Why does the media love her so much?
Why does the media love her so much?
Andrew Hughes
Wyatt Davis
Cause female and progressive
Andrew Cooper
Why don't you love her you fucking incel
Aiden Powell
Please turn memeflag off.
Noah Miller
Cunt face
Blake Reyes
She literally delayed an election because some people got the sniffles
Adam Cox
How do I kill without consonant
Colton Mitchell
Because they're not raging incels, and before you sperg out claiming you aren't lets all keep in mind you literally frame-stepped your way through a video to grab a mid-word still of someone talking to make them look worse because you're that mentally ill
Kevin Butler
You just hate women. Stop pretending like democracy works anyway. Have sex
Evan Jackson
She masquerades as some sort of progressive while putting New Zealanders under absurdly stringent fascist measures