Is it normal to fantasize about pic related in you're a country?

Is it normal to fantasize about pic related in you're a country?

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neck yourself faggit

yes. don’t worry user we all do it, everyone else is just lying



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Im glad you are a genetic dead end

Yes, I used to just fantasize about fucking a cute boy but sometimes I think about sucking dick and getting fucked

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UwU :3

I exclusively fantasize about being a cock repository

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That's hot.

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stop larping

What did he mean by this?

Yes we swedish bottoms are grindrsluts~

Can you meet sex?

You should stop live action roleplaying as a homosexual

No, it's a sign of mental illness

I'm not sure what you're getting at here user

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The anus is not a sex organ.

so I guess it's not gay

if that's true then why is the male gspot in the ass?

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No, because little boys here are ugly.

what about the g spot

Kyrpää ..