What happens in the South Coast?
What happens in the South Coast?
Hurricanes, poverty, fake politeness, racism
A lot of fishing, oil rigs, beaches
Tampa is nice
New Orleans is ghetto but has cool areas.
Lots of Mexicans (mainly Texas) and blacks. Hurricanes and obesity.
t. Texan
There are some sneaky good beach towns.
Invented by yankee weather controllers in the CIA
Yea, thanks to 150+ years of yankee pillaging
No, stop this ridiculous lie. Nowhere else in the US do blacks and whites on the street talk with each other so openly and as friends. Most liberal yankee whites are honestly disgusted by blacks when they see them in their ghetto get-up or hear them with a southern accent.
Spics, white trash and negroes
I live here
It’s called the redneck riviera for a reason
You are way more segregated than us ironically.
What part
great plains and bbq
lakes and jazz
retards doing retarded shit also disneyland also gators also vacation place
>retards doing retarded shit
No. Good jurisprudence and transparency on the part of the state government. That is literally why it’s not “California man” even though cali has 5x as much total crime due to double population and a lower average IQ and more wealth inequality and everything else that should predict newsworthy crime
all the parts
Did you visit the Toledo Bend reservoir or Lake Ponchartrain? Its where I always go during the summer, they are rarely crowded and have pretty secluded beaches
on the beaches, yeah. thanks BP
Why does Alabama have such a small coast line? Fuck i hate American state lines.
why is australia so empty?
even inbreed children wants to swim
Literally every australian territory is shaped like alabama besides victoria
I have no idea. Oil?
Do they still have cotton and tobacco?
>Great Plains
>on the south coast
>euro calling alabama inbred
>Literally every australian territory is shaped like alabama
also their kids
Its not that, its hard to explain. Delaware is another state that fucks my mind. That whole tear drop shape should just be Delaware yet its split into three parts. And that separate part of Michigan should go to Wisconsin.
this map means nothing since the USA are not state-cuted
Its probably a Nafri too lmao
we got our own alabama tho
Je vais te violer, chien nègre nafri
ouais, c'est clair. mais seulement dans le nord
Flanders genes