Why are descendants of these two countries responsible for so much organized crime in the US?
Why are descendants of these two countries responsible for so much organized crime in the US?
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it was real greaseball shit
poles do it too
t. knower
it's not 1950 anymore, sven
niggers and spics have a monopol on crime in the us now
Why do you make so many shitty bait threads?
I don't want to be a product of my environment. I want my environment to be a product of me. Years ago we had the church. That was only a way of saying - we had each other. The Knights of Columbus were real head-breakers; true guineas. They took over their piece of the city. Twenty years after an Irishman couldn't get a fucking job, we had the presidency. May he rest in peace. That's what the niggers don't realize. If I got one thing against the black chappies, it's this - no one gives it to you. You have to take it.
Rising up against the Anglo-American menace
They were poor.
Dunno. We must thank them for such much kino
Is that the same excuse you give for blacks and mexicans?
Discrimination the same thing the happens to african americans to this day.
Superb post
>are descendants of these two countries responsible for so much organized crime in the US?
Do you mean were? The Irish really aren't anymore. The Westies and Whitey Bulger were just savages. As for the Italians the mob is a small percentage but largely still is around from ties to foreign criminals and the FBI being focused on terrorism. Having said that other groups like the Jews were also savage criminals. Blacks and Hispanics still are really bad.
historical seething against anglo supremacy; they subconsciously act out by destroying ordered society
Irish-Americans became cops, they were the opposite of criminals
Irish Americans speak English and have been mixed with English Americans for over a century now.
>Americans speak English
no way
Yes it's the same reason
organized what?
Yeah so Irish Americans are as Saxonised as anyone else in the USA
>speaking a language is all there is to a culture
ok retard
>Language: English (American flag)
Because of racism
other euro-yanks seemed to lack the cohesion necessary I suppose
imagine its mostly slavs and hispanics now
They were the niggers of the time.
America is an English colony. Everyone who goes there becomes English mentally, linguistically and spiritually.
imagine being this delusional
Brit: "Do you speak English?"
Minnesota Scandinavians: "Ja"