Rate my hair Zig Forums

rate my hair Zig Forums
i am aryan and i hate mongoloids

Attached: mentally ill swedoid.jpg (3112x3632, 1.16M)



that is mongoloid hair, I have the same. stop living in denial and embrace your asian heritage.

i am Sven Björnssön, 100% Swedish with not a single drop of Finnish blood. I hate Finns and Russians

I have hair like that and im not nordic at all

Why is he still not rangebanned?

chinky thin hair/10


Your hair is shit and I'm not your 'bro', scum.

If you don't have hair like me you're confirmed non-white

Attached: IMG_89453895_052500.jpg (750x749, 54.72K)

Blont hår är för barn och kvinnor lmao

Not like Sweden is filled with Finnish descendants or anything

Attached: suomiviro.jpg (761x923, 227.8K)

Come home mongol man

shit hairline, shit hairstyle, too dark for an ''aryan'' same color as mine. 4/10

Are those attached earlobes lmao are you from North Korea?

Attached: 2400.jpg (2400x1699, 401.72K)

stop having gaysex with ahmad and jabdul

He has finnish mom


Even without seeing your face properly I can tell that you an ugly nigga

You 3 are mad I could beat you up if I wanted to

oh nononono

just keep yo butt away from me lilfag

He's had extensive genetic testing done to prove his whiteness, but instead it turns out he's more Mongoloid than most Swedes, likely because of his 1/16 Saami heritage.

>oh nononono
Yeah he has self hate issues. Some doxxer got info about it. Which is why he hates finns. Due to bullying, finns calling him rape baby.

why do you take naked mirror pics user :3

i knew from the start that he was just an another Herman Lundborg type of a guy



Not a drop of Finngol blood

Scared of getting your ass kicked?

I'm not naked. Just shirtless.

Yes, you can't be modeled with Finns, but you can be modeled with Saami.
Maybe you have Swedish speaking Saami ancestry from our province of Ostrobothnia that you're not aware about?

Nope, you are just projecting your subhumanity. The only thing I have is 1% Norwegian ancestry going by the family tree

hey i want a hair like you. got any tips? i especially dig that spiky look and how i can see your scalp. do you use some exotic oils on your hair or what?