
The gf edition

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If you're so funny
Then why are you on your own tonight ?
And if you're so clever
Then why are you on your own tonight ?
If you're so very entertaining
Then why are you on your own tonight ?
If you're so very good-looking
Why do you sleep alone tonight ?

Cause I want, real hasta la muerte baby

this bong has been rattling off his terrible piss jokes and quips for an entire thread now

yes putting the clutch in, changing gear, then lifting your foot is far quicker than a computer doing it instantly

nice car

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hes got you on the ropes

what do you drive

a car with soul

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do you know who I am?


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Motorized fedora

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really needing a poo

why do europeans get so high and mighty about using manual transmissions
>yes, haha, I purposefully make the act of driving my car more involved and complicated for no reason! take that, yanks!


Anyone who lives in glasgow want to meet up next month?

It doesnt work like that

>He can't do it

hate nipshit

If you drive anything other than a Honda you not only hate the planet but you also hate your wallet.

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Just go do it mate, no one is stopping you

Bikes are king shit

I drive a Honda Jazz

>government cheese

You cant drive, you have a go-kart licence

apparently theyre safer because they take more effort/concentration to drive


You drive a soulless automatic crossover, sit down

Feel like the posters who were here in 2011-2016 are all gone apart from me and 190

The golden era is over

doesn’t matter whether you can or can’t, why would you want to in the first place
ok boomer, you make it harder to drive your own car. who gives a shit

dont want to get up

it's really cringe when you're watching a dnb set at a festival and it keeps going to the same hot girls

as opposed to a sovlfvl toyota aygo washing machine on wheels?

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Id believe it

Driving an auto makes me fall asleep on the freeway

Indian girls are femcels

I'm sorry it's so hard for you.


You dont get it

the truth is because most young europeans drive manual and have never driven an automatic and want to turn it into a point of pride. i've driven lots of high end automatic bmws and mercs and transmission is literally irrelevant when you get to high end cars

the crows and my resident wood pigeons scatter

>meet a woman
>want to have sex with her
>you actually end up doing it
The Life of Normie

110hp of naturally aspirated 4age power delivered straight to the front wheels

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anyone else love to stand up when you really need a poo?
like right on the cusp of when youre at your maximum limit of holding it

Seriously underrated series ngl senpai

Do you ride, Irishoid?
Was going to do a bike tour in Ireland last year but went to Spain instead. If Covid ever fucks off I'll do a tour for sure maybe next year provided no masks

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I enjoy changing gear, automatic would genuinely be a lesser experience

geriatric retard can’t even keep his dementia addled brain awake on the road unless he’s occupying his hands with something
absolute state of manual boomers

>Why yes, I do drive a 2014 Civic SI, what gave it away?

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>110hp of naturally aspirated 4age power delivered straight to the front wheels

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bet the kugameister would be faster

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You are so butthurt bout your fake car

because I could smell you from the other room

ok boomer

are you even a real irishman if you dont absolutely love twin cams? fuck off retard

My mum drives a Honda Jazz. 57 plate

>The world is what it is; men who are nothing, who allow themselves to become nothing, have no place in it

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starting to realise the awful situations i've got myself into due to drugs and drink isn't worth it.

I drive automatic and I sincerely hate it. lazy shart system for retards

fuck off communist

Yeah chap like 90% of the cars on the road today are faster but my car has soul

like what? tell me

Havent got my licence yet mate but bought a moped from someone for peanuts and use it for flying around locally and that. When im fully qualified i wanna get an r6 or something i reckon

i love driving so much dreading the day i get pulled over late at night and they shove one of those drug swabs in my mouth. my mate got banned for having weed in his system even though he hadn't any since the day before and he was stone cold sober. those things are pure fascism

doxxable info

brainlet description
cars are machines
the purpose of machines is to make functions easier
ergo automatics fulfill their purpose in a superior way

manuals are brainlets

why didn’t the Australians or Brits warn the Americans about 9/11 when they knew it was happening? London and Sydney are 5 and 14 hours in the future

youre finally starting to wake up

it's literally an appliance but old
couldnt get any less interesting
some loser will be on a similar website like this bragging about his dad's kuga he's inherited and how sovlfvl it is in 30 years

Not all people drive cars to get from a to b, some people like to have fun while driving

proper eyebrows are underrated

The hell you say? Even in AmeriKKKa we don't have anything that authoritarian

Girl I thought likes me probably doesn't now that I think about it
Feel gutted and useless

Dont know why i do this to myself. I went through 8 brit editions again to end up here.

Mention 190
He appears
Fucking based lad

Don't get an r6 lad. Your roads are perfect for bikes with low end. Your roads are basically all twisty
Get something like an mt07

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got a blister

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stop being a CHILD

people who drive manuals are senile and driving dated transmission systems is the last thing they can hold onto for comfort in a rapidly modernizing world

>cars are appliances
Doesnt get any more bugman than this lads

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my car was made in 1993. it's actually inferior since it's so old

how have you not been doxxed by now 190?


Just did a very mushy poo, no fiber at all

Nah people who drive manual actually enjoy driving. No shame in driving auto if you dont care about driving but dont make comments about how it's useless if you don't actually enjoy driving.

literally the opposite. viewing cars as toys that you have fun in like manual shitters do is the definition of soy

yeah bro over here we have set levels of certain drugs you can have in your system like cocaine and cannabis. it doesn't matter if you haven't had any since the day before and are sober, as long as they find it in your system you get a minimum year ban. this law came in about 10 years ago now.

he's making fun of uninteresting faggots like yourself who think cars are a "hobby"
they really are just an appliance.

the older i get, the more cynical I become and the less I like people

sad really.

Damn son

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if you want to have le whacky fun buy something decent like a 911 like an actual adult
or just stick to forza
it's in your hands

They are.
If you cared about feels you'd lean into corners

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The best of 1980 - 1990

Pure kino

REALLY wish I hadnt opened this


i thought u2 fans were a mere thing of legend but here one is in the flesh

Gonna listen to that soonish. Thanks for the reminder

hello boomer!

bet you were squealing with joy when apple put it on your itunes

air conditioning

You know someone who's just disappeared?
Reginald D. Hunter.
He was on TV all the time and then he just vanished.

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DAD what are you doing here?

Don't really care for the newer stuff but don't really get how you can't enjoy the earlier stuff just a little bit.


Like it's just good pop music from the 80s

women are so wild

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me too
it popped

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>Call me when you try to wake her up

This is the best U2 song there is


As per usual Americans make it better

i was whinging about no air coniditoning only yesterday but overnight england returned to type and now i'm sat in a jacket. england never stays hot enough for long enough to make people actually buy air con

What are we listening to lads?

I'm listening to Mardy Bum - Arctic Monkeys

Thought you were holding condom

Mental how i got so many (yous) just by mentioning u2

will it be a faux-pas to continue wearing my jaw obscurer long after covid becomes a memory?


Gerald McClellan had no business taking on Benn in the UK, at all.

He's a cunt but he could sing

I drive a 2001 Buick LeSabre (limited). Can go 1 Million miles. Comfy as hell and the best visibility of any car in the world.

Bought a fan two weeks ago from Argos. Literally have to put in the shed since our shitty weather is back :/

our summers are usually humid as all hell so unfortunately opening a window doesn’t help and need the AC for 3-4 months

looks like soap

Holy Wood - Marilyn Manson

no, it will be illegal like it was before
you can't walk into an establishment wearing a mask

gr8 song m8

Sunday Bloody Sunday is an absolute choon and I won't hear otherwise