Uni sent me an email saying dismantling systemic racism is my responsibility. What do.
Uni sent me an email saying dismantling systemic racism is my responsibility. What do
looks like you gotta end racism
go on a shooting spree and target only whites
racism can only end with the END of the white race, the most evil and racist race on the whole planet
Man's social practice is not confined to activity in production, but takes many other forms--class struggle, political life, scientific and artistic pursuits; in short, as a social being, man participates in all spheres of the practical life of society. Thus man, in varying degrees, comes to know the different relations between man and man, not only through his material life but also through his political and cultural life (both of which are intimately bound up with material life). Of these other types of social practice, class struggle in particular, in all its various forms, exerts a profound influence on the development of man's knowledge. In class society everyone lives as a member of a particular class, and every kind of thinking, without exception, is stamped with the brand of a class.
Hitler bad lol
then dismantle systemic racism its not hard
i ended ethnic tensions in rwanda on a summer overseas internship you just have to put the work in
>"systematic racism is entrenched in every aspect of life"
bunch of meme words with no real meaning behind it
>there's only one race: the human race
>and it's all white
you gotta pull yourself up by your bootstraps and enact some social change
The part that utterly baffles me about this is that top American unis, in particular at graduate levels, are FULL of international students, mostly from Asia. It must be so weird for them to see all this newspeak that is clearly only about a very specific and troublesome minority, while blatantly ignoring the fact that there's a huge proportion of university students and researchers who apparently don't exist as far as the media is concerned.
Nothing. It’s just virtue signaling so the joggers don’t burn down the school.
>Vice President of Global Diversity of Inclusion
Based based based
I'm curious, to what degree of racial taxonomy classification is required to assign people to certain races and identify them as oppressed (in need of equity) and oppressor (responsibility of atonement). where do Georgians, Kazakhs, and other "grey area" people of the world who don't obsess over race fit in? Or are there only the 4 races (White, Black, Asian, Latino/"indigenous")? More importantly if racism is entrenched in all aspects of life, what makes identifying PoCs separately from whites? What implications does this have on an inherently racial level about these groups to make such a sweeping statement?
stop using that retarded term
Tell them how “problematic“ it is that they think they have to remind you just because you are xxx race.
Reminds me of a time a few years back when a black guy gave a conference at my uni basically telling us how we should do more for Africa or whatever because Europe didn't feel guilty anymore for what it did long ago or something like that.
I wish I could tell you to stop giving them your money but unfortunately a college degree is still a thing so you’ll have to just ignore those retards.
It really is crazy how this is now like a non-stop coordinated front where you’re just hammered with this shit all at once all the time.
That would get you expelled in many US unis.
Take up the mantle of systemic racism
Well, a good portion of them are targets of the indoctrination. They want Chinese graduate students to fuckin march just like the white barista marches for black lives. They’re not ignoring them. They are the target consumer.
Play "Still" by Moonman on their uni speakers.
>T-try not to th-think about how we're forcing you to pay on-campus tuition for online courses! Here! Some meaningless bullshit to keep you distracted!
I only use it as a means of figuring out what an actual goal is with these groups and what makes them up if its so important that it inherent to everyone's life, beyond the vague rehtoric and parenthicals. I obviously don't subscribe to such notions.
>What do.
Stop. Paying.
>campus community
American schools would usually address their students with a nickname. Hoosiers/Buckeyes/Lions/etc. This is instantly fake.
If you have to use it, at least pronounce it "pocks".
I cant since in their head, race is how they determine where I stand in this ontological reality of there's (as it's inherently racist).
It's probably some no-name liberal arts college with an enrollment of like 1,300 that gives no shits about athletics.
They have to be able to admit that cultural imperialism is justified in some ways, given that they want the designated "PoC" of the world to take up the mantel in order to be a good person.
Dismantle it faggot
We didn't get the IKEA manual.