Is America a bad influence in the world?

is America a bad influence in the world?

Attached: globo homo destroys tomboys.jpg (750x528, 192.13K)

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Yes. Pic related is a fine example.

tomboys are reddit anyway fuck them
real men fuck boys

now you took i too far mario, get some

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Attached: Mado.png (959x1064, 460.83K)

Based Roman

suck my cock sven


Attached: trap vs tomboy.jpg (1948x2138, 458.81K)

Wrong again wop

Attached: 20200720_104108.jpg (1080x1312, 801.58K)


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cucks & simps

The world was a bad influence on America. Thank you so very much, Gramsci, Marx, Strauss, Foucalt, de Beauvoir, Adorno, Marcuse and all of the Europeans who infected us with their shit ideas in the late 20th century. Next time Europeans bitch about MENA migrants running from bombing raids, thank the Germans and their “philosophy”.

>tfw no qt tomboy gf to wrestle with and tease once I pin her
There is no point in living

Attached: BC465135-179D-495D-B04A-4C4072BCCB9D.jpg (1328x1488, 434K)

Nowadays: yes

homo seethe

Attached: Hannah Barron.jpg (1080x1080, 528.52K)

Hey there you incel Zig Forumschud pissbaby truscums, I have a question: if enbies aren't real then why are they both so simultaneously heckin cute and heckin valid?

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horsefaced whore with a 10k body count

is that heavily modded sims or one of those renders they make for porn games?

>There is no point in living
Incredibly based
Kys you dago fuck

based and redpilled
tomboys are for fags in denial

Yes, as everyone knows gays are trad and don't fuck indiscriminately.

shart yourself to death rootless mutt

I need a thicc Dixie tomboy gf

Attached: Hannah Barron thighs.jpg (768x960, 168.41K)


>making excuses for the kilometers of cock his gf has taken


Attached: operation gladio beaner edition.png (1336x707, 117.96K)

now this is podracing

the cartel wars are funded by American junkies, gun corporations and CIA glowniggers

Attached: mexico.png (460x686, 510.33K)

feels good to know we still have MEN with capital M, E and N among us. Manly Warrior Men

Bro just immigrate to Missouri, the poon floweth like tomboy sweat.
I mean we invented the tomboy, so why are you upset?

>we invented the tomboy

Frogs have a tomboy saint.
You didnt do shit.