Try shooting a zoomer in the head

>try shooting a zoomer in the head
>he shoots your entire bicep off
How embarrassing

Attached: 6F2CA85C-6CB5-4718-9C34-9D365A09BB7B.jpg (4932x2764, 2.29M)

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>That guy who keeps posting Child Pornography in these threads.

Attached: 2d6500e90b5e7a7934c2023f131a060d4fa3170fb9e10a0d8fd2fac603b6da42.png (600x348, 376.86K)

Nigga what

How was he trying to shoot him in the head? All I've seen are pictures of him approaching Rittenhouse with a gun (and showing him the gun as he approached).

I hope he doesn't get perpetual it was partly murder but also self defence

Attached: 6E93A0B9-F254-4A9A-BCCB-AB6FDDB158D8.jpg (696x813, 283.19K)

Who pointed the gun first? Is this after he shot the first guy?

And now he's charged with two counts of murder and one attempted murder... AMERICAAAA FUCKYEAH

America is an anti-white shithole. Trump has been a disaster.

Attached: kenosha stonetoss chad.png (1000x500, 63.29K)

Okay what happened now?