Is this an accurate summarization of the history of muslim spain?

Is this an accurate summarization of the history of muslim spain?

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Not quite, the one who coquered Iberia, the one Gibraltar was named after was not Arabic

And were on the pic it says that Gibraltar was named after an Arab?
Berbers were nothing more than mercenaries during the first years of the conquest, Al-Andalus politics were dominated by Iberian muslims, jews and the descendance of the Arab nobility.
North Africans didn't have an important role until the Almohade came in.

they always mention the a*abs and forget about us who did the difficult job thank god we kick those sand dwellers just after the fitna

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History is political and so it's falsified.

accurate about infighting.
Berbers had a good reason to throw out Arabs though because they did all the fighting- why would they accept being 2nd class citizens ??

I live in a city with an Arab name

most taifas were berbers you stupid spaniard and before almohad they were al moravids wich they also were berbers


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Did almohavid and almohas claim decent from Mohammad and quraysh tribe?

also the last emirate of Granada was an Arab dynasty - not nafri.

also the hardest achievement in EU4

Attached: 330px-Granada.png (330x220, 58.64K)

It wasn't Mercenary work, Tariq crossed the strait with 6000 soldiers with the intent of a raid, but found the defenses so weak he decided to start a campaign, left the jews to guard the conquered towns, the Arab leadership just jumped at the opportunity.
Other mistakes include that most muslims considered the Abbasid to own the titular title of Caliphs.
The infighting was also too chaotic to simplify like that, there were both Arabic and Berber emirates, and sometimes you see an Arab helping a berber fighting a Spaniard or a spaniard helping an Arab fighting another Arab, it was just pure chaos, which iberians masterfully took advantage of.
Al-Moravids successfully defeated a Castillian coalition force, which was the reason they took control of the region, and delayed the full reconquista
The moriscos who started the 1499-1501 rebellion and expelled were in Moroccan records from Arabic families which remain prominent today, one of them is the queen of tetouan, and later queen of Morocco.

try true heir of timur or buddhists strike back


>most taifas were berbers
Literaly not true, stop trying to appropiate the History of a people that no longer exist.
And even on the case of ther berber taifas they all wrote their records on Arabic and most the poetic works were on Mozarabic lmao, must be hard to realise that for all if written history Berbers have adopted Arab traditions, names and costumes, and that even your language is derived from them.

yes but the legacy is strong

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I read an in-depth study on which language did the moors speak when they invaded Hispannia, and it was very good at showing that most Moroccan soldiers spoke Latin and some of the Afro-Latin qualities where later absorbed into Ibero-Latin, specifically Castilian.

True history is worth as good as gold, fake history is worthless.

timurid vassals and sri lanka both start out in a way safer position than Granada.
The only thing that is comparable is surviving as Byzantine

Yes, it was saved from a castillian-aragonese coalition by Almoravids, who then took control of the area. Arabs sucked at warfare ever since gunpowder was introduced.
That's why the turks steamrolled them.
Funny enough, after a century, Morocco allied the Spaniards and Portuguese and fought an Ottoman invasion, which is the only reason why Morocco remained independent and the Turks never managed to start competing with Europeans for Colonies.

mozarabic was the lingua-franca after the conquest among both Christians and Muslim iberians. The invading army themselves would have spoken Arabic and Berber dialects

Anything that isn't an artifact or authentic dated writing is worth as good as Harry Potter books for a story

>Morocco allied the Spaniards and Portuguese and fought an Ottoman invasion
you dont have to remind me that nafris are always traitors to Islam

And why didn't Morocco compete in navy?

pretty epic meme actually

Muslims never have been able to build proper ships.

It's a matter of independence
Morocco since it's inception as a state was ever only occupied for 50 years by the French, and it was a protectorate thing.
Morocco also hosted the biggest chad in history
>According to the writings of the French diplomat Dominique Busnot, Moulay Ismail had at least 500 concubines and even more children. A total of 868 children (525 sons and 343 daughters) is recorded in 1703, with his seven hundredth son being born shortly after his death in 1727, by which time he had well over a thousand children. The final total is uncertain: the Guinness Book of Records claims 1042, while Elisabeth Oberzaucher and Karl Grammer of the University of Vienna put the total at 1171.This is widely considered among the largest number of children of any human in history.
both wrong, many Corsair ships reached Brazil, so the technology was there, the problem was population and organization. It was more lucrative to raid incoming ships and defenseless European shores, thus barbary pirates, and the first instance of state-sponsored whitoid enslavement campaigns

Pretty good.

Except that in phase 3 there was also a lot of infighting among christian kingdoms going on, like that time the Leonese king, Vermudo, was mercilessly killed in battle against the castillian-navarrese forces for chatting shit and the kingdom sent into an absolute state, the great cucking of Aragon, Mio Cid slaying those vicious c*talans, etc

>many Corsair ships reached Brazil

>they've adopted muslim culture and speak arabic so they are arabs!!!

Attached: Braindead.jpg (645x729, 18.66K)

Armada española desde la unión de los reinos de Castilla y de León, Madrid, 1902, Vol. VI

These ships were built by Europeans. Muslim shipbuilding never went further than xebec. Also provide source for barbary pirates reaching Brazil.

First of all Morocco didn't exist, and the dinasties that rules the territory nowadays known as Morroco didn't have a control over the territory as modern nation-states do, most coastal cities were basically controlled by pirates.

I'll accept Muslims were superhuman geniuses while Europeans and my ancestors were subhuman cavemen savages if proper evidence were provided.

I love TRVE history.

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Most of the people in you country identifie thameselves as Arabs and you know it

I already did.
Also, triangular sail ships, which the pirates used were not European, what you're trying to say is that many leaps in naval technology made by the pirates were thanks to converted Europeans with backgrounds as sailors, which is the truth. Europe had much better ships, but even the fastest frigate can't outrun a galley in the Mediterranean, which was the pirates home waters, basically
It depends on the period, but you're right, what is now called the kingdom of Morocco, is actually the kingdom of Fez unifiying the other emirates and pity-kingdoms, but this was done in the 1700s, so the alaouites of Morocco remain the oldest continuous monarchy surviving today.