Tfw you will never be dictator of your country

>tfw you will never be dictator of your country

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>my country will never have a dictator

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>be mutt
>install dictators everywhere
>call it fighting for liberty

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When we install a dictator it's because the people of that country aren't doing enough to defend freedom and they need a pro freedom dictator to do it for them.

I mean you can just run for office, the governors during this virus are pretty much acting like dictators.

Ye ye

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Why would you want to be? I mean just look at what it’s like being a democratically elected President. That shit is like going to fucking war every single day.

Not with that attitude.

Excellent example.

The Koreans had a bunch of commies, so it was necessary to eliminate the communist elements within Korean society before a full democracy can be established.

Today the part of Korea that was under US occupation is a prosperous democracy and the part that was under Soviet occupation is a giant gulag. The dictatorship was an unpleasant but ultimately necessary step on the road to liberty.