Conforming to social norms is the primary motive forJapanese to wear face masksduring the coronavirus pandemic...

>Conforming to social norms is the primary motive forJapanese to wear face masksduring the coronavirus pandemic, survey results recently showed.

>In the survey, participants responded from one for “not at all” to five for “very much” to determine how strongly various motives would drive them to wear masks.
>The results showed that Japanese did it because everybody did it first, and to relieve anxiety second.
>The reason that it is to protect wearers from infecting others and spreading the disease was near zero, meaning, most Japanese don't even consider it a reason to wear masks.

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Literal insect behavior

whoa not cool man

Sweden has the same mentality

I find it ironic westerners often take words from japs literally


lol no

>dont listen to japs when they say things I dont like
Yes, you are a weeb.

you must be a happy person

I find it doubly ironic that you do the same from our media



Finland also dumb. Finns are scared to death of wearing a mask in case they get bullied since Finland as a society does not tolerate any sort of sticking out. I've heard about people getting masks getting pushed, people spitting on them, and people walking up to them and coughing on them.

Japanese people are so perfect. Here we have people getting in fist fights with police officers for not following COVID guidelines and police officers themselves acting callously during COVID.

>t. faggot cuck muzzle wearer

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imagine falling for the meme flu

everyone is dumb. the only difference is that what western world thinks is considered as today's standard.

That's fucking burger tier though. Here no one questions the mask policy and as a result we've had fewer than 60 deaths in total even though we were the first to report cases outside China.

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Meanwhile here people get assaulted for asking others to wear a mask outside or on public transportation

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It's funny how a country that is portrayed in media as a sexpat country is doing so much better than us, yet we pat ourselves on the back for doing "pretty well". I hate the Finnish hive mind media.

and that's why it's “ironic”

Do you love Japan?

Explain this

Attached: Japanese steak.jpg (1080x1375, 322.99K)

I wore a mask once and people stared at me.

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get out of my country, disease vector

People there keep social distancing, right?

I always had the impression fins kept to themselves....

Its one thing to question masks policy of saving lives, another thing to literally not care about how it saves lives you just do it because everybody does and are afraid of being shunned in society.

In flipland people wear masks because it is mandatory but we all understand its to save lives. Its just sad that it is almost impossible to not spread the virus in a place with 46000 people per sq km, but we are still trying.

People don't stand close to each other but they walk past each other quite close.

What's wrong with doing something just to not cause trouble? Why do you have to make every little thing an individuality issue?

this is you

Attached: heckinsoy.jfif.jpg (262x193, 12.1K)

because I am misanthropic and like to do things that normalfags hate

So am I but I don't like to give normalfags reasons to bother me. I do more sinister shit like putting apple juice bombs under benches or jacking off on hospital bathroom floors (done that twice now).

Based AIDS nigger
You don't wear a mask like you don't use a condom.