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International #1295
/balt/ + /ausnz/ + frens
My life goal is to fuck a girl in the pussy
Has your country ever been DEVILISH?
Your cunt
A mimir
Best accent
Which of these countries is the least "Sharia-Complacent"?
How hard is it to get inside brown woman in your country?
/fr/ - Le fil francophile
Please redpill me on Andalusia
Who else is trapped in a small town?
I never respond to anons from south american or african continents. I always ignore them
Do you want an Arabian mommy with big fat camel milkers? We have too many here and would like to get rid of some
You literally can’t say I’m not white
/brit /
Sverigetråden - Stormupplagan
America appreciation thread
/ita/ il filo di umaru
High school class picture thread
Who is Zig Forums‘s favorite saint?
Hilo /lat/ANO
American webm thread
What is a "Belgian culture" to you?
25 year old kissless virgin
What's wrong with white males in this century?
What's the topic of this board?
This triggers the amerimutt
I payed for a twinks onlyfans again
/lang/ - language learning general
I'm planning to move to the middle east. Which one of these countries should I pick?
Is he considered white? He's too chad to not be white honestly
Americans call their father sir
Culture Pals /cp/
How to brutally kill a Swede?
We never give u our qt!
How does Zig Forums cope with balding? Is taking fin common in your country?
Do you love India? Would you lay down your life to preserve her sovereignty?
Sverigetråden - Mysiga regnupplagan
Do americans unironically believe they're the only country with freedom of speech...
Zoomer balding phenomena
How did you lose your virginity?
/brit/ + /nederdraad/
Who is the best country out of the big 3?
Tfw no bf
Reimu here, how are you people?
Half finn
/gesittet/ ehemals /deutsch/
Why this country’s military are so stronk?
Why most Arabs look like Indian?
Is 15cm big enough in your cunt?
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Why do people in USA not like having sidewalks?
LIVE: Germans are protesting in Berlin against Covid Lockdown
Be European
So what's going on in Belarus? Do they have a now government yet?
Who are the current Dutch, Germans and Scandinavians ?
Kurva anyátok
/ita/ - il filo di umaru
Last week on Twitter Varg said that when he was invited to church as a edgy kid he refused. This is that church...
/esp/ - Hilo español
Choose your Germany Zig Forums
/lat/ - hilo latino
/Desi/ Srilanka civil war edition
English - chav
This is what you get when you dress as a whore in Iran
I really, really hate pakistani people
To think latino boys have to dress like this when walking in public just to not drown in semen from white guys...
Are brown and Black people really as bad as they say on Western imageboards...
One chance at life
Is there some way that these countries can bury the hatchet and live in peace?
I fucking love women
/fr/ - Le Francofil
*mogs u*
Based slavs
/luso/ - Fio lusófono
You have TEN SECONDS to post the most American thing in your folder
Do Swedes really?
Why cant the israel palestine thing be peaceful?
Do Brazilians really?
/ita/ - il filo
How does this make your feel?
I have never seen a finnish person in real life, what about you?
/deutsch/ - Graben um den Reichstag - /neueDDR/
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Why are Nordic girls getting too Americanized?
The greatest leader of the free world
If get then every BIG WHITE COCK on int must cum in my mouth
/med/ - Mediterranean thread
/fr/ - le francofil
Hej Slovenci. Kaj delate na to deževno nedeljo
White live matters
Play game with new classmates at bar
What is preventing you from coming to Japan and getting a Japanese girls pregnant?
Oh no no no leftypol bros this can't be happening
Incels are the biggest thread to western society
/ita/ il filo
Sverigetråden - Spännisupplagan
As a kid I always imagined Americans as blonde jingoist chads who love sports and hamburgers and didn't give a shit...
Zig Forums's faces
In Chinese, Belarus literally translates to "White Russia"
Night time safety
/brit /
I fantasize about a real MAN destroying me with his savage cock...
Why did Americans think it's a great idea to turn 1.4 billion people against them?
Communist Asia or Republican Asia, which do you support?
I can’t believe their national identity survived through all of this
European turn into beast when talking about gypsy
/fr/ francofil
I don't believe any of you are actually from other countries...
I'm wonder
/flag/ + /extraflags/
See a guy at uni who looks kind of cute
This is actual map of germany
Why did France do this
God imagine being choked out while getting destroyed by a real MAN's cock...
