Albanians are white and European

Albanians are white and European.
Stop treating us like we're Arabs for christsake

Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_Albania.svg.png (1200x857, 35.1K)


Attached: 5d8e30954f95d.jpg (750x601, 71.67K)

>The first written mention of the Albanian language was on 14 July 1284 in Dubrovnik in modern Croatia when a crime witness named Matthew testified: "I heard a voice shouting on the mountainside in the Albanian language"

Who treats you as if you were Arab?

Attached: Flag_of_Albania.png (980x700, 16.23K)

Everyone at school thought my family was arab

how? from your appearance? name? accent?


My moms veiled. I left islam but still have a muslim name

If Albanians didn't look and act like Arabs we wouldn't think you were.