Is he the greatest leader of all time?
Is he the greatest leader of all time?
No, my waifu is.
Cuckstantine? *vomits*
*Blocks your path
That doesn't look like Jesus Christ, so no.
That doesn't look like Alexander, so no
Jesus Christs is the greatest destroyer of all time. He is directly responsible for the fall of human civilization and, eventually, the rise of the non-human Anglo civilization.
>Seething atheist.
no, that was lucifer himself
aka. martin luther king
>Of antiquity?
>of all time?
lol no. See pic related.
>Jesus Christs is the greatest destroyer of all time. He is directly responsible for the fall of human civilization and, eventually, the rise of the non-human Anglo civilization.
That's not Avrelian
More like Cringestain
He is, Julian the philosopher is more based.
People always talk about how simps and e-girls are a modern phenomenon when this bitch is literally the queen of thots
>More like Cringestain
Please don't compare my wife (who is well-versed in philosophy, mathematics, and military strategy, and speaks Egyptian, Arabic, Aramaic, Hebrew, Greek, Latin, and Troglodyte) to post-christcuck th*ts like theod*ra of b*zantium
What do you have against Byzantium?
It has a non European religion
Not cute enough.
The greatest leader of all time is the man who united the Indo-Aryan tribes and lead them to invade Europe.
I am not European and neither are my waifus Zenobia, Tomyris, and Cleopatra.
And? Aryan paganism which was practiced broadly across Europe in different ways wasn't a European religion either.
Literally defending theodora the whore and justinian the cuck embarrassing
Correct. Here we worship JVPITER
Ok but speaking unironically, I think the greeco-roman religion has the best representation of what actual deities would be like, and the best allegorical stories.
>It has a non European religion
Acient jews were white and genetic studies show they have a common origin with the Anatolian peoples before they got colonized by Turkic Arabs
Where do you think the Carthaginians came from?