Post your favorite country and a woman that associates with said country
A thirdie was mean to me in a thread yesterday
What is the least fascist country in the world?
Thoughts on Asian nerds?
In India there are incel militias that harass couples if they show public affection
Western euros act hard but grew up in a neighborhood like this
My Uncle became a Netouyo
Was he right?
Which country has the sexiest men?
Why do you hate us so much Zig Forums?
Do you support a Greater Turkey?
Thoughts on the next PM of Japan?
You now remember that time America had a literal nigger for President
/dixie/ – The SOVTH & Friends
I am obsessed with cock bros
Hilo /esp/añol
Where are they?
/ישר/ -/ܝܣܪ/- /isr/- /이스라/ + חברים
/cum/ + /ausnz/
I hate sharing a country with black people
1. Your country
I kind of wish I was born a muslim Zig Forums
Kurva anyátok
What the FUCK is wrong with mexico?
Lmao this is the most reddit tier board and filled with fags, cope more homos
Are you with Sweden?
Wtf i hate south korea now
Who will be the next EU member?
American school lunches look like unhealthy garbage
What are these called in your country?
What does user think of my country?
/v4/ + friends
Why do white women look like this now
I think there should be more Slavic immigrants in my country
Why haven't you moved to Singapore Zig Forums?
Are you learning a based language or a cringe language?
What do foreigners think of Southern U.S culture
Why are they so corrupt?
Why do americans worship Blacks so much...
Carthage should've won
I just got rejected from another job after the interview
From todays date with the gf
/cum/ - Canada Usa Mexico
I miss it lads
/balt/ + /ausnz/ /balt/ + /ausnz/ + /finbros/
When will they make it easier to foreigners to immigrate there...
If the whole mutt meme is making fun of Americans for being too Mexican...
Im thinking about joining the military
If the world come to hate Russia
I will move here
What's our opinion on the Philippines?
What is considered a small size in your cunt?
Ahahaha fuck UK
Something I think the entire world can agree on
I suffer in Brazil
Do you love japan?
Hilo /lat/ino
African Americans - 45,109,521
Say something bad about it
/cum/ - canada us mexico
White americans are too scared to start a race war
Latinx men
How do we fix Japan’s racism problem?
Mfw I get a (you) on Zig Forums
Sverigetråden - Megic Mike upplagan
Do not try to learn this. you'll suffer
Do people in your cunt blast loud Indian music from their apartment balcony?
Which country has the best women?
What memes exist about this place, besides alberto barbosa?
Where did it go so wrong?
I'm lucky to be argentine
Americans are fat pi --
I suffer in Western Massachusetts... anyone else?
I simply do not understand western culture
/lang/ - language learning general
Which country has the hottest males?
In which country do you find such specimen?
What will a Latino dominated USA look like? What will the consequences be globally?
How is your country's medical system?
1. Your country
/lat/ - hilo latANO
/cum/ - canada us mexico
Why did whites push democracy on everyone
/fr/ - Le fil de france
Why did moot leave us?
Do Venezuelans really
Why do Europeans hate gypsies so much? I've never met one
What do native Chinese people think of the Chinese government?
Do you have people like this in your cunt? How do you deal with them?
Is it true that the only other east asian country japan likes is taiwan
Would you play a video game that teaches you Japanese?
Dad is a hairy, alpha-looking Italian manlet
Are nafris the biggest gigachads on earth? Europeans literally piss themselves out of fear whenever they see one
Because of what?
/nachtschicht/ morgen wieder /deutsch/
What is the counter-culture in your country like?
/flag/ + /extraflags/
This can't be right
What happens in the red area?
The tanks were moving in the opposite direction
Sverigetråden - Bullens upplaga
/lat/ - hilo latANO
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Let daddy america win the war for you
9/11 in less than 2 weeks
You have the chance to completely erase one person from your country's history, who do you pick?
This nigger is browsing Zig Forums right now
What are belarussian girls like? Where will they go once SHTF?
There is no other group more clueless than muslims about optics
Why is Europe so backwards?
/ita/ - il filo
This is how the chinks viewed Europeans. What's up with the Dutch?
/fr/ - le francofil en vacances
Are dudes in your cunt doing this ?
