Does this happen in your cunt?
What's it like to kiss the lips of a Russian girl?
"Autistic" girl
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Is this how the average scandinavian girl (male) looks like?
1. your country
/ita/ - il filo
There are people out there that are disgusted by raw tomatoes
What started the feud between white and brown people? The crusades?
Is Bailey a male or female name?
/fr/ - le francofil
Best region?
"First in the row, look at the Bengali; for in all his phases, as a citizen, a villager, a rich man, a poor man...
Over the past 3 years or so I've noticed a much stronger South American presence on the internet...
Sverigetråden - 楯の会, 楯の會 Mishimas suveräna upplaga 三島 由紀夫
Why do they hate each other?
What's on your mind rn
Did you know that the Scots wear skirts as traditional clothes?
Does your country have a state religion in your country?
/lang/ - Language Learning General
Got 80% guys
Post famous sayings or wisdom from your country
Fat fuck thread
Do korean learn or use hanja?
Is having literally no friends common in your country?
Why is it that the more of a shithole a country is, the more prideful the population becomes...
Why is the german man wearing socks with sandals in fucking 40ºC? Explain this shit germanoids
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
What are your thoughts on Sri Lanka?
Mantits bros of Zig Forums, how have you been coping with your life in actual very hardmode?
How did Russia got away with illegally occupying Ukrainian, and historically Tatar Crimea?
Dear Argentina
This is what Finland used to be about
Honest opinion on the French nation
Went to dinner with my friends and one of my friend's girlfriend
Why we can't get along together?
Pioneer of rocket artillery
Make thread on /sci/ a while back
What are some weird laws in your country?
How are Swedish women like?
Sverigetråden - Bilupplagan
Mental disorders aren't real. people just haven't done their prayers yet
So THIS is Seoul? WTF?!
Which nationalities have you been mistaken for?
You have 2 options
England stole our coat of arms
I've made $100k so far this year but I still feel so empty inside
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Tfw no american gf
/ita/ - il filo
/fr/ - le fil libre du pays réel et de la francophonie
Why is it always low income people who believe in "spanking"? Its not even a racial thing as most people like to think...
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Kurva anyátok
Is this what Canadians look like?
Why do Germans do this?
What are some Switzerland's flaws and problems? If any exist at all
Will they ever get along?
Why are Dutch so poor?
Draw the regions of Spain by memory
I don't want to live with my parents anymore
I'm christian, therefore not a shitskin
How do we fix Romance-Germanic relationships? More than 2000 years of banters and wars
Belarusians start rioting because the country is a shithole
Lol how Do Pakis deal with the fact that literally every single one of their Muslim "brothers"look down on them and...
Anyone else here /retired/?
Sverigetråden - Skämtarnupplagan
Why haven't you converted to Sikhism?
How did they become the only relevant people?
/deutsch/ Hitzewelle
/fr/ - Le fil francophile
What is your university’s subreddit like?
ITT: we act like zoomer girls
Why do germans prefer to eat islamic döner instead of Greek gyros?
Arabbros...its fucking over
Computer science
Why are they so much more likeable than cringedia?
/fr/ - le francofil
Descansa en paz
Do you love Japan?
/esp/ - España
Europe has shorter working hours and higher wages than Japan
I pity indians
Do they identify strongly with their nationality? Do they "feel Belgian"...
How do you feel about Indian food?
Are HIV-positive people stigmatized in your country?
Why is this so common?
Name a stronger team, you can't
This is Germany. It's the only country with Germans in it. There are no Germans outside of these borders
/deutsch/ Hochsommerliche Ausgabe
The problem is not pigmentation...
I Am American
Why are americans like this?
Brooo Poland is, like, such an authoritarian dictatorship right now...
I suffer in Finland
33*C again
Sverigetråden - knegmaxxad
Is this common where you live?
Have 55000+$ in my bank account
Gatten! Katten! Kittekatten!
What do you think of coco from hololive?
This weather is unbearable.What about your cunt?
Tokyo Anti-Mask Rally
United Kingdom
/balt/ + /ausnz/
My biggest shock when coming to Japan was that women wear literal long draped rags as clothes...
Face masks are cringe and I'm glad we don't use them in Finland
Their entire economy is based on cars which is a 100+ year industry at this point
What is the situation in Belarus? who is this Shenk?
Pick your chinese girlfriend
Eat vegetables instead of killing animals
German girls were made for
Would you rather live under Muslim rule or Chinese rule? No other options!
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Finland why?
Be the Queen of the fucking planet
Which race do you associate with these words?
/fr/ - Le Francofil
/cum/ - canada us mexico
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine