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International #1287
1. You are a count tree
/mena/ Middle East & North Africa General
/world of polska/
Because the beauty of the White Aryan women must not perish from the earth
This is argentina's actual covid report team
Is there a better phenotype than Atlantid?
What happens in Auvegne-Rhone-Alpes?
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2381
/fr/ le fil françois
What makes my country more superior compared to yours?
Tfw 26vyear old with no skills
Do americans really do this?
Does your city have a tram system?
Big rock found in Finland
What do you call this in your country
Yurobeans will never know what it's like to live in a comfy old mobile home
Is this true?
75% of university attendants are women
Germany looked like this??!?
When factories move to india and india starts gaining wealth and starts industrializing like china is doing rn...
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Sverigetråden - Regelrätta upplagan
What do you think about black girls?
Gay International Thread
Was the EU a mistake?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/deutsch/ /nachtschicht/
Faces of int
Do you like Gothic art ?
How do chinese girls compete with this?
/flag/ + /extraflags/
/ita/ - il filo
Life in Scandinavia be like
Sverigetråden nya upplagan
Failure the country
They unironically have a more interesting history than many boring european shitholes
Brazil was a country founded on slavery and subjugation. They should also pay reparations
I've met a few japanese people and they were all quite likable, how do we explain their behavior on Zig Forums?
Wat first thing come in mind
Been flirting with a foreign girl online for over a year, eventually we enter sort of internet relationship
Americans legit don't believe in global warming
Why doesnt central European food get as much attention as other cuisines? Everyone likes Italian, French, Japanese...
Hilo /lat/ino
Sverigetråden - Majoras upplaga
/fr/- le francofil
People who aren't Nordic just can't appreciate a good pea soup because they have destroyed their taste buds and brain...
Why do Scandinavian women tan so much? A lot of them are pretty without tans
What does Zig Forums think about 2nd amendment/owning firearms. Should us amerimutts just get rid of it...
ITT: post the hottest girl you fucked
/slav/ - thread for slav brothers
Why do people say asian men aren't masculine?
I wish we had more posters from Iran
Just end it all
/ita/ - il filo
ITT: Zig Forums users you recognize
What do people in your country think about Japan?
What do you think of this???
If I met an American dude, invited him over and grilled him a burger in my grill, would he possibly become my friend?
Albanians are white and European
Sverigetråden - TV-spelsupplagan
As much as I hate Americans, I respect their resistance to banter and how they value free speech...
Do you want to find love in Germany?
Your cunt
Refuse to enter a relationship with a girl who has a body count of five or more
Kurva anyátok
Want to move to ΛMERIKΛ
/cum/ Canada USA! Mexico general
Your country
This is Londrina, in South Brazil. It is the most japanese city outside of Japan! Come visit Londrina
This is considered a black woman in USA
/fr/ francofil
Name a more hated country on the internet
This will be the next Queen of Spain, say something nice to her
What are your thoughts on this Mexicanbros?
Why do westerners want to make anime characters ugly and fat?
Is this true???
Do you agree with the proposed breakup of switzerland?
I haven't exhanged a single word with my sister since 2014
Would your life be better if you had a million dollars?
What do people drink in your country?
Hilo /lat/ino
Sverigetråden - IngetBajs dag 44
What are you listening to?
I have a job interview in a few days and i've been studying so fucking much and now my head hurts
/ita/ il filo:edizione Evropea
Does this happen in your kunt?
Parents are about tp find out i NEETed through college enrollment
Do you LOVE the ottoman empire
Americans are mentally ill. They shoot each other over trivial shit like parking spaces
Third world frens
Me before Zig Forums
This is peak aesthetics
What should I call this area?
Americans are forced to speak a european language
Have you ever been to america?
Why is Zig Forums so autistically assblasted over this song and music video? Sex music has been made before
Go into german mcdonalds
Your cunt
/desi/-Classic OP edition
PLAY CIV6 Zig Forums. It's fun
Armed forces of the world
Do Swedes really?
Sverigetråden - Patriot Front Upplagan
What are your thoughts on this scam crap called "mormon religion"?
/ro/ - Firul Nostru
Africa General
A new statue was set up in my city, Nantes, but it was quickly vandalized
I was born a working class white male in rural Sweden
Us, Indo-Europeans
Post sons/daughters of world leaders
Why is he crying Zig Forums? :-(
Post pictures of your countrymen exploiting mother earth
/luso/ Fio lusófono
Why don't they just speak Indo-European languages like normal people?
What does Zig Forums like about Germany?
My prime minister :)
/ita/ il filo
Your profession
Why do euros use so much toxic in their food?
Sverigetråden - 2dupplagan
Do I look Germanic?
Are there any stereotypes surrounding black americans that are prevalent mostly in africa?
Hilo /esp/
/fr/ le francofil
Why the heck are arabs in europe so materialistic?
Why are there shitskins in Europe? They are literally just garbage that clutter the streets
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Are gypsies treated with dignity and respect in your country?
