This is a German twink

This is a German twink

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Looks like your typical twink

I prefer brown twinks

That's not a typical twink, that's a German twink.

All the brazilians that I talked to and found cute were brown.

Don't you find Louis attractive, gay lefty Bavarian?

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No. The hair is okay tho.

But he's twink ish too. Anyway, to each their own :-)

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Would you like to have a German twink as your bf?

I'd only like Louis as my bf.

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Do you think he likes women.

Yes, I've seen ig stories he posted where he was with his gf. He might be bi but not gay.

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He looks a bit better in these images.

If you want, I'll track down his bitch gf and scratch out her eyes while I yell "With love from Argentina!" at her

LMAO. I would never hurt the person that makes him happy

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Your happiness is more important to me than her eyes

lol but if she's hurt then Louis will be sad so I'll be extra sad. Nothing is to be gained in a situation like that.

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His vulnerability with give you an opening to swoop in and soothe him at your bosom, forever imprinting on his very soul so that he will not be able to be withouht you ever again.

It's settled then! Thank me later

lmao stop. It's not funny. I'd never hurt anyone and I don't like joking about stuff like that.

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>it's not funny

hello what did she mean by this

Oh, also, I'm getting a haircut tomorrow!!!! Mom is sponsoring a trip to a pricey salon and I hope it's worth it

I hope you like it user

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Tell me about the situation in your country. Did you have a lockdown?

Yup. We been on lockdown since March. The situation's bad because people won't stay the fuck home.
How's Germany? Do you all wear masks when going outside or you don't care anymore?

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The lockdown is ongoing? Brutal. Bavaria was the only state in Germany that had a real lockdown, it only lasted a month but I thought I was going insane after a week, so I packed a bag and snuck back to my parents, they have a big garden and the weather was nice so I was chilling outside a lot :3

We don't wear masks outside here. The situation was under control until recently, but in the past week the number of cases has been growing more quickly

Damn. It'd be nice to live in a country where people would behave. We all wear masks here.
>the number of cases has been growing more quickly
I hope it's nothing, but I guess until the vaccine is ready there will be small outbreaks here and there

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When will you move to Germany? :^)

Realistically, most likely never lol.

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Why not? Because you think it's an ugly language?

Oh shit now I recognize him, the guy from Dark?



is that you?