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International #1286
Which one of these irrelevant shitholes do you think has the greatest delusions of grandeur in the present day?
Why today's global wealth is still owned by the .1% of the population?
In swedish school we are taught nothing about the likeness we have to our neighbours...
Why do you squander your potential? I know you can do better!
WW2 Propaganda Thread?
Kurva anyátok
/v4/ + friends
Why doesn't japan make good anime anymore?
I'm Filipino but I tell everyone I'm Japanese
Finns and Estonians don't appreciate Hungary enough
You can only post here if Kristian Larsson Vikernes hates your country
/cum/ - canada us mexico
45% Iberian conquistador
International wrist thread
Which unitedstatian puppet is the most cucked?
Do people in this board really believe that by crossing a country's board you start having sex?
Are all police bastards in your cunt?
Is my little pony popular in your country?
America is done. We need new nation with hegemonic power
Which country do u like most?
I wanna be a girl so fucking much, i really hate being a man
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2379
Most of the Los Angeles area looks like this. Generic...
How does your country treat people responsible for ensuring cleanliness?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Your jap girl kohai
Do they put bible verses on food in your cunt?
Have you ever met an american irl
As an adult do you celebrate your birthday, Zig Forums?
Japan freed us today!
Do you want to find love in Korea?
Commit genocide and other atrocities
Trans women are women. Pass it on
3 new video game boards
So it turns out Sweden was right about the whole covid thing
/cum/ - canada us mexico
Dutch... the language of the gods
My cat is fucking dead, she's dead, it's all over...
ITT: talk about your problems and other anons give advice
What's the saddest movie you ever watched
The spaniards fucked an entire race into existence
Does this happen in your cunt?
I suffer in Germany
Why do all Somalis look like this?
Gaijin dick fucker is appered!
How do we brainwash women into wanting Indian men?
This is amongst the most American things I've ever seen
We are the faggiest country in mena
Go to sleep Euros
This is Darius Sessoms, 25-year-old man who has been charged with the murder of 5-year-old Cannon Hinant...
Was the eastern bloc really that bad?
What goes on here?
Guess the name of the poster above your post
Wtf mozimbuque bros
Dear Blue Collar America
How white is sweden?
Why does my ass look so disgusting?
Besides Brazil, this should all be one, maybe two countries
How much USD a year do you need to live a very comfortably life in you're country?
/cum/ - canada, usa, mexico
/ita/ - il filo
I watch a lot of WMBF porn (Make fun of me all you want)
Wtf Egypt
I was at Wuhan airport in December 2019
Let's try something new; Africa
Where would you rather live?
/fr/ - Le francophile
This guy is a disaster like Macri, I want to go to a country where I can work with dignity. Will someone help me?
How common are latino top white bottom relationships in your cunt?
/AM/- American Thread
My sister has conflicting views...
Sverigetråden - Underväggupplagan
The polish gf
I suffer in europe
Do you ever feel left-out living in a irrelevant country?
I want to be russian
/nachtschicht/ morgen wieder /deutsch/
Name 5 books written by West Slavs
Is med bvll real or just a jewish marketing scheme
/desi/-Winner's mentality edition
Daily reminder that if you don't have blond hair then you're a subhuman
/lat/ hilo latano
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
Ate 150 calories today
So if it's gay to have sex with trans women, why do gay men not have sex with them? Gets em every time
Are the Germans really this based ?
/brit /
The average IQ of Brazil is 83
/flag/ + /extraflags/
What anime are the most popular in your country
/ita/ - il filo
Does this happen in your kunt?
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
Hometown is known for its grapefruit
Sverigetråden - Vännerupplagan
I am Swedish
Do these subhumans have right to exist? Discuss
I finally got to actually learn what QAnon is via Wikipedia... Holy fucking shit Americans are braindead retarded...
/varshava/ dawniej zwaną /polska/
Europeans wash their clothes in the kitchen
What would your Zig Forumsernational wish be?
How do I get gf this white?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Look out of the window
Well, Zig Forums?
/fr/ francofil
/ישר/ - /इज़रा/ - /isr/
Do people like or dislike mixed rave relationships in your country??
Umm okay what did he mean by this?
What's the average German's thoughts on Finland and Finns?
Is it worth it to live in Russia ?
Chinese guy calls African a foreigner in his own country
Kurva anyátok
What's happening with Batka? I thought he was the much loved ruler for life of Belarus
/ita/ - il filo
It saddens me to no end knowing that sooner or later republicanism will take over Spain too...
Do you have Russiaboos in your country?
Magine it could have been
Do people use these annoying scooters in your knut?
Faces of int (im killing myself today :3)
Sweden was chosen to be the testing grounds of multiculturalism in Europe...
Sverigetråden - För Svenskar Samt Brödrafolket
Don't buy F35
Post public transport from you cunt, new or old
My ancestor :)
Sverigetråden Johannes-upplagan
Well, Zig Forums?
How many dead bodies have you seen in your cunt?
How America Saved the Day in World War One
I don't get it
Say sth nice about each of your neighbours
Why do Greeks hate Muslims?
What's your ethnicity?
