Are you with Sweden?
Are you with Sweden?
What happened now?
Yes, they are my white brothers. I will always stand up for any fellow white man in peril.
Should've imported more aramhics and less muslims.
im 1.4% white send me money
Varg went private
I'd be ok with being mistaken for indians in Europe, but being mistaken by muzzies must be disgusting
Blonde White woman asked for hashtags and thirsty faggots did the job as usual.
Indo-Euros standing up for their fellow man
another israel worshipping right winger burned a quran in hopes of it leading to protests, which it did, so they could retroactively justify burning the quran.
typical braindead zionist shit.
Only cursed flags are with them so, no.
nafri chimpout in rosengard
That stupid book deserves to be in the trash along with the bible you sick coward.
I read the riot has nothing to do with islam or the book in the first place but I could be wrong.
Can someone confirm?
Nobody riots when a bible is burnt though
They deserved it. The book of Allah is worth infinitely more than any of their buildings.
The book of allah is worth as much as a pile of leaves: emergency toilet paper.
Your country seems to worth about as much as toilet paper given its current state.
burning is ta respectable way of disposing of the qu'ran. You would know that if you were a muslim, but no, you're a sh*a
Watch out for the drone strike, mossad already has your location ahmed
They were probably sunnis
America is worse than shit and deserves to die. Christianity is worse than shit and deserves to die. Islam is worse than shit and deserves to die.
Muslims live rent-free in the minds of Hindus. This is what 1,000 years of being consistently BTFOed by Islam looks like.
>Muslims live rent-free in the minds of Hindus. This is what 1,000 years of being consistently BTFOed by Islam looks like.
more like 1000 years in close proximity with a backwards cult that refuses to allow for any free thought. Its literal mental poison.
cope. dindu. you're probably high on cow pee pee.
They found out Dumbledore was killed by Snape?
> in Sweden
Based iranbro
>cope. dindu. you're probably high on cow pee pee.
What does Mossad have to do with Pakistan? Do some reading Jew.
poo subhumans dont look like the guy on the right lmao. imagine being a poojeet cow worshipper like you, being such a subhuman kind that even the Brits were revolted at Hindu customs and religion.
Come home, white man!
>poo subhumans dont look like the guy on the right lmao
imagine being a Hindu shitskin.
imagine getting your subhuman """civilisation""" trampled by a bunch of Muslim nomads
and on top of it, cow is your God. lmao.