All Turks I've seen are MED/mena looking, are there any actual Asian looking Turks?
All Turks I've seen are MED/mena looking, are there any actual Asian looking Turks?
In Central Anatolia
A lot in coastal rural areas
>all the people I've met from a middle Eastern country look middle Eastern
Thanks for the input
Maybe he visited Canada first so he was disoriented since everybody looked Asian although Canada is in America.
A Turk friend I had in High School looked just like a mongol, he also had very pale skin.
Turks are anatolians that speak the language of their conquerors same thing with portugal/spain
you're right, you're conquered syrians/moroccans who speak galician.
I do.
Sorry lad, if do not have Jewish lawyer phenotype, you cannot get her pussy.
>are there any actual Asian looking Turks?
Looks BLACK unironically
Very BASED phenotypes. What part of Turkey are they from?
no idea. The second guy is a very famous rapper here though but because he has dark skin some say he is part Kurdish but I don’t think so.
This guy looks more North African than asian imo
Algeria/Tunisia/Libya are 30-40% Turkish.
I agree that’s what I thought he was a nafri when I first saw him, but you can definitely see Central Asian influence in his features compared to heavily Anatolian Turks.
Could he pass as a local in your country?
first guy is ikibay, he’s an Zig Forums and Zig Forums poster who lives here and was always trying to argue that he was an Anatolian Turk with heavy Greek input lol.
If he grew a beard he'd look like my cousin