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International #1294
Is atheism common in your country?
Do you know anyone whos had cancer?
Europeans spent hours making these images back in 2017
My mother has been dead for 4 months now, I miss her so much. I feel lost...
Based father
Meat on da street
I identify myself as Mexican more than American
NO, I WILL NOT speak English in public
Ur birthplace of nation
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
Favorite area?
The eternal leaf.....hell bent on controlling all of Gran Colombia
It's Friday night, why aren't you doing something with your gf instead of staying in and posting on Zig Forums?
/balt/ + /Fin/ + lads
Hilo /lat/ino
Post your town city flag
There is no time to explain, quick, show me your elder wand
Is gaming past your teens looked down on in your country?
Soyak quoting is not a valid argument
What did you accomplish today?
American "Architecture"
How is it possible?
I'm starting to believe i'll end up marrying an indian girl cause they are so fuckin heavenly divinely attractive
If you pick right over left you're a third worlder
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Your faces?
Am I chad?
Latin america...had the most potential in the history of mankind... no world wars... all time to grow... but no...
Itt: we count to 100
Why do non-whites stare at white people like this?
This is the future Prime Minister of Japan
Do you still watch cartoons, Zig Forums?
Just doesn’t make sense
Do you love Japan?
Do Americans really?
Where do you live? Post your hometown with a photo of it
Whats the most overrated country in the world?
Femine nations
ITT: The worst moment/event in your nation's history
Hilo /lat/ino
No man can draw borders better than genetics
Germans are the most bullied group on Zig Forums. It hurts so much
Tell me an emotional experience you've had
We have cold weather, fish and that gay fable writer
Which one?
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
/fr/ ranskalainen lanka
Two Qurans were burned in public in Scandinavia this week, one in Norway and one in Sweden
Do thirdies envy us? Despise us? Admire us?
When did you leave your parents?
God why do the communists keep inventing things at a faster rate than us
Sverigetråden - Megic Mike-upplagan
Sverigetråden - Meditationsupplagan
Mexicans don't consider me mexican even though both my parents are from mexico
Grandparents came to Canada from Yugoslavia I dont know how to speak Serbian I speak French and consider myself...
/v4/ + friends
What's her name, Zig Forums?
/brit /
/ita/ - il filo
Do commies really?
They gave me depression
Want to move out of this shithole but realistically I cant
Why did this picture of Macron shocked the world?
Yuropoors: “God american cities are so ugly and soulless”
God I wish I was him
Why are they like this?
Belle Delphine has ugly toes
White people
Sverigetråden - kaosbrudupplagan
/fr/ le francofil
Is this what the Indo-Europeans saw when they entered Finnish territory and is this also the source of all Yeti the...
/deutsch/ am Abend
Tfw manlet in a country where most women are relatively tall
Killed by a 17 year old in a peaceful protest
Damn if it wasn't for america propping up our meme economies we'd be russia tier
Are WMAF couples like that?
/lat/ hilo latino
/balt/ + /ausnz/ + lads
These are McDonald's and cafes in Korea and Japan
Why do yuropoors do this?
/desi/-Capeshit edition
98.5% of Mexican males are shorter than 6’0
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
Why is this website so addicting? I've never experienced something like this before
"Fuck Korea, Korea sucks!"
/ita/ il filo
This is an indigenous boy found in Anamã, Amazonas, Brazil in 1970s
Are other Asians and minorities jealous of the fact Japs are by far the white man’s favorite?
What car does Zig Forums drive ? How do you like it ?
Sverigetråden - Höstupplagan
Ur cunt
Before joining the EU
Ur cunt
Here's your author of the three musketeers bro
Translate "Welcome to Zig Forums" in your language and post a vocaroo of its pronunciation
Dutch... the language of the gods
Moving the goalposts again, huh?
1. country
/fr/ - el francofilo
Genetically French
This is Finnish prime minister Sanna Marin walking around with her bastard child in order to gain media sympathy and...
/lang/- Language Learning General
His """"""country"""""" doesn't have бaтoнчики
Trumps going to win again, isn’t he?
Do people in your country tip?
Italians are better than other humans
Why does frankfurt look so modern compared to other european cities?
Why are americans like this?
I'm balding and you?
Does your country have this autism?
Vocaroo thread
I suffer in a country overflowing with 10/10 ice princesses
Who is responsible for this fucking mess?
Sverigetråden - Skogsupplagan
German guys look like this?
Kurva anyátok
How big is corndogs in your country?
Will he win another terme?
Who's lying the most here?
Why don't Europeans have white solidarity?
Why'd she do it bros ;_;
/rzeczpospolita polska/
Why would a thirdie immigrate to be a doctor or an engineer in the west and treat and build things for already wealthy...
France vs Germany
/fr/ the french thread
Indian women are pretty
/ita/ - il filo
Did he just fucking rage quit lmao
Hello, based department? I'd like to file a claim
This is pic of me in shota era. What did you look like when you were shota?
/desi/-Operation D edition
There is a 99% probability than an incel is planning to shoot up your school or workplace right now
What did she mean by this?
Faces of Zig Forums
I flush my toilet paper
/Indo-European General/
/frosch/ besser bekannt als /apu/ ehemals /deutsch/
Sverigetråden - Hyperboreanska Upplagan
Why do you guys hate us?
Does the average person in your country live in constant paranoid fear about strangers breaking into their houses and...
1.your cunt
I fucking LOVE university...
This pudgy, 17 year old mutt has killed more communists than you or anyone you know could ever dream of
Finland Hate/Love Thread
/flag/ + /extraflags/
Name 10 living French people without looking it up
Do Americans really?
/polska/ a.k.a /II Rzeczpospolita/
These tribes should have stayed under Turkish control. Liberating them was a mistake on our part
Do Belgioïds really eat that thing?
Quoting me with a soyjack is NOT an argument
/cat/ - Edició Costa Brava. Messi es pira i la mitjana de CI s'empina
Half of America will be obese by 2030
Thank you for helping us build highways EU fam
Exams are done. Time to drink? Yes
Are Am*ricans white?
What's happening in the US?
Is that true in you country ?
Shit on Islam
/ita/ - il filo
What the fuck is in those burgers Americans feed their kids?
2020 will be the first year since the fall of communism when Polish GDP will not grow
Why does Italy give nacionality so easily?
/balt/ + /ausnz/ + lads
Sverigetråden - Kattupplagan
I don't understand how Russians can be so nationalistic and look down on other people when 99% of their country looks...
/luso/ - fio lusófono
/brit /
Italians are white
Where would you rather live?
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Zig Forums seriously needs more positive transgender representation
This guy is a massive charlatan who talks pseudoscience...
Are they the protagonists of world history, the eternal good guys?
Riddle me this
/ישר/- /อิสร/- /isr/- /イスラ/ + חברים
/brit /
Abe resign Imaoooooo
I hate the english language. What is your nomination for its successor as lingua franca?
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2391
Were there BLM riots in your cunt?
Enn thes thred: Wee speik Scots
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Romans were Nordic
I have scratched and clawed my anus so much the right side is now protruded...
Which countries in Europe could coalesce into a single nation/civilization/culture and ethnicity in Europe like China...
My hobbies? I love traveling!
Speak fucking english
This is what they took from you mediterannean man
Europeans think they’re hard but grew up in neighborhoods like this
All Russian women are 10/10 ice princesse
British students have to wear uniforms to school
Croatia is a Croat ethnostate. Serbia is a Serb ethnostate. Slovenia is a Slovene ethnostate...
Which countries can’t fight? Here’s my pitch
/esp/ hilo español 5.0 Resurrection
Women just want a guy who has his shit together
Don't tell me Japs fell for this crap
Does your country fear american military might?
Sverigetråden - Animeupplagan
Do arguments regularly break out in regards to your cunt’s geographic location while you simply couldn’t give more...
ITT: pitch the next PM of Japan
Races of Europe
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2392
Kurva anyátok
I can't stop fucking watching these hololive girls in my office. Goddammit. Thank god I don't know Japanese
What do you call a 'pellet gun' or 'air gun' in your language, Zig Forums? Are they popular in your area...
Well Zig Forums?
International couple is gross,cringe,disgusting
Ferewell international Friends
/fr/ - le francofil
/v4/ + friends
What would you really do with a time machine?
Your cunt
Try shooting a zoomer in the head
Kill a pedo
/lat/ - hilo latANO
/desi/- Best Couple Edition
Arguments for this:
What candy bars do people eat in your nation-state?
Why is he resigning?
Is this supposed to be funny?
Why is Japan the only non-Western country to seriously influence/impact Western culture?
Why did Varg go private?
Uhh... Ameribros?
Post the most American picture you have
Guess the country
He nailed it. Get fucked commies
Korea love thread
Why are Eurangutans like this? Why don't they just stop being lazy and uncreative and make their own sites?
Is your country a real shithole? Let's see
Why do they keep allowing in fat and old white men?
Argh no how could this happen to me!
When I close my eyes, visions of COCK dance through my head
If a time machine were invented but you could only observe the past...
Post animals from your cunt
"I can't divorce him, it would scandalize God's name" stated gospel singer before murdering her husband...
Why are most Black women unattractive...
/cum/ - canada us mexico
My worst experience in highschool was having to shit in the school bathroom
If a country were to invade America, would they commit mass rape?
Portuguese passport is in the mail
Why do Australia and New Zealand think they are important?
Be france
Thoughts on s*udi ar*bia??
I of course know you love Japan
Pakistan is the only country that doesn't recognize Armenia
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Does your country has T A N K S ?
There are old people browsing this website
The truth is Anglo-Saxons make the whole world seethe all over because Anglos have never been conquered...
Did you know that french language has the most pure word to define “German”
/cum/ - canada us mexico
Wtf japan????????
Why do Americans constantly talk about "eating ass"...
I have a question for Zig Forums, is this person handsome in your eyes?
Please vote Biden
The population of a united Scandinavia (Denmark, Finland, Sweden...
Why do white Americans blame their country's high obesity rate on brown people when in fact they're almost equally fat?
You will not be married
Racism should be illegal
/dixie/ - Southern US + friends
What the fuck is wrong with americans? Are they incapable of empathy?
What happens in the South Coast?
What are they putting in the water in Israel?
Gets dubs
Would you unironically come to Brazil?
Does your country need wealth redistribution?
/ita/ - Il Filo
What's the main source of terrorism in your country?
Question to Americans
Armenians are discriminated against in Georgia, but how are georgians treated in Armenia?
European niggas be like "rotten fish? what a delicacy!"
Once you go black
All brown people look the sam-
Question for the Hispanics/Latinos:
He suffers in Northern Mexico
Welcome to the podcast Zig Forums, what's on your mind?
Work 186 hours a month for 200 usd the ''country''
I suffer in argentina
Why don't brown people see themselves as the same race? Latinos, Arabs, Turks...
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
It's time for a Pacific Treaty Organization to combat the Chinese menace. Are you and your cunt in?
/fr/ - Le francophil
I want a brazilian gf so bad bros
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Wait so he was Scottish all this time?
/lat/ - hilo latANO
Your grandkids will be speaking Croatian
Sverigetråden - Bondeupplagan
Just a heads up
The chad that saved Zig Forums
Serbia takes EU pill
Awhile ago, some Finn shared his meme edits with Zig Forums. I am reposting them
What are zoomers like in your country?
Post pic of building from your cunt's antiquity (or precolumbian for new worlder) still standing
How did Russia turn into such a desolate wasteland?
