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International #1292
Do you love Japan?
You wake up at your current location in 1700. What do?
Would you like France to invade your country ?
Obama: Displayes flags and banners at his national convention:
Finland and Sweden have good interconnected rail networks. Go Finland and Sweden!
You guys are stupid sometimes
I am the lowest of the low in my country. Are you?
This 17 year old Frenchman fought 5 North Africans
Sverigetråden - Roliga gamerupplagan
Japan got nuked so I could take this picture
What's your country subreddit like?
I'm so tired of being here
Lets trade our blacks for your gypsies. Deal?
/fr/ francofil
Would you rather be a manlet but with a huge penis or have a small penis but be 195cm
Spain will soon reach 50 million inhabitants lol
Khaleesi go get your sister Moneypenny, we are going to visit your cousin Katniss
Are you a subhuman?
Do you have a zoomer haircut?
Kurva anyátok
/desi/- Arnav Singh Raizada Edition
Why did god create non blond people?
Did you know India is a cultural superpower?
Step 1: Denial
Brazil VS India
/luso/ - Fio lusófono
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
How are some of you from non-English speaking countries so fluent in English?
Does this cancel out the previous lie?
I'm turkmen. You?
This is a german burger
What is the literal meaning of your country's name?
/ita/ - Il Filo
Summary of regions of Italy
Please sing a Japanese song, prove your Japanese
Sverigetråden - För svenskar samt brödrafolk
Soookah, what do you mean we didn't win by zerg rushing the germans?
/balt/+/ausnz/ + allies
I visited Perpignan yesterday, and holy shit the amount of cute French boys and girls in the street... I was melting
Only Based Countries allowed
Ok give me 8 German movies i should watch to improve my A2 level
Is America a bad influence in the world?
This is the fate of every racist white larper and that's a good thing
/fr/ - Le fil d'Afrance
Hate Arabs
Can someone explain white culture to me? why do they do this?
English is not a Germanic language because it has a lot of loanwords from Romance languages
Kurva anyátok
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2388
Arabs scare me more than blacks and being around them makes me feel like I'm gonna get killed
Whrere did the Japanese come from?
Can a dog raised in a stable become a horse ?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
I'm 181cm 103kg
The beauty of the Punjabi woman shall not perish from this earth
Do you prefer white girls or asian girls or black girls??
/ita/ - il filo
Do you support freeing Quebec from their Canadian oppressors?
/brit/ aka /pryd/
China is extremely based, don't let american propaganda tell you otherwise
Are Latinos becoming white?
Less than 50% forest
We're coming back
Sverigetråden - Motståndsupplagan
/desi/- Khushi Edition
K2PL for Polish army
1. you are a cunt
What did she mean by that?
Why is the Muslim world so aggressive towards the West but complete pushovers when it comes to China?
I have this funny idea for a bit where I say a thing and an Indonesian says the complete opposite...
You must accept Black Lives Matter™ in your country or become culturally and intellectually irrelevant
What region in your country is well known for hot women?
/deutsch/ - Mauer-um-Berlin-Edition
What would you do if Russia invaded your country?
Spen is so qt uwu
Hilo /esp/añol
What is St. Petersburg like? I heard it is the best place for gays in Russia
Yesterday I made Ratatouille
I genuinely don't understand what is happening in this video. Can someone explain...
/fr/ le fil aux Français
I moved to California a year ago for college and holy FUCK I've never seen more hot Asian girls in my life...
How do Neo-Nazi girls look like in your cunt?
A napalese guy does 7000km with all his savings to join French foreign forces and the Spaniard who takes care of the...
Kurva anyátok
Has your country been scammed?
Come to Greece
Japs explain yourselves
Be a 17yo french cuck
Sverigetråden - Roliga gamerupplagan
Are you ready for the EVROPEAN century?
See this peninsula? Roughly 70% of the world's CULTURE and SOUL originated there. Pay respects
Spain is a threat to Europe
Belarus need love
I'm an incel, why should I care about the white race? I don't feel like I'm part of the white race, white women...
Attention people of the Evropean federation! Due to the ever increasing tensions in the world and also the ever...
France is Roman
Why are fr*nch people like this?
Does anyone else hate their regional accent? I have a thick Liverpool accent called a `scouse` accent and I hate it...
Why do Asian girls look Finnish if they bleach their hair?
I LOVE france!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How do I stop loving Japan?
Why don't you losers just make english an official language in your countries? Not only is it the lingua franca...
