What did Spain mean by this?
What did Spain mean by this?
>We heard you taking crap about the great ESPAÑA
They understand that if you want women to be patriotic you need to present them with incentives like TOROS DE ESPAÑA.
We want gay tourists to spend their money in our country
that niger in the right clearly looks moroccan.
how cucked to be fighting for the people who killed and poisoned your ancestors
Morocco started it tbf
we have entire regiments of moroccans oh no no ahhahahaah
>No mom, it's my army uniform. From the Spanish army.
med aesthetic
Traitors. They have no shame.
>we have entire regiments of moroccans
it's called the spanish army, we know
Yeah, i'm mad too
good one xD xD xD xD
Meanwhile the chad Portuguese bvlls show their superiority
woof the guy on the left...would suck him off dry
>novio de la muerte novio de la muerte
wow a spaniard that can take the banter without being butthurt
legit surprised
Really digging those white laces on the black boots t b h
¿? we never get butthurt when they call us moors, maybe the reatrds on Zig Forums
dude on the right doesnt look spanish. Looks sudaca
is this the spanish uniforms thread?
We will use our moor blood to survive the Muslim invasion and then conquer Europe's women.
For me, its the spanish KKK uniform
,>they took this from you
Idk I just think they look cool
Spaniards don't care. You could be talking to a Swede looking Spaniard or an almost moor one. They don't care.
some d
although moortuguese seem to be more sensitive especially that one moortuguese on int that gets his nerves up and has to cope about how he's 100% PVRE EVROPEAN
>They dont care
Okay, I'll call every Portuguese and spaniards I see a moro.
I've seen this here many times. It's usually the brown ones who can't cope. They grew up thinking they where white. They are, but in Lisbon. Which doesn't mean anything. Most of us don't care, but that one dude...
are those galils? why does everyone have easy access to galils except for us? fuck israel
It's mouro here, please don't miss race me you bigot.
what makes it even funnier is that circumsized americucks are calling others moors when circumcision is literally an arab practice. Enjoy your mutilated dick, "half man"
Okay Moro.
the angry moor has arrived, people