Prison rape in the US
ITT: Religions of Zig Forums
/fr/ - Le fil Francophone
Are chinese gfs common in your country?
Would you ever consider dating a turkish woman
Greece will buy 24 new F35 bombers
/deutsch/ - Ausgabe für anime
Sweden finland friendship thread
How the fuck do they afford this shit when they have a budget deficit of hundreds of billions every year?
/lat/ hilo latino
Which flag do you think aesthetically better
/ita/ il filo
European should simplify their languages so that foreigners can speak them more easily. We got rid of noun genders...
Sverigetråden - naturens eviga lagar upplagan
Were you ever excluded in school because of your background?
In Germany you can be fined up to 50.000 Euros for killing a wasp
Thinking about Dresden smoldering in ruins, lads
I wish I was white
I haven't seen a white person in 8 months
/ישר/ - /อิสร/ - /isr/
Redpill me on flyover states
Did your relatives ever had some military career? I have three relatives who fought in battles
Do Indonesians REALLY like being colonized by the Dutch for 350 years?
Post useful Zig Forums images
/desi/-Yesu Nadar edition
Relatable memes > ironic memes
Can someone confirm to me whether or not Germans really do this?
Why are they so arrogant?
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
What happens in the red areas?
Moroccans and Algerians in England
Kurva anyátok
Good morning sweetheart, breakfast is ready ^_^
What did Spain mean by this?
This is interesting, I didn't know African cunts had a specific look
Do Germans really?
/fr/ phrööööhcofil
Yes, I will come to your country
What do students and pupils learn about Russia in your country?
Ten points for hufflepuff
/ita/ il filo
A girl grabbed my crotch on the tram today
Are lesbian couples "allowed" to walk and exist in your cunt. Or is it still forbidden love. Culturally speaking
10 corrupt Jap cops vs 1 drunk tourist
British ""men""
What are some mysterious countries that we know nothing about?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
/mex/ - hilo mexicano
What languages, aside from English and your native tongue, are you actually fluent enough in to have conversations in?
Sverigetråden - Spelarupplagan
/ישר/ - /อิสร/ - /isr/
I can't pronounce 'squirrel'
*saves Zig Forums*
I fucking love Somali posters on Zig Forums
Sverigetråden - megic mike upplaga
Does your country's ship cause oil spill in environmentally vulnerable area while trying to get free wifi signal coming...
Why is the German life expectancy significantly lower than that of other western Europeans?
Do 14 year olds do this in your country?
/ita/ il filo
Why cant we just get along?
Kek T*rks are so fucked
1. Country
New board: /vst/ - Video Games/Strategy
Cultural icons like Texas and Florida will be gentrified by californian migrants in the future...
Does your county have its own rap culture?
Does this also apply to your country?
Need to breed a ton of japanese women and irreparably shift the genetic insularity of the jap phenome
The Greek chad is the most attractive man.Literally master race
Does your country love Belarus?
Reasons why French is a superior language to German
Sverigetråden - Bilupplagan
How do you celebrate 100th anniversary of the Battle of Warsaw?
In the Summer, I am Med
/lat/ hilo latino lat hilo el hilo lat latino /lat/
1. you are a cunt
Wir suchen dich
Why did Indians kick them out?
Try to top this nordcucks
/esp/ hilo español 2.0
Sverigetråden-håll käften kommunister upplagan
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
When i see a fat or ugly guy with a girlfriend i always assume shes cheating on him
/fr/ - le francofil
TOP 5 countries Japanese like
Lira at lowest point in history (7,37 per dollar)
/med/ - Mediterranean general
Literally just discount Japan lmao
Are you able to send people letters in your country?
Most people do not realize, just like China, France is seeking to displace the United States as hegemon of the world...
Rate my hair Zig Forums
If China has a million supporters, I’m one of them
95.5% of sw*den is wet & swampland
Does this happen in your country?
Can the med BVLL even be stopped?
/ישר/ - /이스라/ - /isr/
You may only post in this thread if your country is has enough to pride to only print ONE language on the front of your...
I'm the only human on this website
GDP growth in second quarter of 2020
Indian men are ugl-
Why are the French so into perversions?
Are left wingers schizos in your country too?
Korea is schizophrenic...
Frightens Russians
When did Germany lose its soul?
Thought nose rings were a Spanish thing?
You'll never live where and how your grandparents lived
What's the nicest German dialect in your opinion?
How many more years does America have left as a superpower?
How come France is the only country to help their EVROPEAN brothers ?
1. Your country
Everyone in this map is an arab, no matter how much you cope...
You wake up in korea, a feminist shithole
My parents named me Nyarlathotep because of a lost bet
/lang/ - Language Learning General
This could have been you if you had just been yourself
Why do they think they aren't Mongoloids?
Do Americans really eat multiple hamburgers a week? I eat one a month maybe
This is what israel used to be about
/v4/ + friends
Do people in your kunt know of the sámi people?
Conforming to social norms is the primary motive forJapanese to wear face masksduring the coronavirus pandemic...
How commonly spoken is French, the second most international language in the world, in your country?
Comfiest way to kill yourself
Earn 6666 before tax per month
Why do eastern europeans hate Russia so much?