When did you take the israelpill and realise it is their land and palestinians are lucky they are allowed to live there?
Do you need "aktion T-4" in your country?
Thoughts on Anarchism?
Germany is God's gift to the world
Well, Zig Forums?
Is this true? Shit like this never happens in Japan
She's finally doing it bros
/fr/ - Le fil francophile
I just fixed Europe
Davido-Kun Thread
/ישר/ - /ઈઝરા/ - /isr/ - /እስራ/ - מהדורת מסריחים בגשם
Why are modern Americans like this?
Why do westerners love SJW culture so much?
Indian government is going to BTFO zoomers today
Was he right about India?
Don't talk to me, user, you don't even own any Bionicles
/med/ - olive oil general
Why do the Japanese make so many western world video games and cartoons...
What names you have for female genitalia in your language?
How is your government handling the crisis?
Americans be like
Do every polish know about The Witcher?
1. your cunt
Do you like Russian literature?
North Korea
Americans unironically wash their meat before cooking it
Literaly third world
America Sucks
Non-arab muslims
Do you support it?
Try to search for prostitutes online
/ita/ - il filo
/v4/ + friends
If you were to move into another country, what country would you want to move to?
Copypasting from >>>/his/9325436
Why is Japan such a cultural powerhouse
Why we are so superior
How is cuckolding viewed in your country...
Porque los hispano hablantes no isamos español
Anyone planning on visiting France soon?
Do pure arabs exist anymore or are the all gigamutts?
They seem super chill
ITT: Posters you can identify
These guys are all the same race
Why are white boys so suicidal?
/dixie/ - Southern US and Friends
Asian girlz
/desi/- No Bhabhiphobe Edition
In reality the United States would not have had a third bomb ready for use until around August 19...
Why can't incels simply accept their position in the hierarchy and enjoy a happy life as concubines to alpha bulls?
Would you die for your country?
Why does gaijin kun hate us ?
Japanon’s listen to me
I am a girl
What are you drinking?
Anyone in these countries is living in tutorial mode
What ethnicity is this?
I suffer in South America
Does >tfw no bf happen on your country?
I wish I never found about this site
/cum/ - canada us mexico
How would you handle this conversation in you're a cunt?
Is it true they're a richer, less shithole, more soulful version of China like serpentza says?
Why You guys still living in your country?
1. Your cunt
Imagine having preference for boobs over ass, if you do, you are nothing but a low testosterone chinlet "man"...
I'm so glad that I'm past my Zig Forums phase
Chicanos should date native/indo-mestizas
Itt pro-life countries ONLY!
Those who don't know know Arabic, shouldn't speak Arabic
Hilo /lat/ino+/brit/. Edición Colocolo-Colocolo Edition
I just spent 52 euros on a single night with a woman
What exactly is it that makes black men so unnatractive to women?
Do you own a laptop int? If yes, which one?
Do zoomers pretend to be Jewish holocaust victims in tik tok in your cunt?
Applying for jobs and filling out applications is fucking suffering. This is pointless
This girl and her friends got accosted by thugs yesterday. A dude came to stop the interaction and got beat up by them
There's literally NOTHING good about this shithole, NOTHING
/fr/ - le fil québecois
Describe your country using a single image
CANZUK will soon be a reality
Mfw going to uni now
America Sucks
Have Europeans ever heard of guacamole? I like to eat it with carrots and celery :)
/ita/ - Il Filo
Do American zoomers hate rock? I'm not seeing new American bands in online radios anymore except Red...
Why do brits even want to keep this place? It's full of terrorists and seems like it's more trouble than its worth
Please read Fire Punch
Soyjak thread
Kurva anyátok
Tfw extremely low population density
D-do they?
What are god tier majors in your country?
/lang/ - language learning general
Take shower
Why arent you out socializing or getting a gf or something?
Why do so many young russian girls give their bodies up to soulless chinese bugmen?
Brazilian "Food"
Mighty serbian empire defeated by 800 ottomans
Ready for more rioting, mutts?
Which Zig Forums posters are the rudest?
What is it like to live in Mexico City?
Hilo /lat/ino
What fenotype is this?
Your car is German. Your vodka is Russian. Your pizza is Italian. Your kebab is Turkish. Your democracy is Greek...
Immigration thread
/mena/ Middle East & North Africa General
Why yes i am nordic, how could you tell?
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Prove me that this board has sense of humour
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
This is a 393-years old Greenland Shark that was located in the Arctic Ocean. It's been wandering the ocean since 1627...
