Which country is the most powerful in Europe?

Which country is the most powerful in Europe?

>Joint strongest militarily
>Best diplomatic connections
>Largest financial centres

>Joint strongest militarily
>Influential in EU
>Largest agricultural base

>Largest economy
>De facto leader of EU
>Largest industrial base

>Largest population
>Huge stockpile of weapons
>Largest resource reserves

Attached: panama-q-map-of-europe.jpg (1000x750, 862.4K)


Attached: 1581649643664.png (1034x1264, 499.46K)

The UK and France can barely operate independently without the US military supporting. The french army in Africa even need the US to save their supply chain because the power projection of european militaries is the most pathetic its ever been


Attached: Warsaw.jpg (1920x1080, 405.92K)

If Germany allowed itself to have the same budget deficit as the UK in % and spent all that money on it's military it could match the military spending of France, UK and Russia combined IIRC.
So yeah that'll be my vote.

1/ Russia
2/ France / UK
4/ Turkey
5/ Italy / Germany

The Kingdom of the Netherlands of course


2-France (Germany if they even try)
4-Germany (As it stands)

1. Germany: not a big military but they make up being the world's 4th largest economy
2. UK/France: both equally large economies and militaries, both have nukes
3. Russia: not very rich but they have nukes, resources and a large military