/cum/ - Canada US Mexico
Kurva anyátok
Does your country have a butthurt belt?
Private property is literally the root of all evil
What do you think about electric vehicles?
In Argentina right wing people want the Oxford vaccine and left wing people want the Russian vaccine
French haute cuisine is a fucking scam
/mex/ - hilo mexicano
/ARG/ Hilo argentino
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
/lat/ hilo latANO
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
They do WHAT?
What are some movies Europeans just don't understand?
I still think Brazil should've been Dutch
Why India
Vaccine corona
I appear DJing on the street in this walking video
Would you a mutt American?
Why do people pretend that Hitler was redpilled?
What the FUCK did Google mean by this?
Be me
The Asians are spamming BBC
/ita/ - il filo
Exposition Universelle of 1889
/fr/ - le francofil éducatif
Look what you made her do Zig Forums
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Daily reminder That if you are Heterosexual, you're mentally ill
/cum/+/ex-yu/ - canada usa mexico slovenia croatia b&h serbia montenegro north macedonia
He suffers in Mexico
What kills you Zig Forums?
Why do Spaniards and other Mediterranean Europeans not look white?
Hello Zig Forums I am somali in sweden :)
Which London borough is your favourite, Zig Forums?
I hate to see WMAF
Brazilian and portuguese should be different languages
More than 600 people ignore lost child in UK TV experiment
Every state has it's own culture dude!
This man is being rescued from under the rubbles in Beirut
Sverigetråden - Bumpgränsupplagan
This guy is kind of racist
Lately I've noticed that some American posters on Zig Forums are REALLY obsessed with France. But why...
North Scottish Isles
I wish I was white
Unpopular int opinions
The tablets have turned
Why are korean women like this?
I suffer in amerikkka. God curse this stupid racist country
Do you like your country?
I'm 26, but I still feel like a teen
The cutest white girl in the world is weeb
Would Neymar pass as a med in your country?
Why isn't the rest of Europe defending our Greek brothers ?
Do Americans really think they won the space race?
Vgh... the grass fields of ANATOLIA
The Pentagon is concerned about the French military deployment in the Mediterranean
Do women mog you in your country?
What did Romans in the SPQR times unironically look like? Which country is most phenotypically similar?
/ita/ - il filo
USA vs Germany/EU and Russia( NordStream 2)
/cum/ - canada us mexico
Are you sad because you are too dumb to study in university?
/lat/ hilo latino
What's he going to do?
It begins, which side are you on?
All Turks I've seen are MED/mena looking, are there any actual Asian looking Turks?
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
I am a straight white male
How is depression treated in your country?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
My father has basically disowned me because I criticized Donald Trump...
/fr/ le francophile
Thanks a lot Anglos
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Hey there champ! Congratulations on making it through college! Now you can go out and kick start that great career...
My height? 172cm, of course!
Which countries women have the best feet in general?
Why can greeks take care of their own problems?
What was/ is your favourite empire to rule the Earth Zig Forums?
Post Jomons. Anyone have Jomon pepe btfoing Yayois?
Democracy is "obsolete"
How does a Finnish man get a cute Japanese gf?
How did the USA get away with vaporizing half a million Japanese, twice?
Thoughts ?
There's a point where americans need to stop and they've clearly passed it
Why do italians looks all the same?
Was I brainwashed?
New York City isn't the capital of New York
Hilo latino /lat/
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
/ita/ - il filo
I unironically hate this parts of Europe so much
Sverigetråden - Karl XIII-upplagan
Your cunt
Why are Africans so much funnier than african americans
Ugh what could've been
How does an American buy eu citizenship
Do Finns in blue parts actually speak Swedish ?
Sverigetråden - Megic Mike-upplagan
I suffer in Brazil
/fr/ - le francofil
/fr/ - le francofil
From todays murder in Stockholm
Thoughts on hazara people?
Ghost of Gooks
How come firstoids are so infantile ?
Latino men (probably sweaty and minimally clothed) are browsing Zig Forums RIGHT NOW
We suffer in Norway for real
Do you love Russia?
I wouldn't wish alcoholism on my worst enemy
Why yes I do believe the white race, as the noblest race...
/ישר/ - /isr/ - /イスラ/
Best Finnish city or town to live?
Sverigetråden - Gustav Vasas upplaga
Post whats in front of you rn
I'm drunk
To Americans/Canadians/Aussies, etc and Europeans on this board...
Ends your whole white family lineage by giving hapa child
Kurva anyátok
I suffer in Ukraine
South germans believe that baby jesus bring Christmas gifs
Could someone translate this for me? I got this from my grandpa...
There are 63,4 million japanese girls alive RIGHT NOW
I can't stand this country anymore
/ita/ - il filo
Why is America like this?
Living the American Dream
/fr/ - le francofil
Why is everybody in Latin America so envious of Argentina?
Ok americans, how the fuck is she considered a "black person" in your retarded country?
Has the privatisation of your rail system been good? Is it cheap, comfortable, safe and so on
Hilo /lat/ino
What's life like in the flyover parts?
This is how visiting McDonald's is in Finland :)
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine