How much USD a year do you need to live a very comfortably life in you're country?
How much USD a year do you need to live a very comfortably life in you're country?
god i wish that were me
Define confortable. I can have some fun and cover needs with 7000 x year
I'd say about 65-80k a year.
Depends which state. In california you have to be a millionaire to not be in debt, any other state is literally better
Enough to eat and buy whatever you want and support your beautiful wife and two kids at the same time.
You need $ 120,000 or more.
6600. That's what i already make so it's all good.
>flat feet
Single, about 60k
married with kids, triple that
You are just retarded thinking 180.000 dollars is barely comfortable to raise a family when 3rd worlders such as yourself have 300 children to work the wheat fields anyways but here is your free (You)
Same to you monkey.
in London about 70-80k, outside London probably half that
14.000 USD as a family of 3, thats only if you own the house you are living too
>support your beautiful wife
Why would I support someone who's capable of working? Housewives are parasites and the shit they do doesn't necessitate staying home all day with modern technology.
If my gf told me that she wants to stay home all day just to wash the dishes, cook a meal and vacuum the house every few days or so I'd tell the lazy cunt to go fuck herself.
Larping virgin
>wash the dishes
Oh wait, she doesn't even have to do it because there are dishwashers that do exactly that.
Housewives are obsolete.
Seething incel.
12 thousand a year if you have a home. 24 thousand if you don't. if you want to live properly with going out every day 30 thousand year.
50k but if by comfortably you mean big house and private schools in Madrid/Barcelona maybe 100k.
Truly comfortable I would say 100k
her job is to be sexually available any time and when you have kids to raise them.
>just looked this up
I thought feet were pretty disgusting to begin with but this is fucking feral.
>very comfortably
what does comfortably mean?
its Spain so 17k euro..
- free healthcare
- cheap public transport to anywhere
- cheap high quality food
- beach closeby
- bars closeby
- low crime rate
- moderate to high temperatures
- free education
Thinking about working a US job remotely from Uruguay to make an average Joe's salary in the US make me a king overseas.
Depends where. If you live out in the sticks with a cabbage patch 700 can be plenty.
$700 USD a YEAR can make you comfy in PORTUCAL??
A month, I mean.
>Buy whatever you want
A few billions then. I always wanted a gold mine and this is expensive
in the US: 30k if you're a single guy. everyone saying 60k eat a bullet
Get a prostitute then, and raising kids is not really that time consuming
>raising kids is not really that time consuming
Not if you sit them in front of the TV for 12 hours a day so they turn out autistic like you
right now? about $25k a year would let you do that
56k after taxes
he said with wife and 2 kids wtf