
United Kingdom edition

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Anyone remember this classic meme?

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why do brits ruin a good show with fucking old women

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leftypol unmasked

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what an original edition

any oldfags remember toaster steve?

the soul of /brit/

>not a single you all day
fuck the lot of you

games workshop is the best performing british company on ftse

somebody cosplayed as >shadmans comic

Odd crowd today

just post a twitter screenshot
works every time

Here you go, my friend!

still not giving you one, runt

you're playing in football match and you come up against the bender brothers

how do you deal with 2 benders at the same time?

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sounds unlikely... not even on the ftse 100, id be surprised if on ftse 250


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ublock isn't blocking Zig Forums ads anymore
what the *heck* is going on?


yank yous dont count

be quiet

*cuts inside and curls it into the top corner*

need a hair cut but dont know what i want

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Skin feels amazing after I put the vitamin C serum on. Don’t need any gay lotions that smell like chemicals

Wish I weren't such a braindead consoomer lads but I constantly have urges to buy shit I don't need.

uncanny valley with them 2bh

went in games workshop once and the odour was so foul i turned around and left immediately

go into settings and click the thing

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what are they... fucking uncanny valley

Are you using ublock instead of ublock origin

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id get some of that shit, what feels so good is it tingly or something




>Do you compulsively buy things? Got an eBay, Amazon, or Etsy addiction? Can't stop by a book store or makeup counter without buying something? Break that habit with a no-buy! You can do it for a chosen time period – until you use up what you have, or until you reach some goal. It's a lot easier when you have support, so post your no-buy and we'll cheer you on!

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should have farted outside before you went in then

Didn’t have to reply twice mate

playing pokemon platinum lads

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shes set for life

I wish a sick chick would click my thick dick

What’s wrong with hazel eyes? Why do they need to be blue?

haven't shagged in months lads
absolute desperate to have a sensual night with a female

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nah its origin

this girls set for life
the skies the limit on how far she can go.
married to a navy seal? to a saudi arabian oil trillionaire? lives in a crackhouse she gets the smoke the crack first every time?

whatever she wants to do - she'll be able to do it.

Alri today's philosophical question: why are south americans so good at memes

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Is it worth replaying

just like minded Brits, you wouldnt understand yank

how many badges?

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wow i've not shagged in 28 years
fuck off entitled twat

Didn’t have to reply twice mate

see that pool? someone got her that pool because she has great tits. she is 100% set for life

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i would like to see this picture without text, and also more of her

How much does she charge for an hour?

remember sunday nights back in the school days when you'd try and force yourself to fall asleep at a reasonable hour but you buggered up your sleep cycle on friday and saturday night and so you just toss and turn in your bed until 3 am haha feel stupid about it now if i had only accepted that i wasn't going to fall asleep early i could have spent those 6 hours of tossing and turning in the dark doing something more interesting like watch tv or play ps1 haha

Okay samefagger

pray for me boys

4 3 1 2

these girls are fucked
they'll never make it

gorgeous tummy on 3

Why tho? Surely you have had opportunities

Whaddaya even buy?

best one desu

not got me 1st yet started a new playthrough haha

says it all really

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nope just that ugly/socially incompetent i guess

I wish a nice brit would lick my slit clit


makes u think......

certainly makes you think, that

wtf i hate social distancing now!
*throws face nappy in bin*

shag an escort? i paid for sex when i was 17 because i was a virgin and worried id become a saddo

rule is 1m+ guy stands 1m+ bc floor marking 2m what's the problem?

ring ring pussy it's LOCKDOWN

Which onlyfans should I spend my bonus on lads?

princess chelsea or taftaj

yeah youre such an individual

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Nobody alive today has pure ancestry.

Want me some sweet young flesh

brainlets lad

Actually just remembered my WHORE neighbor used my game and got it thrown out by her parents by god im seething now

would much rather be a virgin than to have had sex and never have it again

>pure ancestry

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hey can I get an extra large chebbirino pizza please?

says the mutt

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she was slyly peng

You look kinda like a frog aha

Anyone remember the cuckio meme?

it's not so much sex aspect but whole lack of intimacy/relationship with women.
bizarre this is like saying you'd always rather be poor than ever experience being rich bc u might be poor again

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Thinking about getting a new car lads. Budget is only a few grand and it needs to be insurable. Finance is not an option. Any ideas?

i beg your bloody pardon

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makes you think...

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no never heard of that. care to post a reminder as to what that is?

shame bout the brows

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Shame on the House of Ptolemy for such barbarity.

fucking LOVE women's liberation, get em all offA smash the patriarchy!

Just makes your skin look and feel good



>bizarre this is like saying you'd always rather be poor than ever experience being rich bc u might be poor again

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forgot my webcam was on

they will do alright in this crazy thing we call life
mainly due to their heavy chestedness

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Made 40 quid on crypto investment over 3 months.

Anyone nervous about gettin a gf cos you know youll end up asking her to cuck you?

not fooling us mate hahaha


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anyone remember the cuckarino meme?

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no underwear on a cold british night? brrr

what does pure ancestry even mean? inbred?

“Hazel” is just a brown eye cope

you gay?

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bf left massive skidders in his boxers again.

dw mate
you probably won't have to ask

they're big boobs

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get fucked bender




it's chico time


All mockery of the Jews and their one God shall be kept to an appropriate minimum!

Gais! Julius! Caesar!

True Bread for True Romans!

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fucking hell i'd like to smash her pumpkins together

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means nothing if you dont mention your stake if you put in 1 pound that's relaly good if you put in 40,000 that's rubbish

this pic is edited

droopy boobs with south facing nipples are rank

No but seriously
Based on what

I know a few of you reading this are women and I'm giving you the offer of 6'5 of Dutch bull. All you have to do is come to Amsterdam and let me sniff your arsecrack

I have s9, great phone, still works great but I have an urge to buy a new phone. That type of thing.

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>dude big tits lmao!

Americans be like "95 degrees? That's nothing" while cranking up the air conditioning in every room of their house

the southern trains paint job is underrated

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could just stick my face in there

You sound indian or persian

wild how we can adapt to our environment

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i'll have to respectfully decline



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Got sunburnt on July 25th and am still peeling. How the fuck do I stop this? Aloe Vera and lotion don’t work

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right is such a honey

Good point. I put in 50 quid 3 months ago and another 50 a couple of days ago.

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imagine the smell in that room

that's not really adapting to an environment though
that's adapting the environment itself to your own needs and requirements

i used to have the girl in bunny ears on snapchat, always see cf of her idk why

the lips / facial expression on the right one is what really gets me goin

you mean left
right is definitely mean


no you didn't
i went to school with her


unironically never had sunburn

Regular showers