Be france

>be france
>make fun of spain because we are 'africans'
>become africa

Attached: CANPk69.jpg (1080x1080, 131.29K)

this looks like a fun time desu

>>become africa
But that's the difference, they only became African recently, whereas Spain has always been.

reminder they were celebrating french national team victory

Fr*nch btfo
How will they ever recover?

I wish we won the Champions League final, bros.

Attached: 1a125f82d723f382b5a1a69f5c1449f0.jpg (236x232, 11.33K)

They were celebrating all of the BLACK players

yes, and they are french ;)

i still don't get how they are cool with that many immigrants they have

What are those Spaniards doing in France