What makes the US west coast so much better than the US east coast?
Why are Indians like this?
/desi/. Mango Ginger Preparation Edition
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Is walking considered controversial in your country?
Here's your $35 bn girlfriend bro
/ita/ - Il Filo
What country do you want gf/bf from?
Landlord doesn't let me smoke indoors
Are we the least passive aggressive first world country?
Kurva anyátok
/fr/ - le fil
Indian/Paki Muslims are truly the Americans of the Islamic world
Yer cunt
Sex vagina
I suffer in a country chock full of 10/10 ice princesses
Apart from the language, what's do Norway and Sweden have in common and in what ways they differ from each other?
I'm a girl uwu
Would you say women in your country are inferior to women from other countries? Please motivate your answer
So this man just got life without parole for the NZ massacre. Thoughts?
Sverigetråden - Knäckebrödupplagan
What did Japan mean by this?
/brit /
Is the UK basically the India of Europe?
/deutsch/ am Abend
Uma delicia
The US division of tiktok is about to be sold
I want to find love on a rainy day in england
I wish I grew up with a father it must be so nice
/fr/ le francoprout
/ita/ - il filo di umaru
I would unironically kill for my country if I had to. I would go to war. I know I can't...
Sverigetråden - Massiva upplagan
Why does the face on the left look western european while the face on the right looks eastern european
Post music from cunt above you
I don't want to find love in Japan
/desi/-Windows broke edition
This is a 10/10 in Mexico
Do americans really?
/v4/ + friends
Is Düsseldorf a nice city?
Do you have 'cultural cringe'?
Red: allied with turkey
Greta, are you alright?
Why is Brazilian food so basic...
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
Damn bro how’d you know I was Egyptian lol
I wish I had a shut in russian gf
/flag/ + /extraflags/
This is how Belgrade is going to look in a couple of years
/gelöscht/ - ehemals - /deutsch/
/brit /
I wish I was Russian. Does anyone want to trade with me?
/balt/ + /ausnz/ + /finland/
/ita/ il filo
Gods, I hate women
Post your plan for the next international trip you plan to take
Tfw USA is collapsing
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Zig Forums confess your sins
I want to stop wasting my youth but i don't have friends or girlfriend...
I’m taking an English class that requires me to have a topic/issue that I can write about for the rest of the...
Sverigetråden - Jättegoda matupplagan
What hobbies do you have Zig Forums?
Do russians or slavs in general suffer from alcohol syndrome?
Why do third world countries look like this?
How do we convince the Portugeese that they are Spaniards?
My area, what country would you assume this is, if you didn't know my flag ?
Yes, I am a trans
In a perfect world
Do they really?
I just got a speed ticket
Kurva anyátok
What happens here?
Is it common for east Asian girls to act like a retarded child?
Please continue to buy german products
This is what Europe used to be about
Sweden's next prime minister. She want better relations with Israel and America. She has a crush on Trump's son, Barron...
Becoming White
Do you think that the police do a good job in your country?
Why do americans keep calling latinos "white supremacists"? Does killing commies make you white?
Is it true americans behave like they're in a movie all the time? I've had several people who've been there tell me so
/fr/ - Le fil francophile
Ching chong hate thread
Indian men look like this...?
According to a new poll by the Group for Analyzing and Measuring Attitudes in Iran (GAMAAN)...
Hate communism
What would happen if you burned the Qu'ran publicly in your cunt?
I don't care what happens outside of here
So the American leftist establishment/media is back to harassing and slandering another teenager...
Sverigetråden - En flickekatt är en värdefull skatt
Do you speak a rare language, r/int?
Kaffirs BTFO
You foreigners might be very oblivious of this fact, but sex is the most important this there is in life
Do you love korea ?
/rus/+/bel/+/ukr/ and friends
Give a parasite a meal and you lose a meal. Give a parasite entry and you lose a country
/ita/ - il filo
In life, success comes to those who work har-
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine