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International #1290
Americans cant cum into their foreskin, seal it with a pinch and release the load into toilet in a controlled fashion
Mathematician: How to write 4 in between a 5?
What does residential architecture look like in your country?
/med/ - olive oil general
Honest thoughts on Iberian women?
Pisses off Syria, Russia, Greece, Egypt, Cyprus, Saudi Arabia, UAE, United States, France, Israel, EU
Kurva anyátok
Why are they so evil and butthurt all time?
Is it normal to fantasize about pic related in you're a country?
Video of black guy beating white woman
Be you
What's it like living in Turkey? It seems pretty nice to me desu
/v4/ + friends
Is /int well read?
Russian Image in the West
Why are more white women going with Latino men?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
What do average Chinese people think about Xi Jinping? I don't really talk politics with people at university...
Why don't you workout, user?
/desi/-Anime girls mocking you edition
100 million views in one day.. How the fuck do they do this?
Think about not being white in Brazil
Only USA can post in this thread
/cum/ - canada us mexico
Why do southern euros not look white?
How can one country be so evil?
Would Zig Forums press it?
Order takeout
Do other first worlders here feel like they are missing out on life by not being a thirdie...
Angry SEAsians
Would I pass as kocal in your cunt?
Elderly Chinese neighbor who used to own a restaurant made me veggie fried rice
ITT: Stereotypes that you think foreigners have about your region and if you fulfill them
Jesus, how norses live like that?
Is it collapsing?
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2385
/gen/ - general general
/ita/ - il filo
This is AOC and her boyfriend Riley Roberts. Say something nice about them
I suffer in wales
/flag/ + /extraflags/
Tick tock conscriptionfags
Is japan fucked?
What phone do you have?
How do you cope with having no inheritance or social mobility in your country?
Russians answer the phone like
/cum/ - canada us mexico
Russians have high suicide rates
I ask myself this everyday
/fr/ - le francofil
Wtf japan hates animu now?
/dixie/ – THE SOVTH & Friends
Your country
I work at a chocolate factory. I make 20$ and hour. My sister went to college and got a degree and makes 17$ an hour...
Do we
Amerikan Golem
Can someone redpill me on Argentina? Why are they incapable of become a prosperous and civilised modern country?
Are "pure" whites in reality part mongoloid ?
The only Latinx people we have are Brazilians
*blocks your path*
Choose your character
What does Zig Forums's desktop looks like?
Coins thread
Say something nice about them
Can you stop pretending you're not white already? you're obviously white
Sverigetråden - Kolmårdsupplagan
What part of your country would you delete?
Uni sent me an email saying dismantling systemic racism is my responsibility. What do
Ameribros, how do i get 1400 on SAT
Europoors will never know this joy
Fuck wh*tes
I suffer in southeast asi-
Do you love England?
/desi/-Chads of indiachan edition
What happens here
Do they learn about nietzche in high school
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
I dont have a gf
Thinking about returning to my ancestral homeland. Thoughts?
Are the men in your country obsessed with white women?
Why do african americans seethe so hard at nigerians?
What are your honest, non meme opinions about pic related? what do people in your cunt think about him?
/mex/ + /CA/
My fucking step sis
/balt/ + /ausnz/
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Nobody above the age of 24 should be here
Thirdies can't study their genealogies further back than the 19th century...
Any other nonwhites genuinely enjoying watching Europeans get demographically replaced...
How would this compare to now ?
I hate Yuropeans so fucking much. I hate every single one of you...
/fr/ - le Francofil
/ita/ il filo
Your country
/nachtschicht/ morgen wieder /deutsch/
Sometimes i see russian flags here on Zig Forums say that people in russia hate blacks. But it isn't true...
Get into airplane
My Parents won't let me go to Japan
Sverigetråden - Konsumera mera
When did this degenerate shithole excuse of a country became a extension of Africa?
What is the region of your cunt that everyone looks down upon? In Brazil, it's northeast, North and Rio de Janeiro
Americans have no vacation
What's your favorite part of int?
Ok so black culture is
/desi/-Remembering Dinu Alex edition
1. Your country
Vocaroo thread
I fixed Europe
William Shakespeare is extremely overrated
Do girls laugh at your jokes?
The African Renaissance Monument statue is the tallest in Africa and was designed by a Romanian...
Post interesting maps
I firmly believe that all nationalism is pointless if we don't return to architectural tradition
Do you want to find love in Germany?
I'm only attracted to Asian girls
Do you wish to find love in America?
First nine posters get one of these burgers
/v4/ + friends
Why is voting not compulsory in most of the world?
Be walking around in bavaria
Have you ever gotten beaten up?
Are you a manlet in your country?
Your country
Which do you prefer? The Chinese girls from Canada, the Japanese girls from Japan, the Chinese girls from China...
I have conducted an Zig Forums general test
Now it all makes sense
Friend gone to canada in 2013
Fucking Swedish """steel""" in Finland even bread stronger than you
Hilo /lat/ino
Sverigetråden - Fortnitetjädupplagan
/ita/ - il filo
My gf had blonde hair as a baby and now it's like this
What's the weirdest thing you've ever eaten?
NOOOOOOO we did not genocide people arr over the Asia! you rie!
How do French people feel about their reputation as surrendering cowards?
I don't understand why weebs would want to live in a place where this happens regularly
Does Zig Forums eat this?
I've been to Serbia once and nazi skinheads beat me up for speaking Hebrew
/fr/ - Le fil Francophone
Is drinking alcohol with your family a thing in your country? I wish I could share a beer with my dad
Changed my tinder location to moscow. every single woman is a 10
Friendly reminder that the average rooster Beats the Shit out of the Eagle
I really *really* want an EU passport
Are you fat?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Do Japs really?
Why Japanese society is better than American
/ישר/ - /ܝܣܪ/ - /isr/ - /Ισρ/ + חברים
The French army killed this
/balt/ + /ausnz/
On Zig Forums the average poster is >180 with a 20 cm penis
What music are you currently listening to?
Turks are rich now
Why does my country make so many people seethe?
Knorr changing the name of its Gypsy-sauce due to racism concerns
Kurva anyátok
Do they learn darwinism/evolution theory at school?
Do the Dutch really feel no bond or responsibility to Indonesia?
Rare mushrooms found in Hämeenlinna, Finland
What cigarettes does Zig Forums smoke?
/desi/- Based Farmer edition
Who really invented the Egyptian Pyramids?
Is it legal to defend yourself in your country?
/ita/ il filo
The US currently has hundreds of ships circling outside China's south sea
ITT: We post the EVROPEAN anthem in our languages
Do you LOVE the United States of America?
Why do all Young European footballers look like this
New board: /vm/ - Video Games/Multiplayer
I unironically like my country
Who is Zig Forums's favorite black male pornstar?
I suffer in France
Why can't Latin America achieve first world status?
/fr/ - francofil
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
Sverigetråden - Gamerupplagan
Honest question for Europeans. Do you wish you lived in America? Why or why not
This gotta be the most boring sport ever
Have you ever had contact with a real tranny in your cunt?
/dixie/ – THE SOVTH & Friends
Gather up ladies and gentlemen, I'm here to make a VERY important announcement
Try to randomly help a woman because I just have a good heart
I tried to make a map of the indigenous homeland of every ethno-linguistic group before realising that ethnicity...
Post the menu from your national hamburger chain
Why are slavs the only physically competent whites?
/mena/ me + you :3
What ethnicity/nationality has the hottest girls, in your opinion?
How Americanised is your nation's culture right now?
Why is there a Disneyland in japan? I thought they were anime supremacists
Are you a bedlet?
Why are descendants of these two countries responsible for so much organized crime in the US?
How come the best parts of Evropa are Cvtholic?
Stereotypical name for white Americans?
1. Your country
What do people in your country think of the new netflix movie?
Turkey found gas, nooooooooooo greece bros what fucking happened
Post the most French pictures you have. Only nice ones please, no bully
At what age did you lose your virginity
/ita/ - il filo
/fr/ - fil francofone
Sverigetråden - Windows 98 Upplagan
What is the NISEST thing you've done to a person who was a different nationality than yourself
/lang/ - Language Learning General
You are a country
The person reading this is cute and deserves lots of internationally reaching love and affection
Cairo looks like THAT?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why is Latin America and Brazil so dangerous?
Rate my diarrhea Zig Forums
America.........have we just become bored with existence in general?
Why are Russians so superstitious?
My gf is pregnant. The pull out method literally doesn't work
A spanish girl looks at you like this
Explain yourself India
Would you give a Spanish girl a chance?
How do you feel about non-Koreans in kpop bands? I want more of them
Russia has Tigers, Seals
So, what's your family tree Zig Forums?
Sverigetråden - Jätteroliga personlighetsupplagan
What do you use chicken hearts for in your country?
Capitalising alphabets
Do they really?
Post cheap food sold in local shops in your country
/ישר/ - /ܝܣܪ/ - /isr/ - /Ισρ/ + חברים
Now that the dust has settled, was she right?
Gypsy Lives Matter
/fr/ - le francofil
These will start WW3. Thoughts?
My dream is to marry a beautiful young white woman and she gives me papers so i get to live in a first world country
/desi/-Son Goku edition
I work in one of the biggest Russian marketing agencies. Company is filled with liberashkas and lefties...
Do other first worlders here feel like they are missing out on life by not being a thirdie...
Terrorize Europe, slicing Prussia and Austria, need Britain and Russia to come against you
In islam it is seen as an extremely bad behavior to kill harmless spiders, thoughts?
/med/ - olive oil general
Any thoughts?
I will have armenian or georgian wife. I WILL HAVE armenian or georgian wife. I will have ARMENIAN OR GEORGIAN wife...
Do they really?
1. Country
/lia/ levant iraq arabian peninsula and north africa
Why would a quarter of the world's population watch two people they don't know marry...
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Which cunt is the greatest definition of rich shithole?
Kurva anyátok
What do you guys think of invented scripts for native languages?
Which do you prefer?
Do girls (boys) look like this in your country?
Do you love Germany? Would you live in Germany? Do you want to find love in Germany?
Why are white women so hairy?
This ugly ass fattod amerimutt just texted me. I'm gonna ghost her as usual
Why does the media love her so much?
Is there a single more bland, uninteresting country than this?
Post the most British picture you have
Why are they so obsessed with film stars?
Americans think asking for ID to vote is racist
Nobody likes me or my country... why?
My country is irrelvant because my ancestors in the 1800s were too retarded to unite like Germany and Italy...
I wish i had brown skin
As a poc post-modernist, I question why do you brown fellas want white women?
EU4 extended timeline mod
Do people in your cunt watch the crowning achievement of millennia of human art and advancement, "K-On!"?
Do french really?
I am human and i need to be loved. Just like everybody else does
Who is the worst poster you recognize on Zig Forums?
Latvian champion weightlifter Rebeka Koha, 22, announced that she is ending her athletic career...
Zig Forums Bar
Found in a Chinese mini-market in Argentina
Hehe too spicey for whitey
Jomon vs yayoi
I hate America and I hate Amerifats. I hate living in the suburbs and seeing strip mall after strip mall...
Mathematician: How to write 4 in between a 5?
Soviet russia
I am of Mexican descent and I was accused of having white privilege today
I am ugly, stupid and lazy
ITT only rare ethnicities are allowed
I have a question about Americans and geography:
Why don't Russians always smile like Americans do?
Countries that should be rangebanned from Zig Forums
User, why didn't you practice Japanese today?
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2384
Hilo latino
Argentines look like THAT?
/flag/ + /extraflags/
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
How's rural life in your country?
I have landed in brazil and i am in porto alegre
Hey guys, I've met a girl from Poland and she wants to be my gf...
Summarize your cunt in one image
Why are Americans so brainwashed into thinking that buying houses is a good investment and a status symbol...
/desi/-Arjun Reddy slapping his loser girlfriend edition
1. Your cunt
Are people in your country cool cancer?
/luso/ - Edição Fio Merda
Why are they so based?
Get close to an Indian family in the line at the supermarket
I'm taking a bath
I suffer in Latinx America
How are Canadians who don't speak French treated in Quebec?
I haven't masturbated for 7 days and i'm wiating for that huge super coom any second now
Why have you not moved to Arizona yet?
I miss this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe
Can we have an oldschool Europe vs USA thread?
Why didn't Japan save her?
Is it over for us?
/fr/ - le francofil (Gladio interdit)
/ita/ il filo
This scares me
This is a German twink
Just put $1000 on Trump
Sverigetråden - Bög-upplagan
Why don't Euros have highways running through their cities?
And the death count is 794,094. HONK HONK
/nachtschicht/ morgen wieder /deutsch/
Confess, Zig Forums
Why are Norwegian women so beautiful?
Your cunt
Who makes better food and why is it greece?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
How tall men are treated in your country?
/lat/ - hilo latANO
Why can't white people handle the heat? Is it the lack of melanin?
Did your country riot because a woman beating drug dealing porn star overdosed on fentanyl?
What's the best female phenotype your country can offer as common?
England is just a French colony gone rogue. The 100 years war is just a civil war
What is your American name?
Adult male
I suffer in russia
Post your favorite maps and battles in history
Who is the person that you love the most, Zig Forums?
Europe should be one single country
I thought French men were suppose to be the most desired in the world?!
Watching a movie with my mom
Could i pass as a local on your cunt?
Europeans please STOP dressing like this when you visit Rio. It's embarassing
/cum/ - Canada Usa Mexico
Sverigetråden - Vi var konungar
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Trips decide what i jerk off to tonight
I hate japan!
They are the bad guys of history
Speak french
What is the weirdest board on Zig Forums?
/deutsch/ - Ententanz
/desi/-Natures Prophet edition
Well? Are you grateful??
What are these called in your cunt?
You wake up tomorrow morning looking like this
Zig Forums /choco/ - Chocolate international women appreciation general #3
/ita/ - il filo
/fr/ - Le fil Francophone
Has the US fought your country before? How much did we win (considering we've never lost a war before)...
Would I pass as a local in your country?
Do you prefer brown girls or white girls?
Why do anglos called Köln "Cologne"? Shouldn't they just keep it as Köln, Koln or call it Colony...
International bunda thread
Is monarchism still a thing in Russia or is it just a thing cringe zoomers do on the internet?
Whose side are you on Zig Forums?
*mogs every city on the planet*
What the fuck Belgium? This is not acceptable
I had a dream revelation that (int/ is shit and when i woke up it was true
Post churches or religious sites from your cunt !
I’m 32 yrs old, AIDS-poz, gay, chink, drug addict, vegan, anorexic, unemployed
This isn't like my cartoons
Americans unironically wash their meat before cooking it
Russian woman totally beaten the fuck out of by Korean guy
Kurva anyátok
Your country
This is polish village that didnt have any male child born in more than 20 years
What if your wife cheated on you?
Does this happen in ur cunt?
/lat/ hilo latino
What's the word for "normalfag" in your language?
-your nationality
This is what happens to nafri girls who grow up in france
Why doesn't someone send them food?
Putting your genetic background on your dating profile
27 and live with my parents
God tier beautiful women
What is it about them that makes Europeans seethe so much?
/fr/ - le francofil
Does Varg dislike your kunt?
Why are Brits so obsessed with us?
ITT: countries that would be based if they weren't muslim
This is a 10/10 in Brazil
We need a great European firewall
Wow user, please tell me more about your international friends *yawn*
1. Your country
You can be arrested by mailman in the US
Do beautiful girls fart or poop?
When will they recognize Kosovo?
White europeans dont watch BLACKED
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Tfw quite literally a member of the RSS (Paramilitary wing of the Hindu Nationalist party) and is just going to submit...
Any zoomers here? 2001 reporting in
/ita/ - il filo
What is highschool like in the U.S.?
The way Germans say "Europa"
Why do people on this board know who this is? Do people here unironically watch virtual ytbers and why?
1. Your country
According to the Arab Party's page, a prerequisite for becoming a member is to be of Arab origin...
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine