Are all extremely pious, pro-Arab, pro-Saudi, Salafi madkhalis who proudly refer to themselves as Arabs. I've never heard a Moroccan or Algerian ever refer to himself as a "berber". They are absolutely in awe of Bin Salman and the Saudi family and the Saudi scholars. They worship the ground the Gulf Arabs walk on.
The Moroccans and Algerians in France for example seem more rowdy and rebellious whereas the ones in the UK are peaceful, practising Muslims who promote never rebelling against leaders and always following rules and instructions and being strict Muslims.
I know personally so many Pakis who argue with the Moroccans and Algerians because the Pakis can't stand the Saudi regime, say they are apostates, and the NAFRIS all back up the Saudis with 100 percent loyalty. Are they this way in your country?
>diaspora is compensating with nationalism Oh what a surprise
Isaac Hughes
diasporas are subhumans nothing new
and no we're not arabs.
Grayson Murphy
t. paki
Carter Phillips
But people on Zig Forums, namely /his/ and Zig Forums say nafris are not real Arabs and are rather berbers yet i've never seen one who regarded himself as anything other than an Arab
Colton Brown
>moroccans and algerians love the saud No, i dont know who you talked to >algerians and moroccans identify as arabs Yes, berberism is a meme create in the 2000s and is a doctrine create in paris by Jacques Benet to destroy arab and islamic political block
Nathan Anderson
>Yes, berberism is a meme create in the 2000s and is a doctrine create in paris by Jacques Benet to destroy arab and islamic political block
The Saudi royal family is full of crypto Jews. The more you know
Austin Robinson
>french propaganda + racial slur
Spotted the self hating harki descendant The E-M183 haplogroup is present by 60% in maghreb and is also present in the near east, it is the result of carthaginians and arab mixing
Luis Green
Nafris and Levantines are larping subhumans that only dare to criticize their Saudi overlords on the internet Meanwhile they kiss the floor of Al-Saud and Gulf Arabs IRL