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I was kinda disappointed in blacked, I was expecting the top of the top. But the black dudes all have ugly weird faces or shitty beards and the women look off and weird, makes it unwatchable. The only good looking guy is covered in tattoos and looks like a youtuber. The only good looking girl appeared once.
Like bro...Garbage. I'm not gay.
This mutt meme feels like europeans are obsessed with blacked and project it onto others
It is, whenever an American mentions black people they instantly mention how Americans are obsessed with BBC and post pics like op's
honestly sad not like anyone cares about their fetish on Zig Forums
Lana Rhoades is a lecherous cumbucket
Egyptians are a negrified race
my favorite blackedraw scene
She got fucked so hard by based Jax that she forgot how to speak english and ended up crying nonsense in Russian by her 7th orgasm
No, I can confirm that Americans are absolutely obsessed with racial shit and particularly black people.
Best posters on Zig Forums
because europeans are the ones doong the blacking
like look at his fucking face, how can people watch this
Redhead x black is an Highly underrated pairing
hahahaha I agree
Nice projection schizo tranny
Blacked redheads fuck like beasts, I don't know why but they bounce on BBC like there is no tomorrow.
their non-interracial scenes are boring and vanilla though and almost never orgasm.
Wtf is wrong with egyptians?
redheads are thicker than other whites, they have the sparsest hair on their head, and they are more likely to racemix than other hair colors.
The medieval stigma against redheads was 100% correct.
>Blacked redheads fuck like beasts
It's porn man, they all fuck like beast
Shitposting also... blacked is actually hot
>I can confirm
shut up fat
yeah but their non-interracial scenes are boring and they never seem like they are into it
but when they fuck black dudes you can tell they actually enjoy it
Back in high school there was a redhead in my class that was like a butterface and had a HUGE ass into me. I was secretly trying to pick her up, but once my friend learned I intended to get her, they told me some of the most autistic shit like "redhead pussies stink" they're disgusting etc... And since back then I was extremely gullible, I ghosted her while it was almost done deal. To this day I still regret I didn't smash her, because the girls I fucked wasnt as gifted as her even though her face was a 4-5.
Me on top
White women are built for BBC
Good thread
ching chang chong nip fong
They choose to be the best of the niggers instead of the worst of caucasians.
You're literally and arab negro nation
why do slavs that get into American porn always feature in interracial scenes?
jia lissa, elena koshka, liya silver, lika star, etc etc
90% of their scenes are with BBC
pic related is ukrainian
>but when they fuck black dudes you can tell they actually enjoy it
This, Kendra Sunderland for example became really obsessed with it, literally wanting to marry and have children with Jamaican guys kek. Like it became a obsession for her, besides the scenes
op is a white tranny not chinese
African oil fields are made for Western drills
Why are Argentinian's that get into interracial always spamming on anime forums?
Seriously man. Ive been watching your posts for a year now. You have a serious issue. This amount of porn consumption has fucked your brain. How did you get like this? Why does being a cuck attract you so much. From 1-5 how gay are you? There is no way you are just a cuck you've got to be super gay
i'm straight, I just like seeing women going for superior males i.e black men, improving the human race cesspool
look at these abs