I firmly believe that all nationalism is pointless if we don't return to architectural tradition

I firmly believe that all nationalism is pointless if we don't return to architectural tradition.
That's not to say I hate all modernism, I htink it has its place, but in America we really wrecked our identity with soulless strip malls and suburban sprawl.

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Did america ever have an identity?

but that's your identity


That's true, but on the other hand they're beautiful, while the glass cubes are not.

No, OP is crazy
Idaho is nothing like you though, personally we’re better than the rest of USA and Europe, I don’t make the rules but we simply are

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Well that's just like your opinion.

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I think your opinion is baseless

Nobody is touching the Big Ben or Reichstag you fucking retard. That building wasn't MUH TRADISHIONALIST to begin with and besides, it looks a lot fucking cooler now.

Go to Paris, the juxtaposition of la defence with the inner city is a beautiful one. If you go 100% 'tradishanalism' you'll get beautiful but boring cities like Venice.

>beauty is subjective

No it isn't, that's why almost everyone on earth agrees that Saint Peter is more beautiful than a dogshit.

Bro Hitler skydaddy told him so
you have to believe

It works because La Défense has been settled outside the city. The Tour Montparnasse however.

>If you go 100% 'tradishanalism' you'll get beautiful but boring cities like Venice.

There's no city less boring than Venice.

Attached: Tour_Montparnasse.jpg (620x910, 194.17K)

>we really wrecked our identity
??? どゆこと?

i hate people who harp on endlessly about 'traditionalism'


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>I firmly believe that all nationalism is pointless if we don't return to architectural tradition.
>That's not to say I hate all modernism, I htink it has its place, but in America we really wrecked our identity with soulless strip malls and suburban sprawl.

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For me, it's Futurism
Brutalism comes close second

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Don't hate me for it, but I think the Tour Montparnasse has a very cool capitalist modernist edge to it in the midst of all the regular buildings. It isn't that much of an eyesore. I think it looks pretty cool. De Eiffel Tower is the same principle. Big fuck off black rod (Freud would like to have a talk with you) in the middle of the city as a hallmark to modernity. Modernism + Traditionalism is a strangely pleasing aesthetic.

Never been to Venice, saw it in an anime kek, but if I had to choose between never leaving Paris or never leaving Venice, i'd probably pick Paris and not out of convenience.
(besides, if we're really being honest, the large apartments in Paris totally block any view so it's not like any highrise really has an impact)

itt we summon him

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>I firmly believe that all nationalism is pointless if we don't return to architectural tradition.
>That's not to say I hate all modernism, I htink it has its place, but in America we really wrecked our identity with soulless strip malls and suburban sprawl.

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I bet all of the above pictures, except hungaries maybe would make really bad office space.

in contrast to the bottom pictures..

Most architecture has some good quality to it (even the crime on Skopje is a very nice tacky aesthetic, which is good in its own right) except Zara Hadid.
Fuck her architecture, the gendered Jew.

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If I want to enjoy a nice cup of coffee, i'm picking the upper one. If I want to bike around town and go for a swim, i'm picking the lower one.
Different cities attract different people.

The lower buildings give off an air of authority and universality which coincides with avant-gardism while the upper pictures are kitschy if used for anything but common affairs, tourism or local industry.
I wonder what you think modern palaces should look like, palaces being governmental buildings.
Should they be spilling with marble like some hyperactive 15 year old discovering Roman history for the first time or should they be conservative, soothing yet imposing? If you want that, you need the bottom four.

hadid's port authority is cool as shit
you also have literally zero idea what the word modernism means so please go kill yourself

It's just a gratuitous desacration of Paris. It bears no sense at all, it's just an ugly cube towering Paris. Talking about modernism has no sense, that's the modernity we have but i could have been different, it could have been something else than glass cubes and bland open spaces. It could have been art deco, art nouveau. Chrysler building for example. But apparently architects went mad once they learned to do basic geometric form.

Here is Villa Majorelle interior, Nancy.

Attached: Art_Nouveau2.jpg (1024x576, 109.82K)

hadid made a lot of trash too
stuff that's very deliberate instead of authentic projects

yuck, ugly
>cube bad

Because it's bland, heartless, inhuman, unnatural, soulless, and not fit for men but for bugs.

Attached: Cube.png (1200x1080, 9.62K)

You could also call it strong (four corners), monolithic, material (temporal), futuristic, authoritative, imposing and fit for knights.
It's like a modern keep or citadel.
It's like a space craft.
It's like a rock or obelisk.
It's like an asteroid.

Reminds me of 2001 Space Odyssey.

Modern architects defend their cubes like lawyers defend serial murderers, but they eye doesn't lie.

I'm telling you I didn't find it that offensive.
Helped as a point of reference. Stood out.

No you autist, your american identity are strip malls and suburbia, that is literally a part of your culture.