ITT we talk about french culture
Were people just as obsessed with Obama as they are with Trump now? I didn't care about US politics back then
Which country has the largest amount of pedophiles
1. country
/faces of Int
Sverigetråden - Skridskoupplagan
This scares the European
/ישר/ - /isr/ - /イスラ/
Are you virgin?
Why did he do it bros?
Zig Forums is one of the most popular boards on this website
Why is Greece always so buthurt ?
Good languages
The shadows are back
MENA/Pakistani/Indian bros
How would your country handle this situation?
This is what everyone here thinks they look like
Why do Americans have no furniture in their home?
I can't pronounce 'squirrel'
Umm... Greek bros?
/med/ - Mediterranean general
/fr/ - le francofil
What happened to Canada's most famous man?
They're not even that evil wtf, I've been lied to my entire life
When are we going to reunite the empire, spicbros?
!Your country
The name "Gypsy sauce" is now banned in Germany and replaced with "Paprika sauce, Hungarian style"
/v4/ + friends
I support white genocide in arica
Anglos, it's time to admit it. We need to reunite...
This triggers and angers anglos, I wonder why
Anti social social club
Hilo latino hilo anime /lat/ hilo
What do you want to be when you grow up?
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
I'm 22 and I still sleep with a stuffed bear. Am I based?
To what extend can Japan be called a dying nation due to it's shrinking and rapidly aging population?
Unlimited tax liability...
The moral responsibility of France for its crimes
Walk in the woods
Kurva anyátok
I suffer in russia
Did your language changed in the last 100 years?
Anime watchers should be shot dead. Imagine unironically watching cartoons for angsty teenagers
Hehe too spicey for whitey
Why do they use so many english words?
How are women like in your kunt?
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
ITT: We discuss ways to break up the UK
What is wrong with French “people”?
/cum/ - Canada US Mexico
/cum/ + /ex-yu/ - canada usa mexico slovenia croatia b&h serbia montenegro north macedonia
Is this true in your country?
Any femanons here?
I am repulsed by indian culture. I get nauseous when I see, hear, or smell indians
How does this make you feel? Does it remind you of any parts of your country?
Why are Americans so fratricidal?
Do NEETs receive adequate monetary compensation from the government in your country? In Australia we get almost nothing...
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2380
Did you know that d. Pedro, our last emperor, was married to a Habsburg...
Why do girls get offended when you refer to them as female?
Hedonism is based
São paulo is first world they said
Have you ever learned/discovered something thanks to Zig Forums?
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
Are people feminists in your country?
Hello uruguay
Fun Fact, the USA is the only country in the world with more apple music subscribers than Spotify subscribers
How do they call Jesus in your country? Jeesus Kristus
How badly is the loneliness epidemic affecting your country? Has the government put in any measures to deal with it?
Shhhhhhh... Euros are sleeping. They look so peaceful :)
Post your homescreen
Tfw you will never be dictator of your country
What is your country's most famous building?
Emirates are cucked now
Are you fit, Zig Forums?
Why is 4channel like this?
/mena/ Middle East & North Africa General
Hilo /lat/ino
Why do they act like they make the best Electro music?
Me on the right :P
How did Turks convince anatolians that they are all their descendants ?
Sverigetråden - *går mot dig*-upplagan
The turned the world into the dullest place and the future is even grimmer
Why don't you learn a language other than English and your native language?
You may not like them, but the flag looks nice
Based on your prime childhood here (ages 5-12), are you Gen X, Millennial, or Zoomer?
/deutsch/e Nackschicht
This country should just balkanize and form a union like EU
What city in your cunt has the most annoying people?
Bolsonaro wants to deport this
Why do western nobodies think their opinions on social media will change japan when most japanese people can't even...
/Desi/. Turmeric Processing Plant Edition
Do you have an equivalent for Jomon and Yayoi in your cunt?
/fr/ le francofil
Faceapp thread? Faceapp thread. Also rate me bois
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Americans don't know how to wash dishes
Americans call phones "iphones"
Ur cunt
First thing comes to mind
/ita/ il filo: edizione compra le mie cazzo di seadas
Do you guys have a girlfriend
Have you ever been in love?
I just went to Zig Forums and cringed to death
Apart from language, how are they different from scandis?
Sverigetråden - Skolstartsupplagan
Greatest writer was Slavic. Makes you think
Why yes I am swedish. no I wont apologies
/ita/ - il filo
Spanish surnames
Oslo is so nice
/lat/ hilo latino
10% of European deepwater harbors are owned by the Chinese government or have some sort of Chinese infrastructure in...
Who would your country support if they went to war?
Do you love Japan?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Why do Europeans use outdated smilies like xD ^^ and :D? :D especially comes off as passive aggressive
1. Your cunt
If you love Japan, Japan will love you
Why don’t they just become one country again
I wish we received arab immigrants like europe instead of mexican savages
/fr/ - le francofil
In so many countries
Are other countries also like this?
What do you call this in your country
Not even once did I ever have a conversation with an Indian flag here on Zig Forums
I hate living in the br*nx, what's it like to live in Stockholm
Zig Forums btfo
What countries are Soyjack and Gigachad from? I’d say Soyjack is definitely either from the USA or Canada...
America is a German colony. Deal with it
Which european country is most comfy?
