When did Germany lose its soul?

When did Germany lose its soul?

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But I can clearly see a lot of soul on the pic?


somewhere in the 90's with the reunification

When Hitler took power.
We've been a cultural powerhouse before on all fields. Movies, Music, Books, Poetry, Paintings, Sculpting, Archtecture. Everything. Until today it never came even close to the glory of those past days.


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WW2 when it killed all of its Jews. They were the brain and the soul of Germany, producing most of its scientists, writers, and artists.

3.5 NIS have been deposited in your bank account


Without Jews Germany is nothing

1919 when the social démocrats betrayed the workers, Rosa Luxembourg was killed and the socialist revolution was crushed

never had a soul

when the DDR got dissolved

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Oy vey!

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the ddr joined the brd retard, like it was stated in article 23 of the grundgesetz


we never did

We have too much soul then

You have imense amounts of soul:


What jews were killed?


t. Berliner


We never had one



when arminius beat the romans
that was the start of the decline

Unironically true, in 1914 a hundred thousand jews served in the german army, bravely defying French, English and Russian bullets for the love of a country that hated them.
During the industrial revolution, jews contributed to turn germany into a powerhouse, with their scientific advance and social advance they turned germany into one of the largest european power.

Yet the gentile german, butthurt, look himself in the mirror and accept his wrongs, completely jealous decided to turn on them, the greatest betrayal in history.

lul as if the holocaust happened.

Fictional ones.