I don't soyakpost, ever
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Do you feel extreme sadness when you think about how you'll never marry the Finnish prime minister in your country?
Despite all the memes i am so fucking happy and grateful i was born european
Sverigetråden - Martin Luthers siegepillrade upplaga
Living rent-free in America's head since 1979
Post SOVL from your country
American hydration
What's your family like,user?
Holy crap Lois, it's Soyjak from Zig Forums!
Boomers at checkout lines delay everyone else behind them by paying in cash all the time and half that time delay even...
Why dont people build shit like this anymore?
How accurate is this russian bros?
Do South Americans really believe the Québécois have a similar culture to them?
Get along with somebody
You're a cunt
I really don't care but I know a lot of you will so I'll just leave this here
Your country
Could the European nations get away with "re-education camps"
/fr/ - le fil francophone
Go to a party and have sex
Let's post tips to get a girlfriend
What's the best museum in the world? For me, it has to be the British Museum and it's not even close
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
Why do Slav(e)s and finns think they have the right to talk to MENA people
Why are India's like this?
Your country
Hilo /lat/ino
Wait a minute
Thanks germany for civilizing us
Sverigetråden - Vindhjälmupplagan
Smoke one (1) cigarette
Mfw dad is calling t-girls "men sick in the head" again
/deutsch/ am Abend
'whiteness' is a yank invention so they can larp with muh heritage
Why do Americans elect retards as their leaders?
How fucked will your country be by climate change?
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2393
Why are there shitskins in Europe?
Japan and South Korea are the only non white 1st world countries
/ita/ - il filo
Which MENA women require highest maintenance...
Why shouldn't I kill myself? I'm curious to see what's on the other side, if anything is on the other side...
It's over for me (incel)
Five guys
Gypsies can't be that bad
What was the most fucked up thing that happened in your neighborhood?
France is better than Germany
/fr/ - le francofil
Even the Serbs and Bulgarians had an empire
/cum/ - Canada+USA+Mexico
Kurva anyátok
Which one of you incels made this garbage
India needs to censor or ban most of the internet in their country for the sake of its people and image N. Korea style
Kyle literally did nothing wrong...
American inmates LOOK LIKE THIS?!
Honestly, i see no problem with that. Why Zig Forums is mad?
15 cm is considered big in white and asian countries
Do latinas really?
Sverigetråden - Spelupplagan
Why won't you get a good job user?
/mena/ - الشرق الاوسط و شمال افريقيا
Be german kid
My brothers...
Do they actually have any allies? Is Azerbaijan their only ally?
I love russia
The shithole of the developed world. Am I wrong?
Could they unite?
Christian churches
/lat/ - hilo latANO
Post your muh heritage trees, especially MVTTS
The natural way
/dixie/ – The SOVTH & Friends
Are we living in the second medieval times?
/ita/ - Il Filo
Post cats
/fr/ francofil
Trudeau gave people so much covidbux that Canadians average disposable income increased in the second trimestre this...
What do you eat in the evening
Does this happen in your country
I suffer in Russia
Are Latinas white or black?
Shoot 3 antifaggots
Does your cunt have good agricultural land?
What's considered an acceptable peepee size in your cunt?
Why do Germans love Qanon so much?
/desi/-DCjeets edition
S to spit on this nigger's grave
China vs Taiwan
Despite being less than 1% of the population
Is being shorter than 6' a death sentence in your country?
What is your favourite book Zig Forums?
You have 10 seconds to act as german as possible
/cum/ - Canada, United States, Mexico
Why cant europe compete ? they have hundreds of millions of more people
/fr/ - le fil francophone
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Your cuntry
You are about to get sacrificed by the Mayans. What are your last words?
Are they honorary Germanics?
/ita/ - il filo
/balt/ + /ausnz/ + lads
Brazil is such a shithole country that eating McDonald's or Bruger King in a shopping center is considered "luxury"
Faggot mod banned me for this
/luso/ - Fio lusófono
Gaskrank mit /deutsch/ durch den nachmittag
/lat/ - hilo latANO
Zig Forums's hero is some fat mexican
Kurva anyátok
Your cunt
Our countries' youth is becoming a perma-depressed, globalist Anglospeak rootless bugman conglomerate
I’m not gay, but vagina makes my boner go soft. I hate the way it looks
/mena/ - /شأشإ/
When will Indonesia build bridges ?