I have no German ancestry
Why are Africans usually much better people than African Americans?
Sverigetråden - Könskvotupplagan
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Manages to turn NATO members against each other, about to destroy the alliance
Varg has an uncontrollable hatred for the Italians
When did lefties become such prudes? Why do they care about who you're fucking if you're both consenting adults?
Durch den Abend mit FBR in /deutsch/
Is Zig Forums the only board with an above average IQ?
I hate them so much they are stupid and backward and backstabbers they all should be exterminated
Finally a smart move by our American friends
The bullying of Germans on this board has gone too far, please bully some other country now
Tfw we earn way less than americans
Kurva anyátok
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Are you yellowpilled Zig Forums?
/lang/ - Language Learning General
Regional Rating
Rate your parents
Why do you care so much about racemixing ?
How can someone be so selfish?
WTF why are finnish people so racist?
Do egyptians actually walk funny?
Say something nice about albania
I support Greece. I think Turks should even have not enough beaches to swim...
75 years ago this month America dropped TWO nuclear bombs on Japan
I suffer in a white country
Sverigetråden - Elaka upplagan
Us belgians don't think about your countries at all. Except for you, France
/ita/ - il filo
Why are Americans like this?
What do you think about China Zig Forums?
For me, it's Spain
When the European makes fun of American architecture
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Do you have any genetic defects?
Someone speaks French
Hilo /lat/ino
These countries should slowly diverge their dialects Former-Yugoslavia-style so that they can actually say they have...
Post a song from the flag above you
English males
Is it easy to amass wealth in Russia?
FACTS proven. France is the most fashionable country in the world
Teach me about Belarusian culture
What would the world be like if instead of there being billion Indians and Chinese there were billion Germans and...
Average american easily makes over $5000 after taxes every month
How do you say "me too" in your language?
/cum/ - canada, usa, mexico
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
Canadian-American relations
Sverigetråden NWO-upplagan
Could your country's cuisine exist without potatoes?
Wir suchen DICH
Yo wtf I thought china was first world
/brit /
Do you suchen dich?
Is it difficult to get casual sex with beautiful girls in your country?
MFW none of what is happening on Belarus and Ukraine right now would be possible if not for years of Lithuanian and the...
/desi/-Tokyo Ghoul edition
/ita/ il filo
Genuine question, when was the last time you've seen a gay couple holding hands...
Which country is the most powerful in Europe?
Cum in my mouth daddy!!
This man will turn Brazil into a corrupt theocracy just like Iran in some years from now
What is the most important invention from your country?
What is this called in your country?
Russia has everything! Did you know we have J-E-W-S?
Why do attractive Black women appear to be so rare, especially in Africa? This is Angolan beauty pageant holder...
How do bidets actually clean your anus...
This was the chaddest Russian to ever come out of those grey steppes
What does it mean, Spanish bros?
Why do Russian women considered as whores all around the world? Even in movies they are depicted as hookers...
Post the most american picture that you have
An Italian goes mad because Southern Spain 'looks civilized'
Why do Russians and other Eastern Europeans use wallpaper instead of painting their walls ?
/fr/ - le francofil
Why won't Americans learn a white language instead of Spanish? Can Zig Forums help me find out?
With Romania and Bulgaria joining Schengen, and as more and more underdeveloped countries move towards EU integration...
I weigh 55kgs (121lbs) at 175cm (5'8)
How is life here
Tell me about Russian cities
I'm worried that I'm becoming a weeb...
Is Varg right?
ITT we write English with the grammatical rules of our native language
Is it true muslim think this is demon?
Faces of Zig Forums
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
They are threat to world peace
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Formerly homophobic dad not only accepts my homosexuality but now considers himself some sort of LGBTQ advocate
I still dont quite undeestand what a nation is supposed to be...
Are you an incel?
Is this just Scotland?
Why your country is so boring??
100 years ago, on this day Poland and frens with help of Virgin Mary saved Europe from communist menace
Youtube video of someone slightly praising norway
/fr/ francofil
Burundi wants Belgium and Germany to pay $43 billion in reparations for harm done during decades of colonial rule over...
How many tourists did they actually get this summer?
Mfw I am academically fluent in 6 languages
Dude look at this incel
/ישר/ - /इज़रा/ - /isr/
Do italian relly?
Your country
Sverigetråden - Lördagsupplagan
What comes to mind?
Why are tutorial worlders so picky with food...
Britishers and angloboos get in here
Should I move to this island?
Why are so many gooks uncle toms?
Let me present to you; The High Culture Of Finland
/med/ - Mediterranean general
/desi: saki saki edition
Reddit has actually absolutley unironical better content then this shit hole
Which country has the best climate?
Hilo /esp/ versión balcanización
I rolled a random country and got Yemen. Thus, today we're going to try cooking some Yemeni dishes...
Do they really?
You appear to have a loathing for the very concept of the existence of nation states; perhaps that's because you come...
Indian culture appreciation thread
Islam is the only thing standing between righteousness and degeneracy, between humanity and savagery
/deutsch/ auch bekannt als /hass/
/cum/ - canada us mexico
Question to white people
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine