>Why yes I do believe the white race, as the noblest race, is destined and worthy of conquering the world and subjugating all of the subraces
Why yes I do believe the white race, as the noblest race...
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Agreed famalama white pussy is fire
I would rather slaughter them than subjugate them, look what happened when our ancestors subjugated them. They fucked up bad, should've genocided all non white races and today would be a utopia
The white race is a myth.
For centuries, Europeans treated each other like shit. Like subhumans.
During the German occupation of France, the German government changed the exchange rate between the Frank and the Reichsmark to 1:20, meaning even the poorest German peasant could fuck the costliest French whore, and eat at the costliest French restaurant all at the price of Frecnhmen. In addition, the government in France imposed curfews, and French people were treated like cattle by the German government. French women were raped by German soldiers. The Germans took paintings, art, pieces of architecture from France and sent it to Germany.
On the Eastern front, Slavic women were raped and then killed mercilessly by German soldiers. Slavic children were buried alive or shot in a firing squad. This was followed by destruction of Slavic towns and cities.
But then in 1944, hundreds of thousands of Anglo-Saxon soldiers begin to land in Normandy, at the same time 70,000 Indian soldiers at behest of the Queen landed in Italy to liberate the white race from its own barbarism. Black Americans, Africans also arrived on behalf of the allied forces as Tatars, Mongols, Chechens were recruited and began fighting back to save Europe from itself.
God is a Bulgarian
Bla bla brown people opinion bla bla
>says the untouchable street shitter
Yes my non white friend , Genghis did nothing wrong!