Go back
Do you have them in your country ?
In Canada you can buy a 1/4 acre lot with trees and waterfront access and within commuting distance of a city for less...
Russians be like
/v4/ + friends
There are people posting here that are not white
Polish traps are nectar of the gods, do you agree?
British sounds objectively gay
People on /pol? are kinder than people on Zig Forums
Women find him boring
How has you day been in your cunt user?
I wanna live here
Whites cant do self-irony
Now that the dust has settled, which is the best MED country to live in and why?
America is burning again
/fr/ - le francofil
Europe should be about this
Zig Forums trivia/gossip
Used to have massive crush on girl from highschool that I never talked to
French 2020 new magistrates promotion
Your English is poor
Sverigetråden - norrmän båh-upplagan
Hilo /lat/ino
1. Your country
Avatars of Zig Forums thread
Why are there suddenly so many of them here and why are they almost exclusively rude, mouthy pricks?
What are the most powerful countries in the world?
GOD I wish that were me
/luso/ - fio lusófono
Are Brazilan people all this autsitic about food...
Always wanted to live in South America
ITT: Zig Forums in 1850
Post qt indians
Are you happy with the direction your country is going?
Das rite. Whitoids should only be able to learn European languages
Business or STEM? Which one is better?
Imagine not shitting for 10 days straight
25 million kids
1. Your countey
He's right, you know
1. You are a cunt
Kurva anyátok
In England it's illegal to buy firewood
/fr/ - le fil de fer
/cum/ - canada us mexico
Korea is the one of the places that has most plastic surgery
Post bridges from your country
Finlands only claim to fame is losing 2 wars aginst the soviet union
So, did they pay for the wall?
Sverigetråden - 2dupplagan
Britain is supposedly a first world country, yet areas like Northern Ireland and Wales are Eastern Europe tier. How?
Imagine having ancestors that left their impoverished life in Europe and risked their life on sea only to reach pic...
/ita/ - il filo
Zig Forums range banned brazilians
Any canadian who lives here? How is it? Do people actually speak french everyday...
University has a zero tolerance policy against Chinese students who are disrespectful to foreign students...
/polska/ znaczy /cirno/
/deutsch/ heute /alternativen/
Why doesn't McDonald's in America serve beer?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
My fucking sides
/desi/-I am Vengeance edition
What is it about Black Men that makes pinkboys so insecure, Zig Forums?
How likely am I to die of some sort of horrible disease if I eat third world street food?
Study history
What country is this?
Asian/Brown "men" stop lusting after white women. They are for BLACK and white men only
/lat/ hilo latino
Is your country good at English? Why/why not?
Why are you hate france ?
Which country has the best Mcdonalds?
You don't have Instagram?! dude are you alright???
If dubs i'm gonna do it
BWC is real!
First day of class
Jajaja so true
/fr/ - Le fil français
According to islam
Do Spaniards know anything about the distinct differences between Latin American countries...
Is this the future of Britain?
Sverigetråden - Kungliga upplagan
Europeans will defend this
Do they arr rook same?
Ancient Greeks married teen virgins
Memeing aside, how common are black people in your town/city, and in your country overall?
Which country is the least safe for women travelling alone, Egypt or India ?
Is religion still a thing in your country?
Blacks chimping out AGAIN
What do you think of spanish Zig Forums?
Why do Nordic Americans do this?
Hey user buy me a drink
/mena/ - /شأشإ/
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
What country has the top tier body?
Why are Australians so unbelievably cringe? This narc makes me feel uncomfortable to watch...
Have you ever asked a girl out ?
Do you want to find love in Finland?
Look at em go
Tell us the most embarrassing thing about your country
How am I supposed to quit smoking when nicotine gum cost the same as 3 packs of cigarette
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/polska/ a raczej /cirno/
What would it happen in your country if your friends found out you had casual sex with a 15 year old?
Kurva anyátok
What country unifications would you like to see in your lifetime?
Do all slavs have this hair line?
Real /balk/
/ita/ - il filo
I SUFFER in my cheap country with delicious healthy cuisine and laid back culture
Thoughts on Suomi?
How do you feel about Germany replacing their nuclear power with coal?
Out of the ancient civilizations only Westoid and Chink civilization survives
Sverigetråden - Söt katt
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Seriously, does western people proud of this?
I hate fucking chinks so god damn much
/desi/-Tax free booze edition
Amerimutts unironically legalise guns
I want a white boy to punish me for the Islamic conquests :3
Would you like to find love with a HAPA girl?
