Why do Germans love Qanon so much?

Why do Germans love Qanon so much?

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They're hoping for a mass "wake up" amongst their population. Too bad Q is a LARP.

As you already knew Germans love fringe politics. And Qanon is made for schizo boomers so ours adopted it.

it's literally COPE.
>no we werent the bad guys
>it was america!
so anything that makes the american government look bad it's a boner inducer in krauts

>2nd reich flag
>Trumps is on it

the people in OPs pic clearly love trump and burgerland though

I've always gotten the impression that Germans have a special penchant for some of America's most bizarre cultural exports, Q being one example.

I think our boomers are quite similar in some way but I don't know how to articulate it

How am I supposed to be sure that those aren't """"""""""German"""""""""""-americans and not actual germans?

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yeah cause they think a bigger american institution is behind, as if the deep state, as if the ones that defeated germoney

What the fuck? Can Germans explain this to me?

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