Your cunt
Would mens lives be better if the patriarchy was gone from your cunt?
Sverigetråden - Kattupplagan
How are your neighbours Zig Forums ?
I feel inferior to every nationality in the world
Do you have wide or narrow shoulders? The great nord vs med debate
I bought these for breakfast today
/ישר/- /อิสร/- /isr/- /イスラ/ + חברים
/ita/ il filo
We Hindus will rule the world soon, we will convert everyone in India to Hinduism. All Sikhs, Muslims, Buddhists...
Why are European such retards?
Do boys in your cuntry do this?
/fr/ - Le fil français
1. Your city
Argentina >>>>> world
Goddam rejection feels bad bros
Woke up in Spain again
What's your first thought when get up?
What do you call this in your country?
Why usa is so retard, fat, no culture, no original, mutts ?
Does your country have Hitler/Nazi Germany sympathizers? I geniunly don't understand this retards...
Why do Poles treat other Slavs so badly?
Why france is so africa ?
Are Big Buff Chicks common in your country?
Where would you go if you were rich?
How do we get rid of them?
A decree cancelling the Israel boycott law was signed by UAE President, Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan...
How do I get a girlfriend?
Sprich Deutsch mit mir
I don't watch any porn where people fuck, as they feel too cucky for me. Does this happen in your cunt?
Regions your country have cucked
Ukrainian pizza commercial
I heard that in Germany they have 3 levels of schooling, "normal" and then retarded and intelligent. Is this true?
Girls from other countries
Multiculturalism isn't that bad desu
Korea love thread
1. Thy cunt 2. Would you go to a BLM protest for a black gf?
Hey what did you say ? Nip? Insect ?
Do you prefer to use British spelling or American spelling
Sverigetråden - Ingen man är en ö, men vissa sköldpaddor äro det
This webm make me feel funny inside
Yo guys wtf is this true?? is chad racist?
Italians look like this
Well Zig Forums?
/esp/ hilo español 6.0: Judgement Day
Why yes I am an aspiring multitrillionaire tech mogul. How did you know?
/med/ - Mediterranean thread
What is it like having a national identity?
Russian, Polish and other Eastern European languages sounds subhuman
This Japanese woman is a former porn star (jav). And She recently married an Italian man. Well...
My friend went to France and was traumatized
Why is
Why is the death of a black actor such a big deal in America? I guess it's cool for him, but that seems a bit much
Your country
Why is English so easy to learn?
Your cunt
1. Flag
Tfw someone gives you a (you)
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
Wtf bros???
Please buy our cars
Do you have long legs(objectively aesthetics)?
The Baltics
Americans believe in ghosts, aliens, yeti and god
Americans treat politics like football. They pick a "team" and "back them" forever...
Kurva anyátok
Chicanos look like THIS?!?
Europeans in this site are reaching American levels of hyperfocusing on race...
/v4/ + friends
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/ita/ - il filo
I accept the alliance with the Hispanics in the coming race war
/desi/-Cutting yourself editiona
Antifa is a fucking joke it just got its ass utterly BTFO by the fucking irl zoomer wojak...
America is our greatest ally now we are friends
Hilo /lat/ino
What's it like living in a american flyover state?
What country do you unironically, passionately, unrelentingly hate?
Ah yes the model minority
What are Albanian girls like
Relations are going to get bad. REALLY bad. Be prepared
European talking about American politics
A country with no chaos or disorder
What's the logic behind imprisoning a mass-murdering terrorist for only 21 years with possibility of parole?
Why did you forget about him?
Why do russian girls commit suicide
Top 5 useful languages
I love japan, in this thread we express about our love to japan
Xi doesn't look too good, folks
/fr/ - le francofil
Are men total simps in your cunt?
Does this happen in your cunt?
How are mustaches viewed in your country?
Hilo /lat/ino: edicion australia de tucan + canguro (:
Poland is not allowing the new German ambassador into their country
How do they manage to be the least interesting country in europe?
Will there be anglos in the afterlife?
Zig Forumsernational camo thread
I read somewhere a while ago that Romanians felt the United States abandoned them to the Soviets and expected us to...
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine