Do you want to find love in Korea?

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Korean and Japanese women are the worst traitors.
Worse than French women with their German soldier bf’s in WWII

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not really, but i would like to live in a korean commieblock

Attached: Soldier posing with women at a Korean brothel 2.jpg (3303x2448, 3.05M)

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Hey, bug? Hey chink insectoid? Hey Eurasian Tiger 36 years old?

Bark ching chong now? Zig Forums is """Japanese-owned""". This is an order from the master.

Understand, you chinksect?

Attached: Eurasian Tiger 36 years old.jpg (1254x2346, 1.21M)

Attached: Korea, 1954 Sand Bar Village 5.jpg (768x1024, 235.89K)

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