Is this true?

Is this true?

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Are Americans really not allowed to eat kinder eggs?
Land of the free more like land of Islamic gommunism LOL

Kinder eggs are banned here because some dumbass kids choked on them and died.


but not if the powers that be have any say.

t. been fighting them all my life.


Oh I should specify that it's the Kinder Surprise Eggs, not the Kinder Joy Eggs

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true foe most of the country, but liberal areas can drop the hammer on you for self-defense. doesn't happen all the time but it does happen.



Kinder eggs aren't banned.

I took pics of a rediculously large display of them at the local Walmart, I deleted them because I was hoping i'd never return to FAGchan.

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Obviously it's an extreme exaggeration but it's based on some actual truth, Europe does have really shitty self defense laws and while we also have some issues of judicial activism (like the charging of that white couple in St. Louis) it's a way bigger problem in Europe.

can't believe this movie was allowed to be made. But in the end, the nigger won.

If you tell the police you were in shock when you attacked the intruder, they can't charge you for it, but you can't pull a fucking shotgun once somebody steps on your lawn, like in the USA.

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Even in retarded areas you'll usually beat the charges even if you have to spend the night in jail.

You're really not allowed to here but we're a lot more flexible about it



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30000 hours in ms paint

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so why don't you ban guns since some retards kids have misused them too?

>even if you have to spend the night in jail.
>be in your right
>still get incarcerated
land of the free

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We got them this time lads

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You can get arrested for anything, being arrested just means they think it's likely enough that you're guilty that it's worth processing you so the courts can handle it if they need to. The constitution only says that (under normal circumstances) you have a right not to be held any longer than it takes to put you in front of a judge, who then gets to decide whether to let you go, make you pay bail and then let you go, or keep you until trial. If you kill someone under weird circumstances it's totally reasonable that they take you down town to sort it out, but if you live in a cool state and were pretty obviously in the right you probably won't be arrested.

Why the fuck did this make me laugh so much

The muh freedumb boomers will never allow it.