K2PL for Polish army

Attached: EgQnFi-U0AAU-hG.jpg (692x400, 29.77K)

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>a chink Leclerc

Why don't they just develop their own tank?
I think Poland has industrial capacity and know-how for that.

It's cheaper to just buy them if your country doesn't have the money for the development of the tank and then to produce it, it also takes a lot more time.
If you don't need that many tanks there is no need to go through all of that during peace times

looks very 1970s

even sweden and israel has their own

Woa...that's polish armor! So advanced!

Attached: pl_01.jpg (600x400, 88.09K)

Isn't their tank an upgraded leo 2 thouh?

israel is surrounded with potential enemies while is still having military conflics, while sweden was preparing for a potential conflict with the soviet union even before ww2, poland on the other hand was given military tech and equipment from the soviets until the collapse of the belin wall, they are not comparable.

the Polish army is already using T-72 and Leopard 2 variants
why would they buy yet another tank model?

Attached: d6f5bc0b98161f50cc18f8bd61db7ee5.jpg (2050x1190, 475.09K)

Maybe they're disappointed and looking for a new product.

I doubt it

Attached: Leopard_2_Operators.png (2753x1400, 91.19K)

>using t-72s and leos
Peak asthetic
Must be a logisitcal nighmare tho east and west tank filosophy are wildly difetent
I remember when the Bundeswehr and the luftwaffe got all the NVAs equipment bmps and hinds supporting leos with tornadoes and mig 29s flying above all.
Shame your goverment is shit and sold it all for scraps

fuck you mean "even"

The T-72s are probably being absolutely phased out but yes. Why would the Poles make their logistics harder by operating 2 types of MBT? They'll just keep buying Leos because it's sensible.

The t-72 can very upgraded very well and are cheaper to maintain i would assume poland makes its own parts and has some tank factories left.
But yeah buying more leos is the best option

the former East German equipment would've been more of a burden on the military than it was worth. Only exception were the MiG-29, because they were better than the fighters we had at the time (F-4 Phantom). So we kept them for a few years and then gave them to Poland for 1 € (Polish constitution required them to pay for weapons).

Attached: MiG-29.jpg (1024x684, 60.95K)

afaik Poland only has Leo 2 A4s, which are outdated by now and no upgrade package can bring them to current MBTs

looks like made of plastic

very narrow tracks. How small is that thing?

>Must be a logisitcal nighmare tho east and west tank filosophy are wildly difetent
We still operate a mix of western and soviet aircrafts.

The truth is is that the soviet ones are much easier to keep operational than westeoid trash

no, they also have Leopard 2A5 (the picture I posted is one) and their Leopard 2A4 will be upgraded to a custom Leopard 2PL variant
it's a mockup on a CV90 IFV

Attached: demonstrator-Leopard-2A4-do-standardu-2PL.jpg (1140x655, 104.22K)

its a plastic mockup solely for the purpose of creating hype to boost stock values.
and it's supposed to be an ifv not a tank so yeah it's tiny

t. army mechanic working on Ladas

Well all of the infrastructure for those machines was already there , but after the annexation of east germany they way the gogerment haddled the NVA and its personel was absolutly discusting, they was the annexation was handdled was pretty poor.
>mig 29s in field grey
Thats a boner right there
>poland payed 1€ for them
Is this real? Thats absolutely hilarious, why didnt you greedy germans make ir 50 cents hun?


jokes on you polish armed ""forces"" still operate the 1960's soviet bmp-1 as their main ivf and we have warehouses full of wood stock AKM underfolders

>afaik Poland only has Leo 2 A4s
how do I check how much stuff we have?
wiki says we have 137

Attached: poland tanks.png (1634x643, 260.7K)

>Is this real? Thats absolutely hilarious
Why? If you think about it the Germans got the better end of the deal. They had a number of planes that required maintenance and over the lifespan of an aircraft the cost of maintenance exceeds the initial purchase cost. So they paid €1 so that fighter jet maintenance would be somebody else's problem. I bet it was thousand times cheaper than having a crew of german air force mechanics to strip it of armanents and pay someone to cut it up and haul it to a scrapyard

>they was the annexation was handdled was pretty poor.
East Germany was dogshit, by the time it fell there were still ruins from WW2 and bullet holes in house wallls left
30 years later, trillions of euros in support, and the region is doing alright, although it still is lagging a bit behind the west.
>>poland payed 1€ for them
>Is this real?

>poland rejects garman tank while they are milking german tax money aka eu grants
exremely based

Really i think even we have tge A5 , dont know why its not like we need tanks and we only have a handfull of them i would assume since poland is all about nato and impressing the mutts they would have top tier equipment
Yes westrn equipment is good but its literaly a piramid scheme you will be paying for maintunece and upgrade packages that far outwiegh the original cost of the unit
Also soviet equipment makes me tingle down there
If one was to drive to poland with a couple thousand euros how would one ,completly hipoteticly ;), be able to get some surplus equipment like mosins and akms?

>muh Soviet reliability
stupid myth

Attached: 1475974982066.png (612x278, 125.68K)

it isnt about long life, but easy replacement and easy to maintain

>be able to get some surplus equipment like mosins and akms?
i don't think so.
you can buy new ones if you want, there's still a company shitting out new wood-stock AKMS in poland for commercial market

I was talking about daily maintenance not long-term viability as a tool for bombing brown civilians