Which one of you incels made this garbage

Which one of you incels made this garbage

Attached: 1598675916888.jpg (749x622, 160.72K)

neither of them
one tomboy gf please

Attached: 1598367330936.jpg (1948x2138, 458.81K)

Attached: 1592424110947.png (1260x600, 111.27K)

Shut the fuck up
This, but one with long hair

Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't read the post. I thought you were spamming this incel shit again.

I went on the reddit thread discussing this picture and they're all saying "this is LITERALLY FACIST PROAGANDA"
What a funny bunch of basedboys

Attached: 1538772471464.jpg (1280x1287, 363.9K)

Attached: democracy_the_god_that_failed.jpg (444x960, 105.62K)


Why are virgins concerned so much with sex?

is this real??