Thinking about returning to my ancestral homeland. Thoughts?
Thinking about returning to my ancestral homeland. Thoughts?
go ahead yung g
I want to genocide all Irish people and Irish Americans.
where abouts are you looking to settle?
if ur grandma was born there u can get a passport
it doesn't look like Mexico's flag
Bro, are you conscious of how cringe does it sound to talk about your "ancestry" and your "homeland" to the rest of the world? You are not Irish. You are American, somebody who has been born and raised in the US, that's what you should identify with. The fact that you have Irish ancestry (which is probably 1/8 or some shit like that) doesn't mean anything. You are a citizen of the most powerful country on Earth. Feel proud, at least.
Lol we should do that because of Brexit xD
The only Irish pride fags I can tolerate are the elderly type who actually had parents immigrate from Ireland.
The young ones are cringe.