How would you rate your country's food overall out of 10?
I suffer in a country full of 10/10 ice princesses
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
American literature
Why are Germany, France and UK such wolflets?
What's your biggest internet "accomplishment"?
One of them becomes your neighbor, who do you choose ?
/ישר/ - /ઈઝરા/ - /isr/ - /እስራ/ - מהדורת לאמות
Wow... Black queens matter
South Europe weather
You are in your cunt's local disco on friday night. You see this girl and decide sex sex sex
What’s the furthest place you can trace your paternal line? Mine is Lincolnshire, probably within the Boston area
Post your ancestors
The most popular Scottish surnames
Sverigetråden - Krinschupplagan
He restricts his own actions and identity via the establishment of personal morals and principles instead of simply...
Hmmm, I changed my mind. Don't love Japan
How come Thailand's Google Street View is very detailed compared to its neighbors ?
Why are Slavs so physically impressive? every sport they show an interest in they either downright dominate...
Zig Forums? Never heard of it
/flag/ + /extraflags/
Maguire's sister Daisy was approached by 'gangster-style' Albanian businessmen, one of whom started chatting her up...
What are some common boys and girls names in your cunt?
Be boy
We got too cocky Aus bros
UK, you doing alright?
In Russia there is right now more young males and females. SO... respectfully... i need a mediterranean, latin gf...
/esp/ - Hilo Español
It's our birthday bros :)
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2387
Why do Americans never use emoticons? :D Don't they have soul? :^)
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Why are they so fucking negative and cynical?
/fr/ - le francofil
Is Malmö in Sweden really a warzone?
The Finnish embassy in Japan pays animation studios to create and include Finnish characters in anime
/med/ - olive oil general
Eurobros, what do you think of this kind of person?
Are your country's zoomers low T or high T gang?
It happened AGAIN in the USA
This is how Japanese view different races
Which European country has the nicest shape? I like Austria, personally
/v4/ + friends
Has post-secondary education in your country been co-opted by cartel-tier corporate entities? In America it has...
I suffer in Finlan
Why is Japan degenerate?
What makes AMWF so hot?
Is this true?
What's keeping you from kysing?
Another chimpout in the US
Why are Germans like this?
Your thoughts on belle delphine
How big is the feminist movement in your country?
Kurva anyátok
/cum/ - canada us mexico
Can I get your opinion fellow Americans?
What's your country's foundation myth (or fact)
Why do mutts still larp as white?
How often does he have sex
What kind of bread does your country prefer?
What's the best book you have ever read?
What do you masturbate to in your country?
Have you ever been truly in love with someone that you’d do anything for them?
His country is named after a person
V*deo g*mes BTFO
Stop hating Americans
/ita/ - il filo
The fuck is his problem?
China Will Overtake the US as the Dominant Superpower this Decade
Do I have a chance with an asiatic looking rusmutt as an amerimutt or do they only like white guys like regular asian...
I can only cum from anal masturbation. Touching my pp doesn't get me off
Are Brazilians really like this?
English the king of germanic languages
East Asians of Zig Forums
Fuck you every country on earth
Why do people insist so much on the
Anybody else have unironic yellow fever?
/dixie/ sovthern kemalists and friends of atatvrk
[cum] - sh*t cum says
American reporter gets interview with Putin
Sverigetråden Goebbelsupplagan
Is he the greatest leader of all time?
Wood - SOVL
What are conservatives like in your country?
/mex/ - hilo mexicano
Stop transphobia please
Become the superpower in the world
It's legal to execute blacks in the USA
It's over
What's your IQ, Zig Forums?
What kind of people go to army in your count?
More manlier than the rest of Zig Forums
On 13 December 1989 the Provisional Irish Republican Army (IRA) attacked a British Army permanent vehicle checkpoint...
1st question:
Israel so strong
Why are more white women going with latino men?
1. your country
Dad never taught you anything, always denies to help you when you ask, never talks to you...
He calls Peking "Beijing"
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Why only White people can drink milk?
Hilo latino
How can a man like this exist naturally? It looks like he was meticulously sculpted by the gods...
I thought Zig Forums is alt right wing echo chamber but most poster here want to have gay relationship like for example...
Does your cunt also generate nigh infinite amounts of butthurt?
Según el relato de Cuauhtémoc, guerrero jaguar de Tenoctitlán
I cannot deal with the fact that I am Brazilian
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2388
/fr/ - Le fil des guerrier
You have 10 seconds to act as French as possible
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine