Why don't they just speak Indo-European languages like normal people?
Why don't they just speak Indo-European languages like normal people?
Chink agents
Normal people don't come from the yellow river of Liao
Actually, Altai.
added to my finland thread highlighter
Show us your Finland thread highlighter.
because at least english is f* trash.
literally have to use 5 words to ask for a pen, repeat you/I other prefixes like a monkey, children have spelling bees because the words doesnt really make sense, and there is somewhat only 1 way of talking english if you dont want to be wrong or sound like a youda. Im waiting for the gook overlords to take over and replace this garbage
Join the swarm Teemu
Have you listened to Finns speak? It is an astonishingly beautiful language?
like to me, I get so pissed of when I hear native english being spoken because I feel like 50% is just unnecessary garbage with the actual content of the speech/text is going actually nowhere
f* meme language.
Why don't they speak a real language instead of a French-Germanic creole?
Why don't you suck my dick like the little bitch you are?
why are they white, if they are not indo european?
sex sex sex with your mom
>literally have to use 5 words to ask for a pen
lmao when this is actually true
Saanko kynän?
CaN i HaVe A pEn, PlEaSe??
>Even with their non-understanding
Do theyr eally??
The consensus is that they "appear" white
even the russians can do it in 2: jest rjutsku?
In english you have to go full monkey and form the question somewhat like this:
I ugu ugu want ugu ugu do ugu existense of a pen ugu ugu have ugu you ugu the ugu of ugu ugu give ugu a ugu the ugu pen ugu please?
What's even this argument
>waaah i need to put more spaces in my sentence instead of it being unreadable clusterfucks
>waaah an isolating language works different from an agglutinative language
I dont understand but I was not trying to compliment russian language.
what is your point? you like this that words dont have any depth to them what so ever?
Im suprised english even has plural instead of saying like: two duck
I understand if you would like to talk like saying the actual number of ducks: 300 duck, instead of talking about just ducks
You can just say "Got a pen?" dude
The depth is in the syntax mostly. You can argue it has less soul, but both you and I will be biased by saying that, especially since there isn't an objective measurement and English has the most words out of any language which you could argue makes English more expressive than any language. I certainly would prefer learning any germanic language over Finish. It's way too autistic
Isn't the number of syllables in those two sentences basically the same, discounting the "please"?
most words but only one way of using them makes it quite dull.
also sounds wonky in my mouth.
Id rather unlearn english if it would be possible.
Because its developed. If they were thirdies, they'd be given a new, invented classification.
I kinda get your point, but it's more of a cultural rather than linguistic thing. Anglos may be of the most indirect people in the world..
Yes, I added the please, because I knew it would triggers autists and it would go like that anyways if you asked in english
I don't get why you would keep doing the same shitpost for such a long time.
Both of these takes about the same amount of time to say so I don't see how anybody could fall for it anyway.
Sprölölölölölö. Spurdo spärde! Kurva anyatok!
>I don't see how anybody could fall for it anyway.
A bit ironic post, but I think you're a nice lad, Sven
You too Pekka, take care.
because pie werent white g
i just say "kynä"
indo euros are fucking cucks
I love experimenting with English and have never really felt restricted by it. Maybe you're just not fluent enough
Isn't Basque a non indo-european language too?
Based image
Wtf i love poland now