1st question:
Why whitu ppl always manage colored ppl?
2nd question:
Why whitu ppl always go outside and go wild when your pro sports club win the title?
1st question:
Why whitu ppl always manage colored ppl?
2nd question:
Why whitu ppl always go outside and go wild when your pro sports club win the title?
Other urls found in this thread:
Which your pro sports club win the title?
>Why whitu ppl always go outside and go wild when your pro sports club win the title?
never ... desu...
He means stuff like this and the answer is: I have no idea but it seems very important to these people.
yank sports fans are bent as fuck
Wrong video
Well it's not hard to understand, maybe some people are very passionate about their team winning but in reality most likely other people use it as an excuse to get absolutely wasted/ do something stupid on public
yes yes like this!
thank you America-san.
I wanted to say like this!
idk, bored or something I guess
That's mostly English and Americans. And they are both currently living in more mentally ill inducing cultures than most, making them go crazy at sports. Poor English and Americans.
Japan national teams did great.
I’m from Philadelphia and I don’t understand this. I mean, sure most of it is just young people being dumb and drunk but still. I don’t understand being that or being so emotionally attached to a team that doesn’t know or care you exist.
i love seiko watches, do you like them too user kun ?
>Why whitu ppl always go outside and go wild when your pro sports club win the title?
it's the only sort of vague tribalism that's still allowed.
I don't have seiko watch.
my watch is iphone desu
Why do japanese posters talk like children?
That's why all that ultra right soccer fans.
A lot of it is this “Get Wild” culture we have I think. I mean you see this in colleges and shit I guess too. I grew up in Philly, went to Penn State, and the “go wild” culture was normal but I feel like you don’t see shit like this abroad partially cuz these are all just drunk trashy kids doing whatever they want but still
Nips have their wild culture at local festivals.
Hi fren I LOVE your threads
Got any videos?
we have no wild culture.
we are very humble calm innocent ppl.
Organized and paid by local yakuza usually
Hi fren!.
Thank you for keep loving my threads.
tfw i was there
I think that’s one admirable thing about the Japanese but of course it’s natural to let loose and go wild at festivals and celebrations sometimes.
I don’t see any cars being flipped or beer bottles thrown here though
tfw me too and I caught a beer can to the face
Civilized wild is also wild. Rural festivals are more wild but rarely being filmed.
>Why whitu ppl always manage colored ppl?
First world privilege
>Why whitu ppl always go outside and go wild when your pro sports club win the title?
Because it feels right
>wow that's cu-
>throws a car over
Never mind
some dumbass tried to fight me
still a top 5 night of my life